Page 35 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1112
P. 35

6                                                                                           Londra Gazete, 30 June 2022

                                                                         Johnson says he ‘doesn’t think’

                                                                       Britain is facing war with Russia

                                                                        BORIS  Johnson has insisted
                                                                      he does not believe that the UK is
                                                                      heading towards war with Russia.
                                                                        Defence secretary Ben Wallace
                                                                      is understood to have asked the
                                                                      prime minister for an increase in
                                                                      the defence budget from around
                                                                      2 to 2.5 per cent of GDP – the
              Nicola Sturgeon to set                                  equivalent of an additional 20 per
                                                                      cent per year.
                                                                        The call came as the head of the
                 out plan for second                                  British Army warned that Brit-
         independence referendum                                      ain and its Nato allies are facing
                                                                      a “1937 moment” and must be
                                                                      “unequivocally prepared to fight”
          SCOTLAND'SW  first minister  posals, but stressed that its po-  if Russia attacks any of their ter-
         has proposed 19 October 2023 as  sition that "now is not the time"   ritory.
         the date for another referendum  for another referendum had not   In a speech in London, chief
         on independence.              changed. It has also said that it is   of general staff General Sir Pat-
          Nicola Sturgeon said the ques-  "clear" that the constitution is re-  rick Sanders said that Russia was
         tion would be the same as in the  served to Westminster.     likely to emerge from the Ukraine
         last referendum in 2014: "Should   Mr Johnson said: "We'll study it   war as an even greater threat to   On defence spending, Mr John-  a third biggest defence spender in
         Scotland be an independent coun-  very carefully and respond prop-  European security and the West  son said that the UK must “re-  the world. We’re making massive
         try?". Ms Sturgeon has written to  erly. I think the focus of the coun-  must be ready to “meet strength  spond to the way that threats  commitments.”
         Prime  Minister  Boris  Johnson  to  try should be building a stronger   with strength”.    continue to change”.             Mr Johnson said the UK had
         ask for formal consent for the vote  economy. That's what we're doing.   But asked whether the UK was   But he added: “We’ve now got  “more than met our pledge” to ex-
         to be held.                   I certainly think that we'll have a   preparing for war with Russia, Mr  a defence budget that’s £24bn  ceed the Nato target of 2 per cent
          She said she would press on with  stronger economy and a stronger   Johnson replied: “I don’t think it  bigger under the spending review  of GDP for defence, and had been
         her plan if this was not granted by  country together."      will come to that. We’re working  - the biggest increase in defence  instrumental  in  encouraging
         the UK government.              Ms Sturgeon said Scotland's top   very hard to make sure that we  spending since the end of the   other  member  states  to  increase
          But she stressed that any ref-  law officer, the Lord Advocate, had   confine this to Ukraine.”  Cold War. Last year, the UK was  spending.
         erendum would need to be "indis-  referred the case to the UK's high-
         putably lawful" and constitutional  est court, with court papers being
         - with the Supreme Court being  served on UK government law of-
         asked to rule on whether the Scot-  ficers on Tuesday afternoon.  Move to override Brexit deal gets
         tish government has the power to   Next, the president of the Su-
         hold a vote without UK govern-  preme Court will decide if there
         ment approval.                are preliminary matters to be ad-          initial backing from MPs
          The UK government said it would  dressed and when the case will be
         examine the first minister's pro-  heard.
                                                                        GOVERNMENT  plans to over-     The bill began its journey  ative MPs voted against the bill.
                                                                      ride parts of the Brexit deal re-  through Parliament on Monday,  However during the debate, some
                  Government under                                    lating to Northern Ireland have  with MPs voting to give it initial  joined opposition MPs in warn-
                                                                                                     approval and allowing it to pro-
                                                                      passed their first hurdle in Parlia-
                                                                                                                                    ing that the legislation breaches
         investigation over handling                                  ment.                          gress for further scrutiny.    international law.
                                                                        By 295 votes to 221, MPs gave
                                                                                                                                      Ms Truss argued the bill was
                                                                                                       The  government  won  the  vote
         of sewage dumped in rivers                                   initial approval to a controversial  with a majority of 74, with North-  justified because the EU had not
                                                                      bill allowing ministers to scrap  ern Ireland's Democratic Union-
                                                                                                                                    shown enough "flexibility" during
                                                                      parts of the Northern Ireland  ist Party (DUP) MPs supporting  negotiations change the relevant
          AN  environmental watchdog has  nies’ own duties to manage sewage",   Protocol.            the bill.                      part of the 2019 deal, known as
         announced it is to carry out an in-  the OEP said in a statement.  It comes despite warnings, in-  Voting lists showed no Conserv-  the Northern Ireland Protocol.
         vestigation into the enforcement   The announcement  of  the inves-  cluding from former PM Theresa
         of rules on untreated sewage being  tigation comes after England’s chief   May, that it breaches internation-
         pumped into rivers and seas in Eng-  medical officer Professor Chris Whit-  al law.
         land.                         ty described the growing problem   The move also risks fresh ten-
          The recently formed Office for  of faeces in river water as a "major   sions with the EU, which has tak-
         Environmental Protection will in-  issue" and "unacceptable on health   en legal action.
         vestigate the environment secretary  grounds", in a statement urging wa-  But Foreign Secretary Liz Truss
         George Eustice, as well as the Envi-  ter companies to act faster.  said there was no other option to
         ronment Agency and Ofwat  – the   The investigation follows a com-  "fix" problems the deal has creat-
         water services regulation authori-  plaint made by the organisation   ed.
         ty – in how they regulate the use of  Salmon & Trout Conservation.  The bill would allow minis-
         combined sewer overflows (CSOs),   The group’s solicitor Guy Lin-  ters to change the part of 2019
         as concerns about deteriorating wa-  ley-Adams, who submitted the com-  deal  that  introduced  post-Brexit
         ter quality mount.            plaint said: "Make no mistake, the   checks on goods sent from Great
          The investigation will seek "to de-  pollution we see today in English riv-  Britain to Northern Ireland.
         termine whether these authorities  ers is the direct and inevitable result   Those were designed to avoid
         have failed to comply with their  of the appallingly soft touch regula-  checks  at  the  UK's  border  with
         respective duties in relation to the  tion applied to the water companies   the Republic of Ireland, but they
         regulation, including the monitoring  by both the Environment Agency   are highly unpopular among un-
         and enforcement, of water compa-  and Ofwat over many years.”  ionists in Northern Ireland.
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