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Grandparents rights

WITH A staggering 1 million grandparent now facing the heartbreak of having no contact with their grandchildren, often through no fault of their own.

Grandparents rights

WITH A staggering 1 million grandparent now facing the heartbreak of having no contact with their grandchildren, often through no fault of their own.

It may be that that their child is divorced or separated and the parent left with the main care of the children is not prepared to allow contact between the children and you this may be an ongoing argument. Now with a growing realisation of the important role grandparents can play in providing a positive influence on raising grandchildren. The law does not does not confer an automatic right, it nevertheless provides a framework in which grandparents can gain regular and uninterrupted access to their grandchildren.

But the daunting realisation that trying to gain right through the courts can be very expensive both in terms of money, time and heartache.

This is not the only rout you can take Advantage Solicitors offer you an alternatives such as discussing the issues at around a table with a mediator or lawyer.

The first step is of course one of self-help, advising you to contact the main care of the child directly, this can be done by speaking them to then or writing a polite letter. With 3 point you must include;

Make sure you include these important points:

  • How much you are missing the grandchild, and you are sure that your grandchild is missing seeing you too
  • How valuable you can be to the family as an emotional and practical resource – even as a free and trustworthy babysitter
  • Your grandchild is being prevented from having a relationship with all the extended family members

If this install contact is not successful then you can look consider seeking the advice from a Solicitor. This is where Advantage Solicitors can help, if you have any question or need assistance you can contact them on 02088071676.


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