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Rüya Mustafa “Unfair for students to pay full price of tuition fees this year”

Rüya Mustafa “Unfair for students to pay full price of tuition fees this year”

THE coronavirus pandemic outbreak has certainly affected many, however, university students and recent graduates have also been negatively affected.

One of the issues which have arisen with the virüs in the uncertainty experienced by young people who graduated this year. The changes in the economy caused by the pandemic have created challenges for young people who graduated and looking for jobs. The number of young people joining the labour market and looking for jobs is increasing.

This week as Londra Gazete we interviewed a young law graduate Rüya Musta, together we discussed the difficulties experienced by young people before and after Covid-19.

Rüya Mustafa made the following statement:

“During my time at university I would commute from home four days a week and living just outside London and travelling into central London was very expensive and the trains would always be overcrowded because of where Westminster university was based, this made travelling very exhausting.

Hence, I joined some societies one being the debating society and because of how late it used to finish I couldn’t carry on with this society because the train to my house would not run all night like the underground so I always had to be careful I didn’t miss the last train coming back.

During the last semester of university, I had to study from home and one of my assignments was based on research that needed to be conducted outside and interaction from people outside the home, however because of covid I could no longer do this so I had to adapt to changes and completely change what I needed to do for my assignment to finish off my degree as well as this I had to complete my final exam from home, however, this had a positive outcome to a certain extent because being able to do an exam from the comfort of my home was easier and my university gave me 24 hours to complete my exam due to international students going back home because of covid. The downfall of having to do the exam from home is that I could not access the facilities I needed to help me with my exams such as lectures, books and lecturers help. I believe it’s unfair for me to pay the full £9,250 for my final part of the year when the resources I needed for the most important part of my degree was inaccessible at the time, so I believe there should be a reduction to tuition fees.

Finding a graduate job during this period has been the biggest struggle since leaving university and covid has made this extremely difficult to find graduate positions because many law firms are making redundancies to their staff and not everyone is going back to the offices to work as people still have to work from home, so many firms were not accepting applications during this time due to Covid-19.”


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