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Tag: heat

Parts of the UK could reach a sweltering 33C (91.4F) today, hotter than some of Europe’s top holiday destinations as well as Istanbul, Turkey which is forecasted temperatures for 30C. It comes after the Met Office issued a new-style extreme heat weather warning and told people to watch out for...
Temperatures will continue to soar across the UK after a weekend which saw all four nations record the hottest day of the year. Sunseekers have been flocking to beaches to soak up the sun as a high of of 31.6C (88.9F) was recorded at Heathrow in London. Forecasters predict the...
Temperatures are set to soar up to 32C this weekend as people are urged to stay safe in the heat. Forecasters believe Sunday could be the hottest day of the year – and that this could be the warmest weekend so far. A health alert has been issued in England with high...
The Met Office has confirmed today (July 31) is the hottest day of the year. Temperatures reached 36.8C at Heathrow Airport at 2pm, surpassing the previous record for 2020 of 33.4C set on June 25. A spokesperson for the Met Office said the sunny weather and increased cloud throughout the...
The British summer is set to finally end with this weekend as temperatures soar to 25C tomorrow. Following a week of sunshine, the mercury could hit mid to high 20s on Saturday in eastern England, while the rest of the UK should reach at least high teens or low 20s....
The heat from London Underground tunnels will be used to keep homes in Islington warm under a new scheme, Transport for London (TfL) has said. Warm air from a disused Northern Line station will support a heat network supplying up to 1,000 homes and businesses by the end of the...
Temperatures are set to exceed 30C next week as the summer heatwave is on the way. The Met Office said hot weather will finally take hold next week after June has seen unseasonal rainfall. By midweek, temperatures are expected to reach the low 30s in some parts of the country. Londoners will be...
Met Office has said: “Temperatures will start to rise day by day and with the sun getting stronger at this time of year, it’s going to feel warm or very warm by the time we get to Good Friday and Easter Saturday.” “Temperatures will reach into the low 20s Celsius...