The Met office has issued a yellow weather warning for the next two days saying” Thunderstorms may develop bringing torrential rain, hail and lightning to a few places, with potential disruption to travel and flooding.”
Last week saw the Linchore town of Wainfleet flooded with over 580 home and some 1000 people evacuated from there homes are a river bank burst due to the heavy downpour of rain.
The town flooded on Wednesday after two months’ worth of rain fell in two days and the banks of the River Steeping broke its banks. Rescue teams are still working hard to pump and clear the flooded town.
With weather condition improving over the weekend and today Monday has seen temperatures reach the low 20C’s. The Met office has once again issued a yellow weather warning for the come two days.
The warning covers the majority of the South East. The heaviest downfall is expected to be hit in the south coast on Tuesday morning and moving up towards London by the late afternoon and up Hull by the early morning of Wednesday.
The Met Office has said to expect: