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SME4 Labour celebrates its 2nd gala

SME4 Labour, celebrated its second gala of the organisation, bringing together small and medium-sized businesses and employers for the Labour Party.

SME4 Labour celebrates its 2nd gala

SME4 Labour, celebrated its second gala of the organisation, bringing together small and medium-sized businesses and employers for the Labour Party. At the Park Lane Sheraton Hotel in London, on December 19 the gala saw the Labour Excellence Awards being hand out. With over 400 hundreds of people attended, many Labour MPs, among the attendances were members of the Turkish-speaking community.

This was the second time the gala took place where Labour Excellence Awards was presented to successful members in different categories. It is believed that the work of SME4 Labour, established to receive the support that small and medium-sized businesses for the Labour Party, will contribute to the success of the party throughout the country.

Members of SME4 Executive boards Ibrahim Doğuş and Sonny Leong voiced the benefits of their work by drawing attention to their harmony with the Labour Party and how small and medium-sized businesses operate together.

Winners of the Labour Excellence Awards sponsored by Premier Card UK includes;

Labour PPC of the Year Award – Sophie Cook, Labour Parliamentary Assistant of the Year – Calum Mulligan, PA for Stephen Kinnock MP, Socialist Society of the Year – SERA – Labour’s Environment Campaign, Friends Group of the Year – Sikhs for Labour, Labour Assembly Member of the Year – Unmesh Desai AM, Affiliated Trade Union of the Year – GMB, Labour Councillor of the Year – Cllr Parvez Ahmed, Cllr Kevin Craig, Cllr Jennie Mosley, Labour Council of the Year – Preston City, Constituency Labour Party of the Year – Knowsley CLP, Labour Peer of the Year – Baroness Janet Royall, Labour MP of the Year – Luciana Berger MP, Shadow Cabinet Member of the Year – Angela Rayner MP.


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