Page 38 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1133
P. 38
Londra Gazete, 24 November 2022 3
Sumer Erek returns with his new
exhibition 'Embodied Moments'
SUMER Erek returns to a med- renowned Cypriot artist Erek is a
itative practice of black ink on multidisciplinary conceptual art-
white paper. After 50 years of prac- ist with extensive experience in
tice working in multidisciplinary public art installation, creating
arts, this exhibition sees him dis- large-scale works and participa-
til his work to the fundamentals; tory projects.
working with the body and simple He works in different fields of
India Arkın's new song lines. Over this past year, he has art such as painting, sculpture,
photography, installation, vid-
created a body of work, which is
'(I want you) near' is now out tactile and rich in sensuality. eo and performance. In 2008 he
The Cypriot artist Erek's 'Em-
built a house from 60,000 pieces
bodied Moments' exhibition will of scrapped newspapers in East
22-YEAR-OLD fine arts stu- ambassador in October. India, London.
dent India Arkin shared her new whose mother is English and take place between November 23 Erek held many solo exhibitions
and December 23 at Gallery Mar-
song '(I want you) near' on her so- whose father is Turkish Cypriot quess Marquess 14 Shepherd Mar- over the years, and also participat-
cial media account. shared her new song '(I want you) ket, Mayfair W1J 7QG (next door ed in many group exhibitions and
In September, music and enter- near' with music lovers and fans
tainment retailer HMV launched on 13 November. "(I Want You) to Ye Grapes pub). London-based projects in the UK and abroad.
a new music label returning to re- Near" has been stated to be the
cording for the first time in dec- closing track of HMV's first un- CTP's members meeting with Turkish
ades. Taking its name from the signed artist India Arkin's debut
year its first store opened, 1921 album 'Home Truths'. The song
Records signed with Newcas- was summarized as follows, "A Cypriots in London
tle-based singer India Arkin. sincere, spiritual lullaby that will
Adding success to her achieve- take you to the darkest corners of
ments, the young talented art- the night". You can listen to the Vatan Catering Director Tuncel
ist India announced that she song '(I want you) near'on Spotify Nalbantoğlu. During the meet-
was chosen as the 'Album Day' or YouTube. ing, the business volume and
situation of Turkish Cypriots in
the UK were discussed, and what
North London residents protest could be done to further increase
the ties of Turkish Cypriots be-
against LTNs tween Northern Cyprus and the
UK was discussed.On Wednesday
ON Monday night (November 21) Green petition against the LTN, I saw afternoon (November 23) Akan-
residents of north London protest- nothing that would justify it. soy and Toros also visited Londra
ed against LTNs in Harginey. The “We have video from inside and Gazete speaking with us about
marched from Downhill's Park Cafe, outside the venue and whilst noisy the Turkish Cypriots community
ended in the Wood Green outside of it was nothing except good natured. living in the UK and the concerns
the Decorum Salon where Haringey The police largely stood around and NORTHERN Cyprus’s Repub- merce in England during their they face. A public meeting was
Council was set to hold a full council ate fruit as far as I could see. There lican Turkish Party (CTP)’s Gen- 3 day visit to London. The Vice held on Wednesday night, prior to
meeting which was cancelled. were various community leaders eral Secretary Asim Akansoy and President of the British Cyprus
Speaking to the London Gazete, there, it was not in any way threat- shadow Foreign Minister Fikri Turkish Chamber of Commerce, this CTP members meeting with
the participants said that about a ening. Toros are holding talks in Lon- who was present at the meeting, their members before opening
hundred of people participated in “The worst that happened was don. also met with Bexley City Coun- the venue to the public to meet-
the action and there was great sup- some booing of Perry and Hakata for Akansoy and Toros met with cil Ahmet Dourmoush member, ing and discuses the questions
port over the last week weeks. their total lack of engagement with the Board Members of the British The EdenValley Director, Alton and how to strength connection
According to the information giv- Cyprus Turkish Chamber of Com- & Co Director Altan Kemal and with North Cyprus.
en by the residents who participated the community on LTNs.”
in the action, it was stated that the Talking about the impact of LTNs
meeting was cancelled and Haringey Susie Hanson, Langham Road said İAKM held an event commemorating
councillors left the venue the back of “As a disabled person who depends
the building.Speaking to the Londra on cabs and cars to get out and home
Gazete Victoria Ward said: “...Harin- again, I've already had cabs saying to the Dersim rebellion
gey council cancelled the full cabinet me - “Nobody will come and get you
meeting last night. I am told it is once this starts”. It's a worry. ….. No THE Alevi Cultural Centre UK
extremely rare for this action to be traffic in any other roads apart from (IAKM) organized an event to com-
taken and in the 2 hours that I stood the roads they've agreed we can ride memorate the Dersim rebellion ‘Der-
in the cold waiting to go in and sup- on. All the traffic, fumes and cars all sim 1938 bağlamında travma, dias-
port the presentation of the Bounds in one place. It just seems crazy!” pora ve hatırlama’ on on Saturday,
November 19th.
The event took place at the İAKM
building in north London, with
members of the community attend-
ing. A panel was also held with mod-
erators Dr Kumru Berfin Emre Cetin
a Newton International Fellow in
the Department of Media and Com-
munications at LSE and M.A. İmran
Gürtaş a lecturer in the Education
University of Weıngarten.