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Tag: air

Air passengers arriving in Britain will soon have to quarantine for a fortnight as part of a move to avoid a second peak of the coronavirus. Airlines UK, the trade body for UK registered airlines, has confirmed to Sky News that the move will be introduced by the government for...
SCIENTIST have been modifying house plants will be enable them to clean the hazardous particles in the air of your home. Air filters to not clean smaller particles such as chloroform and benzene, which have both been linked to cancer. A team at University of Washington has been modifying Pothos...
UBER is planning to add a surcharge to all fares booked via its app in London to help its drivers buy electric vehicles. The fee, expected to be 15p per mile, will be introduced “early” in 2019. Uber said drivers working for 40 hours per week could get cash help...
İngiltere Ordusu, kadın vatandaşlarına ilk kez sahada sıcak çatışma gerektiren görevlere de başvurabilme hakkı tanıdı. Kadınlar artık ülke sınırları dışında görev yapan hava kuvveti Special Air Forces (SAS) gibi özel birliklerde hizmet verebilecek. Duyuruyu yapan İngiltere Savunma Bakanı Gaving Williamson, “Artık silahlı güçler, cinsiyetlerine değil sadece yeteneklerine bağlı olarak değerlendirilecek”...
THE London Mayor Sadiq Khan is declaring on the government to prohibit the sale of new diesel and petrol cars by 2030. Sadiq Khan, will get together with leader from other cities in England and Wales at a national air quality summit, in company with MPs and the Environment Secretary...
A second paraglider suffered potentially life-changing injuries in the crash and was taken to hospital, according to Peterborough. The pilots were flying powered paragliders, the paper reports. Emergency services were called to Rippons Drove in Northborough, eight miles north of Peterborough, at about 8.45am on Monday. “One of the pilots,...
Growing uncertainty about an 'open skies' deal between the UK and European Union countries ahead of Brexit risks triggering a catastrophic slump in British air travel, according to the country's biggest airports.
New diesel and petrol cars and vans will be banned from 2040 as part of efforts to tackle air pollution, the Government is expected to announce.