Page 37 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1133
P. 37

4                                                                                       Londra Gazete, 24 November 2022

                                                                       Instagram 'wrong' to take

                                                                             down drill music video

                                                                        POLICE officers investigating
                                                                      a collision that has left a man in
                                                                      hospital with serious head inju-
                                                                      ries are appealing for witnesses
                                                                      or  anyone  with  footage  to  come
                                                                        Police were called at 9.34 pm on
                                                                      Tuesday, 20 September to reports
                                                                      of a collision involving a car and
                                                                      an e-bicycle at Broad Lane, N15.
                                                                        Officers attended along with
                                                                      the  London  Ambulance  Service
                                                                      and London’s Air Ambulance.
                                                                        The 28-year-old male rider of
          Mayor of London halts planned                               the bike was taken to hospital
                 changes to bus services                              with a head injury. His condition
                                                                      was assessed as not life-threaten-
          SADIQ Khan has pulled back on   As  a  result  of  the  consultation,   ing, however he still remains in
         controversial plans to axe numer-  17 routes which had been proposed   hospital receiving treatment.
         ous bus routes across London after  to be cut will be saved and kept as   The family of the victim have
         a massive backlash by passengers.  they currently operate. Another   been appealing on social media
          Transport for London (TfL) has  40  services  will  also  no  longer  be   for anyone with information to
         announced it will only get rid of  changed as initially planned.  come forward and contact the
         three bus routes following a consul-  Only three routes will be re-  police, stating on Tuesday (Oc-
         tation which saw more than 20,000  moved entirely - the 521 between   tober 4)  the  young  Turkish man  what happened. “We are particu-  one else witnessed this incident
         replies.                      Waterloo  and  London  Bridge,  the   remains “critically unwell in in-  larly keen to hear from the driver  or has footage we really need  to
          The strength of feeling across  507  between  Victoria  and  Water-  tensive  care”.  Detective  Consta-  of a red coloured hatchback that  hear from  you as  soon as pos-
         London had been made clear, the  loo, and the 332 between Brent   ble  Sam  Rivers  from  the  Met’s  turned right out of Wakefield  sible.” If you have information
         mayor said.                   Park and Paddington - while alter-  Serious Collision Investigation  Road as the driver may have in-  please call the police on 0208 597
          But various routes will be altered  ations will be made to another 11   Unit said: “I really need help from  formation that could assist our  4874 or Tweet @MetCC quoting
         to "ensure a continued reliable bus  services.               the pubic to understand exactly  investigation. “Similarly, if any-  7483/20Sep.
         network in central and inner Lon-  TfL said the consultation had
         don".                         raised issues with the plans and as
          In June, TfL warned central Lon-  a result the mayor of London had
         don  buses  could  be  reduced  by  a  been able to find extra funding to   Thames Water ends hosepipe ban
         fifth as it tried to balance the books  ensure the cuts did not happen on
         following the Covid-19 pandemic.  such a large scale.                            after three months

               Croydon Council issue third                            Water said it was lifting the meas-  The first two weeks of Novem-  ban,” said Thames Water CEO, Sa-
                                                                        SADIQ But on Tuesday, Thames  rainfall above 130%, it said.
                                                                                                                                    rah Bentley.
         bankruptcy notice in just two years                          ure with immediate effect, saying  ber also saw a months' worth of   “Despite the recent rain, we still
                                                                      recent heavy rains meant water  rainfall as heavy rains battered  need to protect our future water
          CROYDON  Council  has  issued  State Michael Gove setting out the   levels have started to improve.  the capital.         supply.
         its third bankruptcy notice in just  need for further support.  Both September and October    “Careful consideration has gone   “We need more rain throughout
         two years, with the mayor blaming   Following his election in May, Mr   experienced  long  term  average  into  our  decision  to  remove  the  winter to ensure our rivers and
         Labour’s “toxic financial mistakes”  Perry set out to uncover the finan-                                                   reservoirs  are  fully  recharged,
         .                             cial situation of the council.                                                               ready for spring and summer next
          The council announced on Tues-  Currently the council must pay                                                            year.”
         day it will not be able to balance  £47 million from its budget to ser-                                                      However, Ms Bentley said some
         its books next year without extra  vice debt before it can spend money                                                     water storage sites in west Lon-
         help  from  the  Government,  and  on services, he said in a statement                                                     don remain below average levels,
         has issued yet another Section 114  on Tuesday.                                                                            requiring a “cautious approach”
         Notice.                         Croydon Council was forced to                                                              and monitoring of water levels
          Conservative  Mayor  Jason  Per-  impose  a  ban  on  non-essential                                                       throughout autumn and winter.
         ry is blaming debt levels totalling  spending last year after it effective-                                                  The ban had affected 15 mil-
         £1.6 billion (of which £1.3 billion  ly declared itself bankrupt in No-                                                    lion customers in London and the
         is General Fund debt) on “Croydon  vember 2020.
         Labour’s toxic financial mistakes”.  The council, which has been un-                                                       Thames Valley, preventing them
          He said the historic debt means  der Labour control since 2014, said                                                      from watering gardens or wash-
         “Corydon is trapped in a vicious  it was unable to meet its legal obli-                                                    ing cars.
         cycle”.                       gation to balance its books.                                                                   The utility company had faced
          “Even with Government support,   It received a £120 million bailout                                                       criticism at the time for imposing
         the coming years will be incredibly  from the Government in 2021. But                                                      the measure when around a quar-
         financially challenging for Croy-  its budget report this year warned                                                      ter of its supply was lost in leaks.
         don Council. We must balance our  it still  faced an unresolved short-                                                       Ms Bentley said fixing leaks
         books and become a much smaller  fall of £73 million that was being                                                        was the company’s “top priority”
         organisation.”                investigated by auditors Grant                                                               and that engineers repaired 1,000
          He has written to Secretary of  Thornton.                                                                                 leaks a week.
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