Page 37 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1112
P. 37
4 Londra Gazete, 30 June 2022
TfL announces Northern line Night
Tube services to return
NIGHT Tube services on the
Northern Line will return this
weekend, Transport for London
has announced.
TfL said that services on the
line would resume from Saturday
in a further boost to the capital’s
night-time economy.
Night Tube services returned
Met Police: Inspectorate has on the Central and Victoria lines
in November 2021, and were fur-
'substantial and persistent' concerns ther bolstered in May by the re-
turn of the Jubilee line. TfL also
THERE are "substantial and that had accelerated in recent plan to reopen Piccadilly line ser-
persistent concerns" about the years due a series of high-profile vices this summer.
TfL said that RMT strike action
Metropolitan Police's perfor- scandals. across Night Tube services, which
mance, a letter from a police He mentions the Charing Cross began in January, will continue
watchdog reveals. police station WhatsApp mes- until December this year when
HM Inspectorate of Constabu- sages, the stop-and-search of the union’s mandate for indus- trains running per hour during effectively brought the capital
lary and Fire and Rescue Services British Olympic sprinter Bianca trial action ends. However, they peak times. to a standstill with millions of
(HMICFRS) has placed the force Williams and the strip-search of claimed it would cause “minimal widespread travel disruption due Londoners opting to work from
into a form of special measures, three children including Child disruption” with at least two to industrial action on Britain’s home.
it emerged on Tuesday. Q. Mina Smallman, the mother trains per hour running on the railways last week, with 40,000 RMT members reaffirmed their
According to a letter, seen by of murdered sisters Bibaa Henry Central Line. members of the RMT at Network backing for industrial action in
the BBC, it outlines various con- and Nicole Smallman, whose bod- The resumption of Northern Rail and 13 other train operators a reballot last Friday, with more
cerns, including about a "young" ies were photographed by police line Night Tube services had been walking out on Tuesday, Thurs- than 90 per cent voting in favour
and "inexperienced" workforce. officers, spoke of the failings she aided by a doubling in the fre- day and Saturday in a bitter dis- of further strikes on a 53.1 per
It also notes "a persistent- encountered with the Met. She quency of trains on the Northern pute over pay and redundancies. cent turnout. No new strike dates
ly large backlog" of online child told BBC Radio 4's Today pro- Line Extension between Kenning- Separate strike action across have been set, but they will be de-
abuse cases. gramme the Met had been man- ton and Battersea Power Station, the London Underground last cided by the union’s executive in
Inspector of Constabulary Matt aging a "drip feed" of stories com- TfL said. There are now twelve week, led by the RMT and Unite, due course.
Parr wrote to Acting Met Com- ing out in the last few years. "This
missioner Sir Stephen House, drip, drip feed is so upsetting for
saying there had been a drop in people who have gone through London road deaths reached record
public confidence in the force the trauma of bad policing."
low in 2021 while serious injuries rose
TfL to begin issuing fines to
THE number of people killed metres covered.
drivers in cycle lanes on London's roads fell to the But the transport body's re- capital's streets last year, down
40% on a 2005-2009 baseline
lowest number on record last port found that cars were the
MOTORISTS caught driving in which allows them to fine motor- but the number of bike users
cycle lanes on roads managed by ists who infringe on cycle lanes and year, according to a report by vehicle type most involved in suffering serious injuries in-
collisions in 2021 and made up
Transport for London (TfL).
Transport for London (TfL) are to cycle tracks, in the same way that Fatalities in 2021 decreased by 64% of those that resulted in creased by 54%.
be fined from Monday, the trans- they currently do with bus lanes 22% on 2020 but casualties rose death or injury, an increase of TfL said this partly reflected
port body has said. and yellow box junctions. 2% on 2019. the increase of journeys made in
New powers have been given to Drivers will be handed a penal- as traffic returned to pre-pan-
the authority and other London ty charge notice (PCN) of £160, demic levels. Ten cyclists were killed on the London by bike to 4%.
boroughs to fine drivers who cross which is halved if paid within 14 Walkers, cyclists and motorcy-
the solid white lines which mark days, said TfL. clists were the most vulnerable
cycle tracks. An initial six month warning pe- road users, making up 81% of
Existing CCTV cameras will in- riod will see first-time offenders casualties.
itially be used in "key locations... handed a warning rather than the London Mayor Sadiq Khan
to deter drivers contravening the fine. said more needed to be done "to
road rules". TfL said it would begin enforc- eradicate road deaths and seri-
TfL said the move would make ing the rules as part of its Cycling ous injuries".
the capital's streets safer. Action Plan and Vision Zero goal, Fatalities reached a record low
Only rental e-scooters within the which aims to eliminate death and in London last year, while the
various trial areas and pedal cycles serious injury on London's roads. national average increased by
can legally be used in cycle lanes. Siwan Hayward, TfL's director of 7%.
But the government has provid- compliance, policing, operations But the number of serious in-
ed new powers to local authorities, and security, said: "Protecting des- juries in the capital increased
ignated space for cyclists is essen- by 18% last year, compared to
tial in keeping them safe and im- 2020, which TfL attributed to
proving confidence to cycle. more traffic on London's streets
"We want to ensure a green and after lockdown was eased.
sustainable future for London, People riding motorbikes were
and to do this we must continue also disproportionately killed
to make walking and cycling round in the capital last year, making
our city safe and accessible to all up 19% of all deaths but were
Londoners." responsible for only 3% of kilo-