Page 35 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1096
P. 35
6 Londra Gazete, 10 March 2022
Report finds Ex-Commons Speaker
John Bercow was a serial bully
JOHN Bercow was a “serial
bully” while House of Commons
Speaker and should not be given
a parliamentary pass, a report
has said.
The Independent Expert Panel
said “his behaviour fell very far
below that which the public has a
Boris Johnson announces right to expect” from an MP.
It also said he had displayed
“undermining behaviour” to-
additional £175m in aid wards staff.
However, Mr Bercow said the
for Ukraine inquiry into the complaints was
“amateurish” and based on “tittle
tattle”. abuse, and displays of anger. dependent Expert Panel upheld
BORIS Johnson has announced The Dutch PM said: “It is a step by Mr Bercow was Speaker of the It said he had “shouted at and the findings of the Parliamenta-
an additional £175m in UK aid for step process and we have to make House of Commons from 2009 mimicked” a member of staff and ry Commissioner for Standards.
Ukraine, bringing the total to al- sure we deleverage our dependen- to 2019 and presided over a tur- was responsible for “intimidat- The panel said it agreed with the
most £400m. cy on Russian gas and Russian oil, bulent period during which the ing, insulting behaviour involv- commissioner’s findings that Mr
Mr Johnson also said that in the whilst acknowledging that at the House of Commons debated the ing an abuse of power”. Bercow had been “a serial bully”.
coming days he will set out a new en- moment the dependency, at least to UK’s exit from the European Un- She also found he had subjected However, in a strongly-worded
ergy supply strategy to explain how a certain extent, is still there...” ion. Lord Lisvane a senior clerk in the statement Mr Bercow called the
the UK will ensure that consumers’ “And therefore, my plea is that A report by the Parliamenta- House of Commons to “repeat- report “a travesty of justice root-
needs are met as prices sky-rocket we do this diligently and not over- ry Commissioner for Standards ed unfounded criticism… often ed in prejudice, spite and hear-
due to sanctions on Russia and its night, making sure that we speed up Kathryn Stone found that Mr made at length and at volume and say”.
vast oil and gas stocks. the programmes all of our countries Bercow had displayed “intimida- included derogatory inferences He said claims of misconduct
The announcements came after to decarbonize to green our econo- tory” and “undermining behav- about [his] upbringing and back- were “upheld even when eyewit-
the prime minister held talks with mies.” iour”, and “threatening conduct” ground”. nesses testified that they had not
counterparts Mark Rutte of the Mr Johnson agreed that the pro- towards staff, including verbal Mr Bercow appealed but the In- taken place”.
Netherlands and Justin Trudeau cess would have to be taken “step by
of Canada at 10 Downing Street on step” but said that it needed to be
Monday 7 March. accelerated. `
Mr Rutte cautioned that coun- Speaking at a press conference Starmer hails Birmingham Erdington by-election win
tries like Netherlands which rely alongside Rutte and Trudeau in SIR Keir Starmer has hailed started. working people for Erdington."
heavily on Russian energy sources Downing Street, Mr Johnson said: Paulette Hamilton's victory in the The by-election was held fol- Addressing Ms Hamilton, he
would need time gradually to reduce “After 12 days, it’s already clear that Birmingham Erdington by-elec- lowing the sudden death of Jack said: "You will be a fantastic
their dependence. Putin has made a miscalculation.
tion as the passing of a "baton" Dromey. The veteran MP died in champion for them, bringing
from one "great champion of January aged 73 and had held the them what they want most - the
working people" to another. seat since 2010. security of knowing they've got
The former nurse polled 9,413 Speaking on a visit to Birming- a champion for them in Parlia-
votes, 55% of ballots cast, as La- ham following the win, the La- ment, the prosperity that they
bour increased its vote share. bour leader said: "Jack would be want for themselves, their busi-
She has become Birmingham's smiling this morning... looking nesses, their communities, and
first black MP and revealed her down seeing that baton being the respect that they so richly
father died just as her campaign passed to Paulette, a champion of deserve."
Ukrainian President makes 'historic address' to British MPs
Criticism grows above UK visa lodymyr Zelensky has invoked with tightening the economic
UKRAINIAN President Vo-
ing, and pledged to "press on
process for Ukraine refugees the words of Britain's wartime vice" around Russian President
leader Winston Churchill as he Vladimir Putin.
appealed to MPs for more help Labour leader Sir Keir Starm-
INITIALS reports showed that securing visas to come to the UK
just 50 visas have been issued for - even when they are eligible. at home. er also praised "the bravery
Ukraine refugees to come to the He revealed that, prior to the Speaking to the Commons via [and] the resolve" of the pres-
UK last week, it has emerged, as war, which begun last month, his video on Tuesday afternoon, ident and his people, adding:
the crisis was labelled Europe’s own wife was initially unable to thanking the UK for its support "He has shown his strength and
worst since the Second World get a visa to join him, despite him since Russia's invasion, and re- we must show him - and the
War. being his nation's representative ceiving a standing ovation. Ukrainian people - our commit-
On Wednesday March 9 the in the UK. But he called for Russia to be ment and support."
confirmed that the number had Previously, Ukrainians had to named a "terrorist state" and for In a nod to one of former Brit-
resin just to 750 as the Home Of- get UK visas from a centre in allies to "make sure our skies are ish Prime Minister Winston
fice has come under pressure to Kyiv, he said, but this was then safe"."We will not surrender, we Churchill's famous speeches der, we will not lose, we will go
speed up visa. moved to Poland and then to the
Appearing before the Home Af- UK itself. will not lose, we will go to the from 1940, the president said to the end. We will fight at sea,
fairs Committee, The Ukrainian Transport Secretary Grant end," he added. he wanted to "remind you of we will fight in the air, we will
ambassador to London Mr Prys- Shapps has said under the Ukraine Prime Minister Boris John- the words Britain heard already, protect our land. We will fight
taiko was asked about the diffi- Family Scheme 22,000 applica- son said the leader had "moved which become current again". everywhere… and we will not
culties Ukrainians have faced in tions "on their way through". the hearts of everybody" watch- He said: "We will not surren- surrender."