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‘Free-range’ eggs no longer available in UK due to bird flu

‘Free-range’ eggs no longer available in UK due to bird flu

People can no longer buy free-range eggs in the UK due to the length of time hens have been kept indoors following outbreaks of bird flu.

The eggs in shops will be labelled as “barn eggs” due to birds being kept inside for more than 16 weeks.

The country is experiencing its largest ever outbreak of avian influenza and measures are in place to prevent the virus from spreading.

About 55% of all eggs produced in the UK are free-range, says the RSPCA.

It means they come from birds that, during the daytime, enjoy unlimited access to outdoor pastures.

Signs will be put in supermarkets to inform shoppers of the change from Monday, and free-range labelling will only return when hens are permitted to go outside again.

Aimee Mahony, chief poultry adviser at the National Farmers’ Union, said the government’s advice was that there was “still a high level of risk” to birds of catching flu.

“This is an incredibly difficult time for all bird owners and vigilance remains vital,” she added.

Ms Mahony said farmers were following “stringent biosecurity measures” and adapting hen houses to make birds more comfortable.

Case numbers of the H5N1 strain of bird flu began rising in November last year. The virus – which is highly contagious and can destroy poultry flocks – was first discovered in North Yorkshire.

It poses an extremely low risk to humans, according to the NHS, although several people have been infected around the world and a number have died.

The outbreaks have resulted in the government enforcing an Avian Influenza Prevention Zone which made it a legal requirement for all bird keepers across the UK – whether they have pet birds, commercial flocks or just a few birds in a backyard flock – to keep them indoors and follow strict biosecurity measures.

Under such restrictions egg farmers have a 16-week “grace period” to maintain their free-range status, but this ended on Monday.

In a statement the government said it would work with farmers and retailers to implement the branding changings.

A spokesman added: “We are experiencing our largest ever outbreak of avian flu and housing measures remain in force to protect poultry and other birds from this highly infectious and unpleasant disease.”


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