Page 33 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1096
P. 33
8 Londra Gazete, 10 March 2022
‘You know where they are’: Police
appeal to family of men wanted
POLICE have offered a £10,000 turned to the UK and were arres-
reward to help trace two suspects ted on arrival.
who fled the uk, two years after a The two suspects who remain
man was stabbed to death outside at large, and are still believed to
a nightclub. be overseas, are Ahmed Sesay and
Ricardo fuller, 24, was knifed Abubaker Tarawally.
to death outside his friend’s 30th DCI Kelly Allen said: “It is vital
birthday party at the ilford high that we locate these men so that
street venue on march 7, 2020. they can be brought back to the
Fuller was fatally stabbed in the UK to face trial. My message to
neck and staggered back inside them is, do the right thing. Con-
‘£3m county lines drugs gang’ the club but collapsed from his tact police. Anyone with any information
“Likewise, I am appealing to
Detectives launched a murder their family and friends; they is asked to call the incident room
raided at dawn in east London investigation and quickly identi- cannot have gone two years wit- on 020 8345 1570. If their call is
fied five suspects. hout making contact – you know not answered straight away, they
DETECTIVES have arrested Hackney and Tower Hamlets into Further enquiries established where they are...” should leave a message and an
42 men suspected of running a Essex and Sussex. that all five had fled the country A £10,000 reward is available officer will return their call. Al-
£3million-a-year county lines The arrests, which took place in before police were able to find for information that leads to the ternatively, information can be
drug dealing network in east the early hours of February 24 to and arrest them. location and extradition of these given to Crimestoppers, anony-
London. March 3, were for offences inclu- Three of the five men have re- individuals. mously, on 0800 555 111.
A series of dawn raids saw po- ding conspiracy to supply class A
lice seize one kilo of cocaine, drugs.
heroin, ecstasy and crack cocai- Operation Continuum marked Son accused of murdering parents appears in court
ne, cash worth £210,000 and 10 the culmination of two long-term
luxury watches each valued at and large scale investigations A 40-year-old man has appea- at a property in Sherborne Place, Warrington appeared at Chel-
more than £10,000. into organised gangs. red in court accused of stabbing Cheltenham, after reports of a se- tenham Magistrates’ Court on
All those detained aged 18 to Some suspects were linked to his parents to death. rious assault at around 6.25am, Saturday morning via video link
35 are believed to play varying shootings and stabbings carried William Warrington, from Chel- Gloucestershire Police said. dressed in a grey, prison-issue
roles in the movement of drugs in the capital since 2020, the Met tenham, is accused of murdering His ex-wife was found at an tracksuit. Magistrate Andy Hill
along several county lines from said. his father Clive, 67, and mother address in the village of Bour- sent the case to Bristol Crown
Valerie, 73. ton-on-the-Water, about 15 miles Court for a bail application on
The victims were divorced and from Cheltenham, a short time Tuesday March 8. Mr Hill told the
Police manhunt after woman were found at two separate add- later. The defendant was arres- defendant: “These charges are
ted on Wednesday morning and too serious for us to deal with,
resses in Gloucestershire on Wed-
killed in her north London home nesday morning. charged with the two killings on and also too serious for us to deal
Mr Warrington was found dead Friday evening.
with any application for bail.”
POLICE investigating the mur-
der of a woman in her north Lon- Man charged with murder of Jamie Gilbey
don home named a man they ur-
gently need to trace. DETECTIVES investigating from anyone who saw any suspici-
Shane Sheriden, 31, has not the disappearance of 20-year-old ous activity on roads near the lake,
been seen 58-year-old Susan Io- Jamie Gilbey have charged a man namely: Auckland Road, Sylvan
annou’s body was found with fatal with his murder. Road and Woodvale Avenue.
injuries in Church Street, Enfield Dejour Jones, 24 was charged At about 1.45pm on Sunday, 27
about 8.30pm on February 21. A woman, 23, and a 61-year-old on Friday, 4 March. He appeared February, officers on patrol dis-
Paramedics pronounced her man, from north London, have at Bromley Magistrates’ Court on covered a number of suspicious
dead at the scene. been charged with Mrs Ioannou’s Monday, 7 March. Specialist offi- items near Love Lane in South
Scotland Yard took the unusual murder. cers are continuing to carry out Norwood, these have been sent
step on Friday of releasing an ima- If seen police have warned not searches of South Norwood Lakes for further analysis. If you have
ge of Sheriden. Officers urged the to not to approach Sheriden but in Croydon. any information please contact
public not to approach him but to call 999. Anyone with informati- Police are asking for anyone who the homicide team on 020 8721
dial 999. on about Sheriden’s whereabouts may have been fishing or using the 4622.
Sheriden has a British Bulldog should call 101, quoting CAD path around the lake to call poli- To remain 100% anonymous
tattoo on his right arm and links 6735/21Feb, or for an immediate ce if they think they saw anything contact the independent charity
to Edmonton. sighting, dial 999. suspicious. They also want to hear Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
PCSO convicted of intimidating a witness in harassment case
A serving Met Police Community trates’ Court Chief Superintendent Met who thinks this kind of behav- tim in a harassment case. He spoke He was subsequently charged on
Support Officer (PCSO) has been Sean Wilson, in charge of policing iour is acceptable. We will always to her and used words that intimi- 15 April 2021 and suspended from
convicted of intimidating a wit- for Ealing, Hillingdon and Houn- investigate those who do not meet dated her, saying that he and his duty. He will be sentenced at the
ness in a harassment case. PCSO slow, said: “This is an extremely the very high standards we expect friends knew where she lived. This same court on Friday, 8 April.
Mohammed Zaman, attached to serious offence and one which un- and make sure they are brought to was reported to police and an inves- Now that criminal proceedings
the West Area Command Unit, was dermines the trust and confidence account.” On 24 March 2021, PCSO tigation was launched by the West have concluded misconduct pro-
found guilty on Friday, 4 March fol- people have in our organisation. Zaman was off duty when he met a Area Command Unit. PCSO Zaman ceedings will take place as soon as
lowing a trial at Willesden Magis- “There is no room for anyone in the woman, who at the time was a vic- was arrested the following day. possible.