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P. 38
Londra Gazete, 30 June 2022 3
Londra Gazete awarded at Mediareach’s
“Acknowledgement Awards” in London
ON Friday June 17 Mediareach challenges of the diverse media
Advertising held its “Acknowl- industry and plan for better col-
edgement Awards” for its Mul- laboration opportunities in the
ticultural Partnership Events at future. Editors, journalists, pro-
The Dilly Hotel, Piccadilly, where ducers, and different stalwarts of
Londra Gazete was award for its the media family found it a great
dedicated work during the pan- setting to strengthen their con-
demic. nections and build new ones.
The gala took place at the Mad- “We wanted to gather our influ-
hu’s Mayfair award-winning res- encers, writers, media profession-
taurant in Central London, an als, and creatives who regularly
event was organised to acknowl- help produce relevant content to
edge the hard work of Media and highly diverse audiences in the
Content partners despite the UK and globally. They deserve ac-
toughness of the past two years. knowledgment as the behind-the-
“At Mediareach Advertising, scenes heroes of great omnichan-
multicultural media partnerships nel campaigns we have produced
are a unique proposition of ours. and broadcasted with efficient
A big part of the work we do, from results,” added Javed Husain, Me-
bespoke content to omnichannel dia Director.
marketing, goes back to the ded- Leading figures from the ethnic
ication of our media partners. media industry received awards per during the pandemic, working They rolled up their sleeves dur- This was Mediareach Advertis-
For that, we have come together and accolades for their contribu- to ensure that the Turkish speak- ing a harsh storm, yet we ended ing’s first-of-its-kind event. The
to celebrate the diversity, cultur- tion to developing multicultural ing communities received vital in- up with 1000s of content clips company’s integrated, multicul-
al insights, tonality, inclusivity, media partnerships in the UK. formation during this period. on TV, Print, Radio and Digital tural advertising hive keeps mov-
and relevance in content and me- One of these was Londra Gazete, “These partnerships have been for Covid-19 awareness and for ing forward and working harder
dia planning,” said Saad Al Saraf, attending the event English Ed- a key catalyst in driving change the vaccine roll-out to ethnic and towards the most consolidated
CEO. itor Yesim Ozyigit accepted the for the government, the NHS, diverse groups,” concluded Anki- partnerships that can achieve de-
Media houses from across the award, which was give for dedicat- and brands during and after lock- ta Dobhal, Lead– Media Partner- sired advancements across the
UK were gathered to discuss the ed work carry out by our newspa- down. ships Team. ethnic media landscape.
The cookbook of talented chef UK tourists to pay EU visa waiver fee
'Meliz Cooks' is out TOURISTS travelling to the South the border if their ETIAS application security and, in the vast majority of
THE new book of the Turkish recipes and easy ready meals for of Cyprus must pay to enter the is- is not approved before their trip. cases, issue a travel authorisation
Cypriot cook living in England, her busy family life. Inspired by the land next year after an EU decision The EU commission says a form within minutes.
"Meliz's Kitchen" has been pub- nine chapters of vibrant, nutritious subjecting all third-country nation- should take 10 minutes to fill. Appli- “The ETIAS travel authorisation
lished. Through the Penguin Ran- cooking: Breakfast (breakfast), als to a visa waiver fee. cants will need a passport or equiva- will be a mandatory pre-condition
lent document to apply.
for entry to the Schengen area. It will
dom House press publishing house, Appetizers & Salad (meals and Under the European Travel Infor- According to its website: “The sys- be checked together with the trav-
the recipe book that specifically in- salads to share), Cooker & Roast mation and Authorisation System tem will conduct checks against EU el documents by the border guards
troduced the Cypriot cuisine was (traditional stovetop meals), Oven (ETIAS), charges are expected to be information systems for borders and when crossing the EU border.”
enacted in May 2023.
handled by Meliz Cooks. (hearty oven-baked meals), Stew Plans to introduce a visa waiver
'Meliz's Kitchen' is a celebra- (easy). one pot and slow cooker), security check will mean travellers
tion of delicious spices and fresh Kebab & Meatballs (barbecue dish- must apply to enter the Schengen
flavours that make up a Turkish es and accompaniments), Bread & zone – which includes most EU na-
Cypriot cuisine. In this book, Meliz Dough Heat (breads, doughs and tions in mainland Europe and pay a
Berg shares her most comforting pastries), and Cakes and Desserts fee before travelling.
(crowd-pleasing desserts). ETIAS affects UK travellers as,
Recipes include: Cyprus Break- since Brexit, they are considered
fast Plate, One Cup Halloumi & third-country citizens. The visa
Tomato Pasta, Stuffed Artichoke & waiver will apply to travellers aged
Vine Leaves, Cyprus Pasta, Chick- between 18-70. It is expected to cost
en Doner Kebab, cream moussaka, around £6 or €7.
BBQ Wings and Thighs This will mean that while UK pass-
Halloumi, Olive and Herbed Nuts port holders do not need a visa to
The self-taught cook, recipe de- visit EU Schengen zone countries as
veloper and food content creator. tourists, they can be turned away at
Due to her Turkish Cypriot her-
itage, Meliz grew up in a home
where her family combined both Day-Mer Park festival to take place this weekend
traditional Cypriot and multicul-
tural London life. Her mother's THIS weekend will see the re- With performances from Mikail Turkey, Delia Mattis from Black
influence in cooking was very im- turn of the Day-Mer festival after Aslan & Cemil Qocgiri, Oruz Aksac, Lives Matter, Union representivies
portant, and Meliz is passionate two years. The 33rd culture & arts the Turbans, Lokandes, the Odd and local MPs attending.
about developing family recipes festival which was held online dur- Beats and Day-Mer Women’s Choir The event will be held from 2pm
from her childhood that have only ing the pandemic will be returning taking to the stage. Speaking at the till 7.30pm with entertainment
been passed down through oral to Clissold Park this Saturday 3 event will also included Ercument and kids fun as well as traditional
tradition over the years. July 2022. Akdeniz from the Labour Party of foods and handmade crafts.