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Tag: immigration

Boris Johnson has defended his plan to send migrants arriving illegally in the UK thousands of miles away to Rwanda as “the morally right thing to do”. The policy is part of the prime minister’s plan to tackle the problem of dangerous Channel crossings by migrants in small boats –...
From January 1, 2021, a new points-based immigration system will come into effect, ending freedom of movement. Foreign criminals sentenced to more than a year in prison will be banned from entering the UK under strict new immigration rules. Today the Home Secretary Priti Patel will on Monday unveil details of the new points-based system....
The UK’s post-Brexit immigration system will put “people before passports”, Boris Johnson has said. Speaking at the UK-Africa Investment Summit, the PM said immigration would become “fairer… treating people the same wherever they come from”. Freedom of movement between the UK and EU is expected to end after the Brexit...
A plea for the next prime minister to tear down Theresa May’s hostile immigration rules and bring in the talent the country needs to succeed was made by a new coalition of business leaders and universities today. They called on Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt to slash Mrs May’s £30,000...
THE cabinet has agreed that once the UK has leaves the EU, European immigrates will face the same face the same rules as those from elsewhere. The agreement in principle follows a recommendation of the independent Migration Advisory Committee (MAC), which was also backed by Labour. According to the BBC’s source...
For the past 15 years the population growth has dropped to its lowest level across the UK. The figures show that the biggest impact has been to the capital, with a decrease in immigration. The Office for National Statistics said that an extra 392,000 people have been added to the...
JOAN Ryan MP has called on the Prime Minister and the UK Government to apologise for the torment suffered by victims of torture and other vulnerable people resulting from their imprisonment in the country’s deteriorating immigration detention system. Ms Ryan, in a major debate she secured in Parliament on Thursday...
British finance minister Philip Hammond said on Friday there should be no immediate change to immigration or trading rules when Britain leaves the EU in March 2019, and that a shift to new arrangements could last until mid-2022.
An “asylum seeker” has been filmed shouting and crying for help after being slapped by what appeared to be an immigration officer on a Heathrow flight.
Office for National Statistics (ONS)’un yayınladığı rapora göre bu senenin Britanya göç oranlarında 49,000 kişilik bir düşüş yaşandığı belirtildi.
Britanya Yüksek Mahkemesi binlerce Britanyalı’nın yabancı uyruklu eşlerini ülkeye sokmaları konusunda daha önce alınmış sert finansal bariyerlerin hukuki olup olmadığını tartışıyor. 2012’de alınan bir kararla, Britanyalı bir vatandaşın ülkeye AB dışından eşini yasal olarak sokabilmesi için £18,600’dan fazla kazanması hükmü onaylanmıştı. Durumun eleştirisini yapan birimler ve kişiler, yaklaşık 15,000 çocuğun...