Page 32 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1096
P. 32
Londra Gazete, 10 March 2022 9
‘ Vaping devices could raise risk
of high blood sugar’
E-CIGARETTES could raise
the risk of high blood sugar le-
vels, putting users on the brink
of diabetes, scientists warn.
People who puff on vaping de-
vices are 22 per cent more likely
to have high blood sugar – known
as prediabetes – compared with
NHS scraps extended flu those who have never used them.
Traditional cigarettes make
smokers 40 per cent more likely
jabs for millions to develop type 2 diabetes.
But it seems e-cigarettes might
have an effect on blood sugar le-
THE NHS will no longer offer free Frontline health workers are also vels, too.
flu vaccines to people aged between recommended to get the jab. Scientists want public health
50 and 64 years old or secondary All children aged between two and campaigns to discourage people
school children in England. 10 will get the flu vaccine, but sec- from using the devices. Their results, published in the not the case. It is time to ramp up
In guidance published on 2 March, ondary school children in years 7 to A US team from Johns Hopkins American Journal of Preventive public health efforts to promote
the NHS said that the flu jab pro- 11 have now been excluded. Bloomberg School of Public He- Medicine, revealed that not only the cessation of e-cigarettes.’
gramme will return to “pre-pandem- The changes are expected to affect alth in Maryland analysed data were current e-cigarette users 22 Some 3.6million people used
ic recommendations”, meaning only around 10 million people aged over from 600,000 people in America. per cent more likely to have predi- e-cigarettes in the UK last year.
those who are clinically “at risk”, or 50 and 4 million secondary school They looked for links between abetes compared with those who The NHS plans to prescribe them
in certain eligible categories, will get children. e-cigarette use and prediabetes – those who had never used them, to help people quit smoking.
the vaccine. The guidance said: “Seasonal flu a serious health condition in whi- but former users still had a 12 The possible link between them
It comes after the vaccine pro- ch blood sugar levels are higher per cent higher risk. Lead author and prediabetes is not understo-
gramme was expanded to offer a re- vaccination remains an important than normal but not high enough Dr Shyam Biswal said: ‘We were od, but nicotine which is in nor-
cord 35 million people the jab during public health intervention and a key to be diagnosed as type 2 diabe- surprised. E-cigarettes are tou- mal cigarettes and e-cigarettes –
the pandemic. priority for 2022/23 to reduce mor- tes. ted as a safer alternative, which is is known to raise blood sugar.
Those still eligible for the jab in- bidity, mortality and hospitalisation
clude carers, pregnant women, those associated with flu at a time when
in long-stay residential care homes, the NHS and social care will be man- `
close contacts of immunocompro- aging winter pressures, potentially
mised people, and those aged 65 including further outbreaks of Cov- Hospital downgrade alert level
years and over. id-19.”
for Lassa fever
Breast cancer screening
uptake at its lowest in history major incidents which were denbrooke's and the Luton and the Luton and Dunstable Uni-
TWO hospitals have ended of staff affected at both Ad-
cise has also concluded now for
declared after cases of Lassa fe- Dunstable was in the hundre- versity Hospital."
BREAST cancer screening up- Midlands and the southeast. ver were found. ds. In a statement Addenbroo-
take fell to its lowest point ever The number of women who had Three cases of the illness Some operations were forced ke's said the trust had "stood
during the pandemic, as the num- cancer detected through screening were found at the Luton and to be cancelled as a result of down from the major incident
bers of women seen dropped by decreased by almost 40 per cent, Dunstable Hospital last month, the isolation. for high consequence infecti-
more than one third. Just 1.19 although rates when calculated per and included a newborn baby A spokeswoman for the Luton ous disease (HCID) at 09:00
million women aged 45 and over 1,000 women were up by 8.4 per who later died. and Dunstable Hospital said: "I this morning (Friday). Howe-
were screened for breast cancer cent. The news comes after NHS Patients sent to Addenbroo- can confirm the isolation peri- ver, we remain in critical inci-
in 2020-21, while the numbers of figures revealed that half of pa- ke's Hospital for treatment led od for the contact tracing exer- dent due to capacity," it added.
women who actually took up their tients in October waited more than to staff having to isolate.
invitation for screening dropped two weeks following an urgent Addenbrooke's said while
to 61 per cent. Analysis by Breast breast cancer referral. major incident status has been
Cancer Now, of the new NHS fig- According to analysis from the removed the trust remains in
ures published on Thursday, found Labour Party in January, breast critical incident status.
that uptake during the first year of cancer patients faced the longest The Lassa fever cases were
the pandemic was the lowest it had waits when compared to all other found in members of the same
been since records began. Figures cancer referrals. Professor Stephen family.
also showed a regional variation in Powis, NHS medical director, said: That family had returned
uptake, with 54 per cent of women “The pandemic inevitably had an from travel in west Africa whe-
in London taking up an invitation impact on some routine services re the disease is said to be per-
compared to 65 per cent in the east and we know that fewer people sistent.
came forward for cancer checks. Staff who might have been in
“The NHS is now inviting more contact with the virus had to
people than ever to be screened, self-isolate for a fortnight with
while investing a further £70 mil- no patient contact for 21 days,
lion to support screening services, according to an email sent to
which we know saves thousands of staff.
lives, so it remains vital that wom- It is understood the number
en come forward when they receive
their invitation to do so.”