Page 38 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1098
P. 38

Londra Gazete, 24 March 2022                                                                                        3

         Successful Turkish companies at the

                'International Food & Drink' fair

            THE 'International Food &  face at the UK's largest food and
         Drink' fair, the leading event of  beverage event to celebrate the
         the UK for food and beverage  resilience of the food and bever-
         companies, took place at a 3-day  age industry. With well-known
         event in Excel from 21 to 23   names such as Holland & Bazaar
         March. For over 42 years, IFE's   and Gima UK, which have a long
         International Food and Beverage   and successful history in the food
         Event has been at the heart of the   industry in England, also partic-
         food  and beverage  community,   ipated in the fair with their own
         inviting retailers, wholesalers and   stands. Attracting thousands of
         foodservice professionals to taste,   people, the event featured stands
         test and source products from a   from over 100 countries as well
         global list of manufacturers.  as holding seminars and talks, ad-
          Leading Turkish companies
         took their places in the fair, which   vice and award shows. The event
         was held with intense participa-  showcases food and drinks with
         tion. Successful companies from   samples available for guests to
         England,  Turkey and  Northern   try and learn more helping cre-
         Cyprus took their places in Excel,   ate new connections across the
         one of the biggest fairgrounds in   sector from distribution, to sup-
         London, and showed up at the   pliers and consumers. Under the
         'International Food & Drink' fair.  international section of the event
          For the first time in three  stands for Turkey where a num-
         years, 30,000 food and beverage  ber of international suppliers at-
         professionals gathered face-to- tended to display their goods.

                          Duncan Smith                                   Day-Mer: Newroz will be instrumental

           warns of Edmonton incinerator                              in strengthening peace and brotherhood

            OVER  the  last  year  a  number  127,000 homes and heating 50,000.   CELEBRATING Newroz the start  justification for Russia’s invasion of  and it can only be about the future
           of protests were held by residents  Stating the new recycling centres “...  of  spring  and  New  Year  on  in  the  Ukraine. For this, Russia should im-  and the future of the peoples. As in
           across seven boroughs in north  are intended to help achieve a recy-  Kurdish calendar on March 21st,  mediately withdraw from Ukraine...  Ukraine today, the weapons con-
           London calling for a stop The North  cling rate for the area of 50%.”  the meaning of New Day, Day-Mer  “The people of the geography where  sumed in the buildings consumed in
           London Waste Authority (NLWA)   On Tuesday, March 22, the MP for   shared a statement calling for the  Newroz was born, but mostly the  Kurdistan and in Syria are the im-
           plans to expand and enlarge the Ed-  Chingford and Woodford Green Iain   end of the war in Ukraine as well as  Kurds, are among the people who  perialist states. For this reason, we
           monton incinerator.With members  Duncan Smith shared a post follow-                       pay the most for what war means  are starting to embrace all workers,
           of the Turkish Speaking community  ing a letter he sent to Michael Gove,   where  Kurdish  people  facing  con-
           in Enfield, Haringey, Waltham Frost  The Secretary of State for Housing,   flicts in the Middle East. In a state-  and what the price is. On the one  freedom, labour, fraternity of peo-
           and especially those members living  Communities and Local Govern-  ment, Day-Mer said:  “We welcome  hand, the war of plunder by the im-  ples, and Newroz with it.
           in Edmonton where the expansion  ment of the UK stating that the “The   Newroz, which the arrival of spring  perialist states in Iraq and Syria, on   We are fighting against war and
           was proposed, however despite pro-  initial budget of £650m has almost   and New Year, by the peoples of the  the other hand, the war waged by  guns. “Happy Newroz to all the
           tests  from  thousands  of residents,  doubled to £1.2 billion.”  Going on   Middle East. All the peoples of the  the Turkish state to suppress the  peoples of the Middle East with the
           local doctors, a number of local MPs  to say that he “believes it’s a serious   world, including all the peoples of  Kurdish people’s demand for free-  hope that 2022 Newroz will be in-
           and a report by the all-party parlia-  mismanagement of public funds,   the  world,  are  paying  for  the  pre-  dom and to implement its policies  strumental in strengthening peace
           mentary group on air pollution says  with grave consequences for public   paratory preparations of Russia and  of denial, has turned the region  and brotherhood. Let the Newroz
           expansions should be halted im-  health and the environment...” In   NATO under the leadership of the  into a bloodbath… “Your war can  be piroz! Long live Newroz! Long
           mediately to protect human health  the post, Smith said “I'm pleased to   EU  and the  USA. There can be  no  be waged, true peace will be built,  live Newroz!”
           and cut carbon emissions. The au-  hear the Department will be urgent-
           thority  NLWA whose members are  ly looking into this matter under the
           representatives of Camden, Barnet,  Local Government Act 1985 where   ASUK celebrated the 107th anniversary of the Çanakkale online
           Haringey, Islington, Hackney, En-  an authority is not complying with
           field and Waltham Forest councils  its duty of best value.  I believe that   ATATÜRK Society UK (ASUK) held a   visuals, and pointed out the lessons to
           voted for awarding the construction  the  North London  Waste  Author-  panel on 'The present and future strate-  be learned from our history very clearly.
           contract to Acciona on December  ity has met the threshold of an au-  gic importance of the Montreux Straits   The situation of the Ottoman Empire
           16. NLWA says the plant “exceeds  thority not complying with its duty   Convention, the Kanal Istanbul Pro-  and  the imperial  countries  around it
           statutory requirements” and “will  of best value and look forward to a   ject', on Saturday, March 19, due to the   before the start of the Çanakkale Wars,
           be the safest and cleanest in the UK”  value for money review finally being   '107th anniversary of the Çanakkale   the process of going to the First World
           while supplying electricity for up to  considered.”        Naval Battles'.                War, how the Ottoman Empire was
                                                                        Special guests’ included by research   put into the war, the plans of Germany
                                                                      writer and Retired Admiral Türker     and other imperial countries to divide
                                                                      Ertürk and musician and documenta-  and share the Ottoman Empire, for   Kanal Istanbul Project, which was re-
                                                                      ry producer Özgür Kıyat as guest artist   the  benefit  of  the imperial  countries   quested to be implemented by the gov-
                                                                      as well as members form the Turkish   only... In addition, the Montreux Straits   ernment, should not be done, with his
                                                                      speaking community. ASUK Chair Jale   Convention,  Lausanne's  strategy  for   experience, knowledge and equipment.
                                                                      Özer spoke to Londra Gazete following   Turkey's neighbours and other impe-  He compared the Kanal Istanbul Project
                                                                      the event saying “Our Admiral Ertürk,   rial  countries;  He  explained  why  this   with the Möntrö Straits Convention
                                                                      passing through a time tunnel, en-  is important today.  As a commander   and presented the details of this issue in
                                                                      riched his presentations analyzing the   who was the Regional Commander in   a clear and simple way that would not
                                                                      past to the present and the future with   the Black Sea, talking about why the   leave any question marks in our minds.”
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