Page 36 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1133
P. 36

Londra Gazete, 24 November 2022                                                                                     5

                                                                       Ofsted downgrades hundreds of

                                                                        outstanding schools in England

                                                                        MOST of the outstanding
                                                                      schools  in  England  inspected
                                                                      last year have been downgraded,
                                                                      according  to  a  report  from  the
                                                                      schools watchdog.
                                                                        Some  of them had not been
                                                                      looked at for 15 years and many
                                                                      would have experienced "signif-
          Shoppers warned most Black                                  icant change" such as new head
                                                                      teachers, Ofsted said.
                                                                        But the National Education Un-
          Friday offers are not cheaper                               ion (NEU) said Ofsted's findings
                                                                      were "frequently unreliable".
          SHOPPERS searching for Black  deals last year at seven major   The Department for Education
         Friday bargains are being warned  home and tech retailers - Am-  said most schools remained good
         that most deals do not offer gen-  azon, AO, Argos, Currys, John   or outstanding.
         uine discounts.               Lewis, Richer Sounds and Very. It   Between 2012 and 2020,
          Analysis of more than 200 of-  looked at their prices every day in   schools judged outstanding were   findings were "frequently unrelia-  spokesman  said  the  government
         fers last Black Friday found 98%  the six months before and after   revisited only if specific concerns   ble and invalid".  had "rapidly improved school
         were cheaper or the same price at   the sale day which was 26 Novem-  were raised.            "Far from demonstrating the   standards, thanks to the tireless
         other times in the year, consumer   ber 2021.                  Ofsted said 80% of outstanding   value of Ofsted, this report shows   efforts of school leaders".
         group Which? said.              Out of the deals analysed,   schools it had revisited last year                              "Today, 87% of schools are now
          The warning comes as the num-  Which? found 183 or 86% were   had been downgraded - 308 pri-  that the inspectorate makes no   rated as good or outstanding - up
         ber of people hitting UK shops   cheaper or the same as their Black   mary and secondary schools.  material  positive  difference  to   from 68% in 2010," he said.
         this Black Friday is forecast at   Friday price in the six months be-  Most were bumped down to   schools," he said.         Ofsted aimed to inspect every
         12.8% higher than 2021, retail   fore the sales event.       good - but 17% were told they    He said Ofsted was "driving   school by the summer of 2025,
         experts Springboard said.       Some 209 deals or 98% were   needed improvement and 4%      good teachers away" and "puni-  the spokesman added.
          Many are under extra pressure   cheaper or the same price at oth-  were inadequate.        tive  and  ill-informed  inspection"   During Ofsted visits, inspectors
         to make savings as the cost of liv-  er times in the year. None were   NEU joint general secretary  slowing down improvements.  observe lessons and talk to staff
         ing rises.                    cheaper on Black Friday alone.  Kevin Courtney said Ofsted's    A Department for Education  and pupils.
          Black Friday and Cyber Monday
         are the busiest dates in the re-  Which? also found that some
         tail calendar. Previous years have   retailers temporarily raised prices
         seen a shopping frenzy featuring   of goods just before Black Friday,
         long  queues,  empty  shelves  and   so they would seem discounted by   I'm not the Grinch, says union boss
         scenes of customers fighting over   the time the sales day arrived.
         the last cut price television set.  Which? named Amazon and              ahead of Christmas action
          This year prices are rising at   Very as "the worst retailers over-
         their fastest rate in over 40 years   all  for  dubious  discounts".  It
         prompting  Christmas  shoppers  found more than 70% of prod-   THE boss of a rail workers un-  The strikes will be staged across  December, as well as singer Paolo
         to search for savings. But Which?  ucts included in its analysis were   ion has said he is "not the Grinch"  four 48-hour periods on 13-14  Nutini's gigs in Glasgow on 13, 14
         warned  that  Black  Friday  was  cheaper at other times of the year   ahead of fresh strikes in the run-  and 16-17 December, and 3-4 and  and 16 December.
         "rarely the cheapest time to shop".  compared  to  their  Black  Friday   up  to  Christmas  and  after  New  6-7 January.   Hospitality businesses will also
          It analysed 214 Black Friday  price.                        Year.                            Some 40,000 workers will walk   be hit, with the strikes happening
                                                                        Mick Lynch, general secretary  out and there is likely to be dis-  in the busiest week of the year for
                                                                      of the RMT Union, said the latest  ruption in the days around the   the pub industry.
         Electric car drivers must                                    walkouts would "show how im-   strikes due to trains not being in   bookings and staying home,
                                                                                                                                      "Customers will be cancelling
                                                                      portant our members are to the  the right places.
                pay tax from 2025                                     running of this country".        The walkouts will affect people   whilst staffing shortages will be
                                                                        Passengers are expected to face  travelling to see comedian Peter
                                                                      major disruption over the festive  Kay's comeback shows in London   exacerbated by a lack of transport
                                                                                                                                    options,"  said Emma  McClarkin,
                                                                      period.                        and Birmingham on 16 and 17
          ELECTRIC vehicle excise duty  to make our motoring tax system                                                             head of the British Beer and Pub
         from April 2025, the chancellor  fairer I've decided that from then,                                                       Association.
         has said.                     electric vehicles will no longer be                                                            Members of the RMT Union
          Announcing the change as part  exempt from vehicle excise duty."                                                          are taking action after workers
         of his Autumn Statement, Jeremy   Vehicle Excise Duty (VED) is                                                             at Network Rail, which maintains
         Hunt said the move was designed  a tax levied on vehicles on UK                                                            the railways across Britain, and
         to make the motoring tax system  roads. At present, EVs are ex-                                                            14 train companies voted in a bal-
         "fairer".                     empt.                                                                                        lot last week.
          The RAC motoring group said    There are different rates de-
         it  did  not  expect  the  change  to  pending on the vehicle.                                                               Mr Lynch said the latest strikes
         dampen demand for electric vehi-  Under the plans laid out today,                                                          would "send a clear message that
         cles (EVs).                   electric cars registered from April                                                          we want a good deal on job secu-
          But  others, including the AA,  2025 will pay the lowest rate of                                                          rity, pay and conditions".
         warned  the  move  would  reduce  £10 in the first year, then move                                                           "I'm not the Grinch," he said,
         the incentive to switch to EVs.  to the standard rate which is cur-                                                        referring to the children's book
          Mr Hunt said: "Because the  rently £165.                                                                                  character who tries to cancel
         OBR (Office for Budget Respon-  The standard rate will also ap-                                                            Christmas. "I'm a trade union of-
         sibility) forecasts half of all new  ply to electric vehicles first regis-                                                 ficial and I'm determined to get a
         vehicles will be electric by 2025,  tered after April 2017.                                                                deal."
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