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London’s most wanted

London’s most wanted

The Met police have released images and details of 8 wanted men, all are wanted in connection to violent crimes.

These men have made the London’s top wanted list because of a number of factors: They might be suspected of committing or being involved in a specific crime, or they might have breached bail or probation conditions or not turned up for court for example and the police need to find them.

In a statement, Detective Superintendent Lee Hill, said:“Some of the incidents in question have seen victims with some extremely serious injuries and we are asking the public to be additional eyes and ears to help us locate these people.

“We often get asked by the public how they can help keep their communities safe, and providing information such as this is enormously helpful both in preventing and detecting crime.”

Adding :“One phone call could help potentially solve or even prevent a crime from happening. All information is treated confidentially and if you don’t want to speak to us, you can contact Crimestoppers who are totally independent of the police.

“If you are one of the individuals we wish to speak to, I would suggest handing yourself in at the nearest police station sooner rather than later. Knocking on our door is infinitely better than us knocking on yours!”

If you know any information regarding the wear about’s of these men or see one of the individuals the police argue you to call 999 or call Crimestoppers anonymous on 0800 555 111 or there website.

More details on the individuals and reference numbers can be found on the Met news website.



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