Page 39 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1133
P. 39

2                                                                                       Londra Gazete, 24 November 2022

                                                                      New Turkish Community

                                                                           Centre opens in Devon

                                                                        A new Turkish Community Cen-  which we have been doing for  down, following the motto “We
                                                                       tre started its activities this week  years, through this building and  need horses running even after
                                                                       to offer services to the communi-  we thank our state and our nation  the race is gone”. May this centre
                                                                       ty living in and around Devon in  for their financial and moral sup-  be a source of blessings, inshal-
                                                                       the South West of England. The  port at the end of these efforts.”  lah.”
                                                                       building, which was first built as   Adding “Dear friends, the  ef-  The new centre is located at
                                                                       a village school in 1850, and later  forts  of  our elders and  friends,  44 Main Road, Pinhoe, Exeter,
                                                                       operated as a church now starts a  who have been trying for years to  Devon, UK, EX4 8HS for more in-
                                                                       new journey as a community cen-  open this centre… will continue  formation you follow their social
                                                                       tre.                          our efforts for our new genera-  media account or email devon-
                                                                        The President of the UK Diyanet  tions without giving up or falling
                                                                       Foundation Ensari Yenturk, Bris-
                                                                       tol City Council Member Metin
                                                                       Sen, and members of the Turkish
          TWPA’s Christmas Bazaar                                      community from different parts
                                                                       of Devon attended the opening of
                        is back again                                  the new Cultural Centre.
                                                                        The opening of the Devon Turk-
                                                                       ish Community Centre was held
          THE  Turkish Woman Philan-   various delouse homemade Cypri-  on  November  18,  first  Friday
         thropic Association (TWPA) will  ot and Turkish dishes are expected   Prayer was given, followed by a
         be holding their annual Christmas  to be offered at the end of the sale   speech from Yenturk who wished
         bazaar on Sunday 11 December  bazaar.  The event will be between   the centre good luck.
         from 11am until 5pm.  The mem-  11 am and 5 pm  at the TWPA as-  In a statement, the Devon Turk-
         bers of TWPA have already stat-  sociation building in north Lon-  ish Community Centre President
         ed they’re prepared ahead of the  don Situated just a few minutes’   Yaşar Oflaz said “As the Turkish
         bazaar with great devotion, with  walks away from Turnpike Line   Community  living  in  Devon  and
         embroidery works and handcraft-  station  at  4  Willoughby  Rd,  Har-  its surroundings, we are happy to
         ed set to be available, along with  ringay Ladder, London N8 0HR.  have turned our social activities,
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