THE Independent Cyprus Turkish Tour Operators Association (ICTTOA) congratulated the TRNC Tourism and Environment Minister Fikri Ataoğlu, who was re-elected in the general elections held in the TRNC on 7 January 2018.
Refik Salp
THE Independent Cyprus Turkish Tour Operators Association (ICTTOA) congratulated the TRNC Tourism and Environment Minister Fikri Ataoğlu, who was re-elected in the general elections held in the TRNC on 7 January 2018.
Ramazan Özdemir
The following information was shared in the congratulatory message delivered by ICTTOA’s President Refik Salp and Vice President Ramadan Özdemir:
“We are pleased that Fikri Ataoğlu has been re-elected as the Minister of Tourism and Environment. He has demonstrated great enthusiasm and successfully managed to accomplish many missions. We also believe that Ataoğlu will fulfil the promises he made to our union during his new period and we wish him success.”
The union was established in 2016 by tour operators which market Norther Cyprus in the UK. The union works to promote North Cyprus, aims to increase the number of tourists visiting northern Cyprus also to protect and improve the image of the country.
Fikri Ataoğlu.