Page 32 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1112
P. 32

Londra Gazete, 30 June 2022                                                                                         9

                                                                          NHS patients to be offered

                                                                         chance to travel for surgery

                                                                        NHS  patients in England who
                                                                      have been waiting more than two
                                                                      years for surgery are being offered
                                                                      hospital treatment in alternative
                                                                      parts of the country.
                                                                        More than 6,000 long-term wai-
                                                                      ting-list patients are being offered
                                                                      travel and accommodation costs
                                                                      where appropriate to help the
                                                                      NHS through the backlog.
                                                                        Health officials want to  ensure
                Hospital admissions                                   nobody is waiting more than two
         continue to rise as experts                                  years by the end of July.
                                                                        More than 400 patients have al-
                                                                      ready said they would be prepared
           warn of fifth covid wave                                   to travel.
                                                                        Three patients waiting for sur-
          9 number of hospital admis-  ZOE Covid symptom study app,   gery in Derby have already recei-  ced by two-thirds since January.  There were 22,500 people wa-
         sions for Covid-19 in England  said: “We’re in a wave at the mo-  ved treatment in the Northumbria   "Innovations like this are hel-  iting more than two years for an
         has risen as experts warn the  ment,” he said, “heading towards   health region, with another two  ping to tackle waiting lists and spe-  operation in England in January,
         fifth wave of the virus has already  a quarter of a million cases a day,   patients booked in, NHS England  ed up access to treatment, backed  but this has fallen by 15,000.
         started.                      that’s a wave already.”        said.                          by record investment," he said.Mr   However, the latest monthly
          Some 7,822 patients in England   The latest figures show 1.7 mil-  And in south-west London, 17  Javid also  pointed to  more than  NHS figures show it was the bu-
         had Covid-19 on June 27, up 37  lion people are testing positive   orthopaedic patients from the  90 community diagnostic centres  siest May for emergency care, with
         per cent on the previous week,  across the UK, a 23 per cent in-  South West of England are being  delivering more than a million  2.2 million A&E attendances.
         NHS figures show.             crease on the week before.     treated, with another 11 patients  checks and scans in the past year.   And nearly 6.5 million people in
          It is the highest total for nearly   Scientists believe the dramatic   set to follow in the coming weeks.  With weekend clinics and dedi-  England are waiting for hospital
         two months but is still some way  rise in cases is due to new Omi-  Health and Social Care Secretary  cated surgery hubs, he said NHS  treatment - a record high - with
         below the peak of 16,600 patients  cron subvariants BA.4 and BA.5   Sajid Javid said the number of  staff were making "great progress"  many waiting for knee and hip
         during the Omicron BA.2 wave.  which have mutated further, thus   two-year waits had already redu-  in busting the Covid backlogs.  replacements, and eye surgery.
          Professor Tim Spector, of the  are able to evade immunity more.

         Jab may prevent people at risk                                   Study: People who work over 49 hours

                     of type 1 diabetes                                                  a week drink more booze

          CONCERN A simple jab could    diabetes, where it has been found   PEOPLE who work more  around 105,000 people.             'Having a drink can make
         soon prevent people at risk of   to halt production of the cells whi-  tend to drink more alcohol, a   Those who worked 41 to  you feel more relaxed and,
         type  1  diabetes  from  developing   ch damage the immune system,   study suggests.         48 hours per week consumed  after a week of long or hard
         the disease in the first place.  called  CD4,  meaning  the  disease   Employees who do 49 or  10.4g more of pure alcohol a  work, you feel like you deserve
          The drug, currently known as   stops progressing. Experts hope   more hours a week consume  week, on average, than those  a treat so we give ourselves a
         IMCY-0098, blocks the faulty   it will also have the same effe-  an extra glass of wine or pint  who worked 35 to 40 hours.  present.'
         immune system response that is   ct in those who haven't yet been   of beer, on average, compared   That is the equivalent of a   He said working from home
         thought to trigger the illness.  diagnosed with type 1 diabetes   to those who work a standard  half pint of beer or a small  during the pandemic and the
          Type 1 diabetes affects 400,000   but have the symptoms – feeling   nine-to-five.           glass of wine.               cost of living crisis may lead
         Britons and is potentially life-th-  thirsty and going to the toilet a lot   Experts say workaholics use   But those who do 49 to 54  to longer working weeks, and
         reatening. For reasons not fully   – that suggest they may be deve-  alcohol to 'reward' themselves  hours a week consumed an  therefore more alcohol con-
         understood, the immune system   loping it.                       and unwind after a long, stres-  extra 17.7g of pure alcohol  sumption.
         turns on healthy body tissue, dest-  Although most sufferers deve-  sful week.               each week, the same as a pint   It comes after a study found
         roying cells in the pancreas gland   lop the disease in childhood, it can   They also warn the cost of  of weak beer or larger glass of  spreading alcohol intake ac-
         that produce insulin – the hormo-  first appear in adulthood – usually   living  crisis  could  force  more  wine.        ross the week is safer than
         ne that enables sugar to pass from   before the age of 30. Patients have   families to work overtime or   The WHO study did not find  binging it all in one night.
         the blood into the body's cells to   to monitor their blood sugar levels   take a second job, which could  evidence that long working   Researchers at the Univer-
         be used for energy.            and inject themselves with insulin   turn more people to the bott-  hours was tied to binge drin-  sity of Texas at Austin found
          Without insulin, sugar builds up   medication every time they eat.  le.                     king, despite previous papers  having one glass every night,
         in  the  blood,  causing  widespre-  As IMCY-0098 targets only CD4   The World Health Organiza-  warning of a link.       rather than seven in one go,
         ad damage to organs. At present,   cells, it doesn't affect the immu-  tion (WHO) study is the latest   The NHS recommends men  makes people far less likely to
         IMCY-0098 has been given only   ne system's ability to protect the   to link working hours to booze  and women not to regularly  become an alcoholic.
         to patients with early-stage type 1   body against other infections.  consumption.           drink more than 14 units a     The study followed 1,000
                                                                           Previous research has also  week — around 112g of pure  Americans aged 30 and above
                                                                          associated working more than  alcohol.                   for nine years.
                                                                          48 hours per week to heavy    Study author Professor Lode   Dr Charles Holahan, study
                                                                          and binge drinking.         Godderis, from KU Leuven in  leader and a psychology pro-
                                                                           In the latest study, published  Belgium,  told  The  Sun:  'We  fessor at the University of
                                                                          in the journal Safety and He-  know that having long wor-  Texas at Austin, said not all
                                                                          alth at Work, experts reviewed  king  hours  is  stressful  and  units of alcohol consumed are
                                                                          data from 14 studies involving  that alcohol reduces stress.  equal.
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