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Tag: war

NATO members have agreed to strengthen support for Ukraine, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has said. “We discussed what more we will do, including cyber security assistance, and providing the equipment to help Ukraine protect against chemical and biological threats,” he said. Speaking at a news conference, he said allies are...
ESTABLISHED in 1948, the International Theater Institute, with its decision taken in 1961, accepted March 27 as “World Theatre Day” in order to emphasize the social and cultural importance of theatre, where all disciplines of art meet, and to show international solidarity. On this occasion, national and international declarations written...
THE UK government has placed an export ban on luxury goods to Russia and hiked up import tariffs from the country on iconic products such as vodka. British vehicles, high-end fashion and art are some of the luxury goods that will no longer be exported to Russia as the West...
Boris Johnson has announced an additional £175m in UK aid for Ukraine, bringing the total to almost £400m. Mr Johnson also said that in the coming days he will set out a new energy supply strategy to explain how the UK will ensure that consumers’ needs are met as prices sky-rocket due to...
The country will remember VE Day at 11am today with a two-minute silence led by Prince Charles. Prince Charles is also due to read extracts from his grandfather King George VI’s diary from 8 May, reflecting on the Nazi surrender after six years of war. At 3pm this afternoon, the...
London Yunus Emre Institution donated some of the income from the Çanakkale fellowship concert organisation held on April 5 to the Commonwealth War Graves Foundation. Established in 2009, the organisation has over 50 branches worldwide. Through cultural diplomacy, the Institute aims to increase awareness of Turkish culture, support the learning...
QUEEN Elizabeth II handed over royal duties to Crown Prince Charles, at the World War I Remembrance Sunday service for the fallen soldiers.
Politicians, members of the Royal Family and veterans are commemorating those who lost their lives in conflict as the UK marks Remembrance Sunday.