Page 37 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1111
P. 37

4                                                                                           Londra Gazete, 23 June 2022

                                                                                  ASUK celebrated the 103rd

                                                                      Anniversary of the Amasya Protocol

                                                                        THE Ataturk Society UK (ASUK)
                                                                      celebrated the 103rd Anniversa-
                                                                      ry of the announcement of the
                                                                      Amasya Protocol, where a memo-
                                                                      randum of understanding signed
                                                                      on 22 October 1919 in Amasya,
                                                                      Turkey between the Ottoman
                                                                      imperial government  in Istanbul
                                                                      and the Turkish revolutionaries
                                                                      (the Turkish National Movement)
                Ekin-Su dividing                                      aimed at seeking ways to preserve
                                                                      national independence and unity
                                                                      through joint efforts
         opinion in Love Island                                       “Happy 103rd anniversary of    of our War of Independence, with
                                                                        In a statement ASUK  said,
                                                                      Gazi Mustafa Kemal  Atatürk,   mercy, gratitude and respect."
          THE young star looking for love  in her opinion from her open-  who ignited the National Struggle   SIGNING THE COMPLETE
         on the hottest dating show on TV  ing comments, with one writing:   with the support of the people of   AMASYA
                                                                      Amasya and laid the Foundations
         has divided option as contestation  “wasn't ekin su the same one who   of the Republic. We are grateful   Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Rauf
         and views claim she’s “playing a  said she's not here for seasonal   and proud for the unique strength  Orbay and Bekir Sami Kunduh on  sha, who had come to Amasya to
         game”.                        girlfriends why is she shocked??”  of the spirit of the National Strug-  the one side, in their title of Dele-  represent the short-lived Otto-
          On Tuesday night Ekin-Su was   Another commented: “Ekin-su   gle initiated in Amasya and the  gation of Representatives (Heyeti  man government of Ali Rıza Pa-
         in the line up as one couple left the   saying she’s friends with these   courage of the people.  We  once  Temsiliye)  as  attributed  by  the  sha  on  the  other  side,  all  signed
         Love Island villa, following being   girls in here but they are not al-  again commemorate Gazi Musta-  Sivas Congress, and the Ottoman  the protocol just after the Sivas
         at the centre of a few arguments   ways being genuine, but then this   fa Kemal Atatürk, who made us  Minister of Marine (later grand  Congress in the same city of the
         with the fellow ladies in the villa.   is also the same girl that said she’s   feel this pride, and all the heroes  vizier himself) Hulusi Salih Pa-  Amasya Circular.
          In one agreement with former
         footballer Micheal Ownes daugh-  not here to make seasonal girl-
         ter  Gemma,  she  was  accused  of   friends.”
         ‘acting’ which she denied viewers   However in her quest to find   Massive sinkhole opens up in Bexleyheath
         at home were left confused by the   love tense have not just been ris-
         moment as Ekin-Su entered the   ing with the ladies in he villa, cur-  A20-foot wide sinkhole has  media a motorcyclist didn’t see  thought he was Evel Knievel or
         villa determined that she wasn’t   rently pair with Jay Younger how   opened up on a quiet residential  the huge hole and rode into the  something.”
         there for “seasonal girlfriends”,  has  seemly grown increasingly   street swallowing up the entire  crater. Mick Stevens, 49, who   Mick added: “He fell into it with
         leaving many guessing she was  unsure  of  Ekin-Su,  and  has  re-  road - and a passing motorbike.  lives next to the hole, told Mail  this big bike, then got out and
         causing drama for the sake of it.  vealed to Gemma Owen he has his   Emergency services rushed to  Online: “I parked on the road at  started shouting  ‘I  need  a taxi,
          Many noted  the differences  sights set on Paige Torne.     seal off Martens Avenue, Bexley-  9pm and thought ‘what the hell  I need a taxi’ and then ran off.
                                                                      heath after the tarmac caved in  is that?’ “There were one or two  The police and fire brigade were
                                                                      about 9pm on Tuesday.          people standing there looking at  here for hours.” No injuries were
                                                                        It remains unclear as to what  something. “Then a motorbike  reported but a motorbike is pic-
         Polio alert as several cases are                             caused the rupture in the road.  came speeding along and tried to  tured lying on its side inside the

                   detected in London                                   Neighbours claimed on social  jump over the hole. He must have  hole.

          LONDONERS  have been urged  oral polio vaccine given abroad
         to ensure that babies and children  and has most likely been shed by a   Two tower block fire breaks out in London
         are fully vaccinated  against  polio  vaccinated individual who arrived
         after a virus that causes the disease  in London this year from Afghan-  ON  Tuesday  June  21,
         was found to be circulating in the  istan,  Pakistan or Nigeria. Other   fire-fighters are tackling a huge
         capital.                      members of that individual’s ex-  blaze at a 13th floor flat in east
          It is the first time since 1984  tended family may then have con-  London.
         that the virus has been found to  tracted the virus.           It was the second tower block
         be spreading in the community in   The precise locations have not   fire in one day, after an inferno
         the UK. However no cases of po-  been  identified  but six  boroughs   ripped through flats a mile away
         lio have been reported, meaning  - thought to be in north and east
         that infected individuals have not  London - are under investigation.  from Grenfell in the morning.
         suffered  any rare  but potentially   Sewage  from  Beckton  sewage   Sixty  firefighters  battled
         severe symptoms such as paralysis.  works is tested fortnightly to check   fames on the 12th floor of
          The virus is derived from the  for various diseases. The virus was   Queensdale Crescent in  Shep-
                                       first detected in February, then   herd’s Bush, west London. The
                                       again in April and also more re-  incident, which left one person
                                       cently. The samples were found to   needing hospital treatment, was
                                       have genetic similarities, leading to   under control by 11am.
                                       the belief that a family or extended   The London Fire Brigade (LFB)
                                       family is involved.             are at the scene of another tow-
                                         Health chiefs say the discovery is   er block blaze.
                                       of “concern but the current risk [of   Fifteen fire engines and
                                       the virus spreading] is low”. About   around 100 firefighters have
                                       15 per cent of London teenagers   been called to a flat fire on Gran-
                                       have not had their two boosters. It   tham Road in Manor Park. Part
                                       is children and teenagers who are   of the flat, on the 13th floor of  orange flames.        high-rise block before the Bri-
                                       unvaccinated that are at risk.  a 15-storey block, is alight with   Around 60 people left the  gade arrived.
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