Page 36 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1096
P. 36
Londra Gazete, 10 March 2022 5
ULEZ set to expand across all of Greater London
THE ultra-low emission zone don boundary charge, of at least air, tackle the climate emergency
(Ulez) is to be expanded across all £3.50 a day, on out-of-town mo- and cut congestion.
of Greater London by the end of torists entering London. However, further expanding
next year, Sadiq Khan announced He has also ditched a third op- the Ulez – it was widened from
on Friday(March 4). tion of introducing a £2-a-day central London to the suburbs
This will mean that drivers of “clean air charge” on all petrol and last October – is predicted to have
more polluting vehicles will have diesel cars driving in London. fewer benefits.
to pay £12.50 a day to drive an- The mayor has asked Transport Currently drivers of most diesel
ywhere in the capital effectively for London to launch a consulta-
meaning only “clean” vehicles can tion on expanding the Ulez from vehicles more than seven years
drive within the M25 without its current boundary of the North old or petrol cars more than 16
paying the charge. and South Circular roads to cover years old have to pay the Ulez if
Mr Khan also announced all 33 boroughs. they enter or move within the
that he had decided to abandon He says “further bold meas- zone. Drivers who fail to pay re-
plans to impose a Greater Lon- ures” are needed to reduce toxic ceive a £160 fine.
Aldi stops Ethnic women twice ‘twice as likely to be on
sales of disposable barbecues zero-hours contracts as white men’
One million people across the UK O’Grady has called on the govern-
ALDI has stopped selling dispos- barbecues.
able barbecues in all of its UK su- “As an alternative, we would en- are on zero-hours contracts, a sector ment to publish its Employment
permarkets in a bid to protect the courage customers to opt for more in which ethnic minority workers are Bill which is expected to better pro-
overrepresented compared to white tect workers’ rights and to ban ze-
nation’s forests and wildlife. environmentally friendly and sus- workers (4.3% compared to 3%), in a ro-hours contracts.
The ban would also lead to the re- tainable options such as mini port- situation the Trades Union Congress “Insecure work is endemic in mod-
moval of approximately 35 tonnes of able barbecues, ensuring they are (TUC) describes as “structural racism ern Britain, with more than a mil-
single-use waste packaging, the dis- used responsibly.” in action”. lion people still having to rely on
counter said. The Co-op announced in June last Black and minority ethnic women zero-hours contracts to make ends
Aldi UK’s corporate responsibility year that it would no longer sell dis- are the most disproportionately af- meet, and it is black and ethnic mi-
director Liz Fox said: “We are com- posable barbecues in 130 shops situ- fected group, followed by black and nority workers – particularly wom-
mitted to reducing our impact on the ated in or within a one-mile radius of minority ethnic men (4.7% com- en – who are getting trapped in jobs
environment and know that many of national parks. pared to 4%). The gender disparity with the worst pay and the worst
our shoppers are increasingly look- Fires last summer at Froward transcends ethnicity, with white conditions, struggling to pay the bills
ing to do the same. Point in Devon, Wareham Forest in BLACK Asian and minority ethnic women significantly more likely than and put food on the table,” she said.
“We hope customers can embrace Dorset and Darwen Moor in Lanca- women are twice as likely to be on white men to be on zero-hours con- The union said that it also wants
our latest move and still want them shire were all caused by instant bar- zero-hours contracts as white men, tracts (3.6% compared to 2.4%). ministers to introduce mandatory
to enjoy their summer picnics and becues. new analysis shows. TUC general secretary Frances ethnicity pay gap reporting.
Civil case against Prince Andrew comes to a close
THE civil sexual assault case Judge Lewis Kaplan signed the money was used for either the out-
brought against the Duke of York in order shortly before 10pm UK time, of-court payment to Ms Giuffre or
the US has been officially dismissed bringing the long-running civil case for Andrew’s legal costs.
after he paid a financial settlement to a close. The Treasury’s response said: “No
to his accuser Virginia Giuffre. Earlier on Tuesday, the Treas- public money has been used to pay
“Stipulation of Dismissal” court ury confirmed no taxpayer funds legal or settlement fees you refer
documents were filed on Tuesday were used for Andrew’s multimil- to.” Andrew has faced calls to con-
calling for the legal action to be end- lion-pound payment or for his legal firm how he funded the substantial
ed fees. out-of-court settlement – which is
The joint order filed with the US A Freedom of Information request reported to be as much as £12 mil-
District Court Southern District asked whether any money from the lion – and whether the Queen or
of New York added that each party Sovereign Grant to the royal family even the Prince of Wales contribut-
would pay their own costs and fees. or any other government funded ed to the sum.
13 million cigarettes worth more than £7m seized in crackdown
INVESTIGATORS have seized and cash and the closure of illegal were advertised on Facebook.
more than £7 million worth of factories abroad. Over 1,300 packets of illegally
cigarettes in a blitz on the illegal The operation, revealed on na- produced cigarettes and £70,000
tobacco trade. They recovered 13 tional No Smoking Day, included cash were seized from a home in
million cigarettes and 4,300 kilos HM Revenue and Customs staff, Newcastle, a so-called 'tab' house
of hand-rolling tobacco in the first Border Force officials, police and from where they were being sold
year of a major Trading Standards local authorities. directly to customers by occupants
operation. The action involved More than 680,000 cigarettes with links to organised crime.
raids on shops and homes in Eng- with a market value of up to During the year investigators
land and Wales, with seizures at £200,000 were found in a house at also seized 109 kilos of flavoured
the border of smuggled tobacco Banbury, Oxfordshire, after they shisha pipe tobacco products.