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Tag: celebrates

THE annual Anatolian Culture Festival celebrated its 12 years of annual festive celebrations of cultural diversity on 29 and 30 September. This festival consisted of popular cultural exhibits, foods, crafts, and performances highlighting the history of the region in Turkey, along with an array of new features. The grand opening...
THE Turkish holiday of “Victory Day” was celebrated on Sunday, 2 September at Highbury Fields. The event was organised by Atatürk Thought Association. The association emphasized the importance of celebrating and remembering such an important day. Many speeches and a moment of silence was made for the martyrs. The event...
TURKISH Women’s Philanthropic Association (TWPA), one of the oldest and most successful associations operating across London, came together to celebrate Eid on Thursday, 23 August. TWPA conventionally comes together to celebrate Eid with its members. On the third day of the feast, TWPA officials and members met at a restaurant...
MUSLIMS living in London celebrated the first day of Eid on Tuesday, 21 August. On the first day of Eid, Londoners came together and celebrated the holly day. The festival of sacrifice, which Muslims sacrifice and celebrate will last for four days. Solidarity, sharing and the feeling of unity is...
19 May Commemoration of Atatürk was celebrated with great enthusiasm at center of CHP UK located in Edmonton, on Sunday 20 May. The event was organised by the CHP Youth Union, many young and elderly people attended the event. The chairwomen of CHP UK, Sibel Özçelik made the opening speech...
ADD held a music and theatre festival in regards to the commemoration of Atatürk, 19 May Youth and Sports day. It was a great pleasure to have young people from Bristol and Manchester who joined the evening of celebration. After the opening speech of the ADD chairman Jale Özer, the...
THE London Art Forum, organise an event with the aim of bringing together artists living in many parts of the UK and bringing art to society to celebrate World Art Day. The London Art Forum was founded by the support of Zehra Başaran, the Representative of the Turkish Republic of...
SME4 Labour, celebrated its second gala of the organisation, bringing together small and medium-sized businesses and employers for the Labour Party.
ONE of London’s most successful fertility clinics Regency International Clinic held its traditionally annual New Year and Christmas celebrations at its clinic in Central London this year.
WITHIN the London press sectors Açık Gazete celebrated its 14 year with a special the end of year event.
ÇANAKKALE Commemoration Platform (ÇAP) celebrated the 94th anniversary of Turkish Republic.
OASIS Academy Enfield celebrated it milestone 10th birthday, the first of todays 48 Oasis Schools across England