Page 40 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1112
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Londra to enter the island next year after an EU decision subject-
UK tourists to pay EU visa
waiver fee
TOURISTS travelling to the South of Cyprus must pay
ing all third-country nationals to a visa waiver fee. Under
the European Travel Information and Authorisation Sys-
2023. Plans to introduce a visa waiver security check will
mean travellers must apply to enter the Schengen zone –
Gazete tem (ETIAS), charges are expected to be enacted in May
which includes most EU nations in mainland Europe and
pay a fee before travelling. ETIAS affects UK travellers as,
Thursday 30 June 2022 Issue 1112 50p since Brexit, they are considered third-country citizens.
020 8889 5025 The visa waiver will apply to travellers aged between 18- twitter@LondraGazete 020 8889 5025 70. It is expected to cost around £6 or €7... Page 3m
ON Friday June 17 Mediareach Adver-
tising held its “Acknowledgement Awards”
for its Multicultural Partnership Events at
The Dilly Hotel, Piccadilly, where Londra
Gazete was awarded for its dedicated work
during the pandemic.
The gala took place at the Madhu’s May-
fair award-winning restaurant in Central
London, an event was organised to ac-
knowledge the hard work of Media and
Content partners despite the toughness
of the past two years.
“At Mediareach Advertising, multicul-
tural media partnerships are a unique
proposition of ours. A big part of the work
we do, from bespoke content to omnichan-
nel marketing, goes back to the dedication
of our media partners. For that, we have
come together to celebrate the diversity,
cultural insights, tonality, inclusivity, and
relevance in content and media planning,”
said Saad Al Saraf, CEO. Media houses
from across the UK were gathered to dis-
cuss the challenges of the diverse media
industry and plan for better collaboration
opportunities in the future. Editors, jour-
nalists, producers, and different stalwarts
of the media family found... Page 3m
Less than 100 days left to use paper TfL to begin issuing fines to drivers
£20 and £50 notes in cycle lanes
BRITS are being urged to check money a mind-boggling £8 billion worth of old £50 MOTORISTS caught driving in cycle lanes ing the road rules". TfL said the move would
pots and savings tins at home as there are just notes in circulation. Both paper notes will no on roads managed by Transport for London make the capital's streets safer. Only rental
100 days left to either spend or cash in paper longer be legal tender on September 30, the (TfL) are to be fined from Monday, the trans- e-scooters within the various trial areas and
£20 and £50 notes. The old money has been Bank of England said. After this date, you port body has said. New powers have been pedal cycles can legally be used in cycle lanes.
replaced with longer lasting plastic cash but won't be able to spend them in stores. The given to the authority and other London But the government has provided new pow-
the Bank of England estimates there are more Bank of England is encouraging anyone who boroughs to fine drivers who cross the solid ers to local authorities, which allows them
than £6 billion worth of paper £20 notes still still has these to use them or deposit them at white lines which mark cycle tracks. Exist- to fine motorists who infringe on cycle lanes
tucked away in wallets, piggy banks and even their bank or a Post Office during these last ing CCTV cameras will initially be used in and cycle tracks, in the same way that they
old trouser pockets. And it reckons there are 100 days. People can also... Page 2m "key locations... to deter drivers contraven- currently do with bus lanes... Page 4m