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Tag: talks

EU and UK officials have resumed trade talks in London at the start of another key week for the negotiations. They are trying to bridge what the two sides have said are still significant differences on fishing quotas and competition issues. Boris Johnson said on Sunday that the “outlines” of...
Transport for London’s current funding arrangement with the Government has been extended two weeks as talks between the two continue. Ministers are demanding that London’s congestion charge zone is extended and fares are raised in return for a £1 billion bailout package, Sky News reported. A TfL spokeswoman confirmed that...
London and Brussels have “made very little progress towards agreement on the most significant outstanding issues between us”, the UK’s Brexit negotiator has said. David Frost issued the downbeat assessment at the end of the third round of talks on the future relationship between the two sides. EU negotiator Michel...
MINISTERS from the EU have approved their mandate for post-Brexit trade talks with the UK. The document – approved by the EU General Affairs Council on Tuesday – will be the basis for the negotiations, to be carried out by the EU’s chief negotiator Michel Barnier. It says that EU standards...
President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has visited London to make official talks just before the early elections in Turkey which will be held on 24 June. During his three day visit, Erdoğan held meetings with foreign investors, spoke at various forums and gave an interview to foreign media organisations....
Theresa May will meet European Council President Donald Tusk later – the first time since the PM set out plans for a two-year transition period post-Brexit.
Theresa May will meet European Council President Donald Tusk later - the first time since the PM set out plans for a two-year transition period post-Brexit.
The EU's chief Brexit negotiator has said the UK needs to clarify its positions and end "ambiguity" if it wants "serious" withdrawal talks.
Trade talks with the US will kick off next month as British officials start to scope out plans for a deal, with the aim of setting up a free trade agreement as soon as possible after Brexit.
Talks between Theresa May and the Democratic Unionist Party over a confidence and supply deal to prop up the Conservative Government have been "constructive", Downing Street has said.