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Tag: cash

Border officials have found more than £1 million hidden inside two lorries trying to leave the UK. The money was found concealed inside the refrigerated motor housing of both vehicles at Dover’s Eastern Docks on Friday morning. The National Crime Agency (NCA) said Border Force officers stopped the first truck at 2.45am, with a...
Officers from the Met’s Operation Venice Scorpion and Venice Investigation Team (VIT) have arrested a man and seized what is believed to be almost £1 million in cash. Detective Chief Inspector Shaun White, who leads the Operation Venice Command, said: “Whilst we are in the process of counting all of...
THE system allowing people to use cash in the UK is at risk of “falling apart” and needs a new guarantee to ensure notes and coins can still be used. A hard-hitting review by finance experts has concluded that market forces will not save cash for as long as people...
RETAILERS no longer have to pay millions of pounds in business rates for cash machines outside their shops, following a ruling by the Appeal Court. Since 2010 supermarkets and convenience stores have been liable to pay rates on the machines. But the court ruled that about £300m they have already...
THE number of thefts and robberies at cash machines in London has gone up by nearly 60 per cent over the last ten years. A Freedom of Information (FoI) request by MoneySuperMarket has revealed how from 2007 to 2017 there were nearly 1,400 robberies and thefts by ATMs in the...
TOPTAN ve perakende gıda pazarına ürün çeşidi, stoku, kalitesi ve fiyatları ile oldukça iddialı giren Extra Cash and Carry büyük açılışını yoğun katılımla gerçekleştirdi. Uzun yıllardır gıda sektöründe yaptığı başarılı işlerle tanınan işadamı Nasır Kıral, yeni girişimi Extra Cash and Carry’yi siyaset ve iş dünyasından pek çok ismin katıldığı bir...
Toptan ve perakende gıda pazarına ürün çeşidi, stoğu, kalitesi ve fiyatları ile oldukça iddialı giren Extra Cash and Carry açıldı.
Scotland Yard is to ask for more money to continue its six-year investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.