Page 37 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1096
P. 37
4 Londra Gazete, 10 March 2022
Fish and Chips shop hangs
up their apron after 40 years
BERNIE and Ayten Torgut are
getting ready to hang up their
aprons after spending the past 40
years running there fish and shop
in Tamworth, Birmingham
The couple spoke with Birming-
ham Live looking back on their
shop Bolehall Fish Bar, where
they’ve lived, worked and raised a
family, since 1982.
This weekend will be final time
the fish and chip shop will service
its customers Bernie, 63, and Ay-
ten, 59, said: “Closing up for the came here, there was no gas in the heart of the family, where Bernie
last time will be one of the hardest house and we had to light a coal and Ayten have worked side-by-
days of our lives. We have loved fire to get hot water. We worked side, day-by-day, for almost as
and appreciated every single min- until 1am or 2am most days and many years as they’ve been mar-
ute, but all good things must come it took us around six years to real- ried. As their children Naime and
BTKD held online event to to an end. We’re just the right age ly get established before we could Huseyin grew up, they also helped
with the family business, and they
now to enjoy the grandkids and do think about taking a holiday.”
celebrated International things with them.” But despite the long hours, all became familiar faces in the
Bernie said: “When we first Bolehall Fish Bar has been at the community.
Women's Day
THE Association of Turkish 8) afternoon BTKD Chairwom- ‘Up to 10 parties interested in Chelsea’
Women (BTKD) held a special an Servet Hassan thanking
online zoom meeting to cele- members for atteneding as well including Turkish Businessman
brate this year’s International as their special guests. She said
Women’s Day. “After our interview with the Up to 10 parties are considering their interest with investment bank million and a loss of £145m after
The meeting saw members famous Turkish elder Muazzez making bids for Chelsea, with in- The Raine Group, are expected to be tax for the year to 30 June 2021.
join together with guest includ- İlmiye Çığ, who has fit various vestment bankers working on the based in the States. Foreign secretary Liz Truss wants
ed The Turkish Consul General adjectives such as Sumerolo- sale expecting most of the interest Current owner Roman Abramov- to sanction Abramovich but the Na-
to London Bekir Utku Atahan, gist, Archaeologist, Historian, to come from the USA, writes Ka- ich – who has set a £3billion asking tional Crime Agency needs to prove
Archaeologist, Historian, and and Writer in her 108-year life, veh Solhekol. Russian, Chinese and price – wants to make sure the club a link to Vladimir Putin before the
Writer Muazzez İlmiye Çığ and T.C. State Artist and UNICEF Middle Eastern money has been is sold to someone or a group who government can take action. Turk-
pianist Gülsin Onay. Goodwill Ambassador Gülsin behind the acquisition of many will carry on his policy of investing ish billionaire Muhsin Bayrak has
In a statement following the Onay gave us a piano concert English clubs over the past two dec- in the squad with a view to redevel- enter the race to buy Chelsea, his
online event on Tuesday(March with tanleted hands.”
ades but everything has changed oping Stamford Bridge or building company AB Group Holding has
since the Chinese government’s a new stadium. Abramovich has confirmed to the PA news agency.
crackdown on foreign investment loaned Chelsea £1.5billion since “We can definitely confirm our
Tyre Extinguishers target and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. he bought the club in a £140mil- bid for Chelsea,” AB Group Holding
Instead, the majority of potential lion deal in 2003. Chelsea’s latest general manager Seda Bayrak told
buyers of Chelsea, who will register accounts show a turnover of £416 the PA news agency.
SUVs in London
CLIMATE activists have deflated ‘Meliz Cooks’ brings Turkish-
the tyres of scores of SUVs across
parts of London overnight. Cypriot comfort food to your home
Notes have been left by the group
Tyre Extinguishers on the sports
utility vehicles apologising for tar- WITH over some 105,000 ins- Turkish Cypriot heritage, growing
geting the "gas guzzler" cars. tagram followers Meliz Berg also up in a household where her parents
Thought to be a splinter group known as Meliz Cooks has been combined both traditional Cypriot
of Extinction Rebellion, it said it levies to tax SUVs out of existence, sharing her receipts and takes on tra- and multi-cultural London living.
wanted to "make it impossible to and more investment in public ditional Turkish Cypriot food as well Taking her passion of food online
own an SUV in the UK's urban ar- transport. A spokesperson for the as fusion from the Mediterranean she started sharing her food receipts
eas". Vehicles in Chelsea, Chiswick, Met said: "We are aware of a state- and Middle Eastern favours. on her instagram page which quickly
Notting Hill and Belgravia have ment by Tyre Extinguisher alleg- Leaving her followers mouth-wa- gained attention.
been targeted. Other areas in the ing damage to vehicles at various tering over heartily images of well Launching her new book ‘Meliz’s
capital said to be hit included Har- locations in London by them. "We known Cypriot dishes Molohiya, Kitchen’ a simple Turkish-Cypri-
ley Street, Hampstead Heath and ask that reports of this nature are Magarina Firinda (Oven baked pasta ot comfort food and fresh family
Clapham. made through the Met's website dish) as well as Çöreği (seeded bread) feasts, saying that “In this book Mel-
It is Tyre Extinguishers' first ac- and we will assess these to estab- are just a few of the posts she shares iz shares the best comforting recipes
tion as part of a series of protests, lish whether offences have been as well as her receipt as she intro- and her easy go-to meals for busy
the group said. In a statement, the committed. "At this time, we are duces thousands her follows to new family life.” The book is available on-
group said it wanted to see bans not aware of any investigations be- favours. line and details can be found on the
on SUVs in urban areas, pollution ing launched." The self-taught cook credits her melizcooks instargam page.