Page 32 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1098
P. 32

Londra Gazete, 24 March 2022                                                                                        9

                                                                       Spring booster jab launches

                                                                              for over-75s in England

                                                                        PEOPLE aged 75 and over, re-
                                                                      sidents in care homes and those
                                                                      with weakened immune systems
                                                                      can now book an extra booster
                                                                      jab against Covid in England.
                                                                        It comes as official figures show
                                                                      infection rates are rising in all age
                                                                      groups – including the over-70s.
                                                                        The rollout follows recommen-
                                                                      dations from the UK’s vaccine
           Private hospitals offered for                              advisers  who  say  additional  jabs
                                                                      will help boost protection for the
         NHS patients waiting too long                                most vulnerable.
                                                                        Spring boosters are already be-
                                                                      ing rolled out in Wales and Scot-
          PATIENTS  will be able to have  than 18 months as of April 2022 or   land. A wider booster programme
         surgery  within  private  hospitals  if  patients who hit this milestone by   – involving more people – is expe-
         they are waiting for more than a year  December.             cted this autumn.              very best form of defence and  over, residents in a care home for
         and a half as the government pushes   According  to the  release  patients   It comes as the UK is seeing ri-  that’s the vaccination program-  older adults, individuals aged 12
         for more “choice”.            will also be supported by the NHS   sing cases of Covid, with an esti-  me,” he said.        years and over who are immu-
          In a speech on Tuesday afternoon,  will be with travel costs “if feasible.”  mated one in every 20 people in-  While vaccines have been  nosuppressed, or have weakened
         health and social care secretary Sa-  The government said it will review   fected, according to latest figures.  shown to provide good protection  immune systems.
         jid Javid, is expected to say the UK  data on waiting times with the NHS,   Health Secretary Sajid Javid  against severe disease, protection   About five million people in
         is coming to a “crossroads” where it  to allow GPs to offer patients “more   said  that  people  with  symptoms  wanes over time. And as many of  the UK will be eligible to book
         must choose between “endlessly put-  choice, including in the private sec-  of the virus should “behave sen-  the oldest received their last jab  the extra booster jab – with the
         ting in more and more money, or re-  tor.”                   sibly” but he said that it would be  in autumn 2021, their immunity  first 600,000 people to be invited
         forming how we do healthcare.”  Those waiting for more than two   down to the individual to decide  may now be declining, experts  from this week.
          In an announcement of measures,  years for care,  which  the govern-  whether or not to take a test.  say. Now, a second booster – to   A first booster dose is current-
         which have previously been mooted,  ment has promised to reduce to zero   “I  think  we need to step back  be administered six months after  ly available for everyone aged
         the government said patients wait-  by July 2022, increased again from   and think about how we learn to  the previous dose – will be offe-  16 and over, and at-risk children
         ing for 18 months or more will be  18,585  in November to 20,065  in   live with Covid and focus on our  red to: adults aged 75 years and  aged 12 to 15.
         contacted to discuss changing their  December.
         provider, which includes private   It is not clear whether the new
         providers, by the end of the year.  “patient choice” rules will apply to   `
         Although it is not clear how exactly  patients waiting too long for men-
         this  will  be measured and whether  tal health services or just physical                Fewer stomach
         this  means  patients  waiting  more  healthcare.
                                                                           bugs recorded during UK's lockdown

             Can you still get a PCR test? How to
         order Covid tests and who can get them?                           THE UK's Covid lockdown ap-
                                                                          pears to have had a massive im-
          FREE lateral flow tests will also be  for free by the NHS.      pact on stomach bugs, slashing
         scrapped, meaning people who want   Twice-weekly testing for staff and   outbreaks by more than half
         to check if they have the virus will  students in education and childcare   in England during the first six
         soon have to pay to do so.    has already ended.                 months of the pandemic.
          It comes as cases rise sharply again   Businesses will be liable to pay for   Far fewer people suffered vo-
         across the country, thanks to restric-  their testing regime if they want to   miting and diarrhoea than usu-
         tions ending and the emergence of  continue checking whether their em-  al, data show.
         a highly infectious BA.2 offshoot of  ployees have coronavirus.   People staying at home,
         the Omicron variant.            Who  still gets free  tests  after  1   mixing less and washing their
          More than 552,000 reported test-  April? Care home residents, hospital   hands will have had an impact,
         ing positive in the seven days up to  patients and other vulnerable groups   say public health experts in a
         Monday 21 March – a 38.1 per cent  will still be given free tests if they   new article published by BMJ
         increase on the week prior.   have symptoms.                     Open. This perk may continue
          Hospitalisations have also risen by   However, the general population   if  we  all  carry  on  being  more
         almost 25 per cent, though deaths  will be unable to access both free lat-  germ-aware, they say.  surfaces.                Symptoms include sudden
                                                                                                        Prof Saheer Gharbia, from  onset  of  nausea,  projectile  vo-
         have remained relatively flat.  eral flow and PCR tests.          Routine surveillance in Eng-
          Here’s when the free provision of   How much will tests cost?   land shows the number of  the UK Health Security Agency  miting and diarrhoea. Althou-
         PCR tests will end, and how to get   People who want to order a PCR   outbreaks caused by the win-  and one of the authors of the  gh it can be very unpleasant, it
         them after they disappear from the  test after they stop being free face   ter vomiting bug norovirus has  BMJ study, said: "Norovirus,  usually goes away in a couple of
         government website.           paying around £40 per test.        increased in recent weeks, alt-  commonly known as the win-  days.
          When will PCR tests stop being   They may decide instead to use   hough they are still below the  ter vomiting bug, has been at   The advice is to stay at home if
         free? The Government will stop  cheaper lateral flow tests. Boots has   five-year-average or usual level  lower levels than normal th-  you are experiencing norovirus
         providing universally free Covid-19  said it will offer the devices for £2.50   for this time of year.  roughout the pandemic but, as  symptoms and do not return to
         tests from 1 April.           each or £12 for a pack of five, or £17   Norovirus  is  easily  transmit-  people have begun to mix more,  work or send children to school
          Until that point, both lateral flows  for a pack of four with the extra op-  ted through contact with peop-  the numbers of outbreaks have  or nursery until 48 hours after
         and PCRs (for those eligible to order  tion to send results to the UK Health   le who have it, or contaminated  started to increase again."  symptoms have cleared.
         them) will continue to be provided  Security Agency (UKHSA).
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