Page 36 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1111
P. 36
Londra Gazete, 23 June 2022 5
Inflation hits fresh 40-year high as Man convicted of selling illegal
cost of living crisis deepens
UK inflation has hit a fresh 40 Road fuel and food costs were TV boxes flees to North Cyprus
year high, climbing 9.1 per cent in two of the biggest drivers behind
the 12 months to May, up from 9 the figures, which showed prices A man convicted of selling illegal
per cent in April. climbing across the UK economy. TV boxes has fled to Cyprus to avoid
The ongoing surge is partly driv- Food prices jumped 8.6 per cent, a justice.
en by energy costs, after an in- 13 year high, up from 6.7 per cent Micheal Hornung, 38, from Tame-
crease of £700 a-year in energy in April, in part due to impact of side was sentenced to four and a half
bills came into force last month. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on years in prison for selling the fraud-
Yet economists fear inflation, the global food markets. ulent boxes, which aired Sky TV, BT
rate at which prices rise, will climb Deputy Prime Minister, Dominic Sports and Virgin illegally.
He is thought to have made over
further in the months ahead. The Raab told Sky News that the UK £350,000 in profit and has since fled
Bank of England estimates it could must show “restraint” in pay offers the country.
reach 11 per cent this year. for workers because “we know that Hornung was found guilty in his
Modelling from the Office for Na- if public sector pay keeps going up absence following a trial at Minshull
tional Statistics (ONS) suggested it will only keep inflation high for Street Crown Court in May. He then
this is the highest rate of inflation longer”. Though he admitted that failed to attend a sentencing hearing
since at least February 1982, when people were now struggling “to on Thursday, and the court was told
inflation reached 10.2 per cent. make ends meet”. he had since fled to Northern Cyprus prosecutor Ari Alibhai said: “This was conducted over a sustained period of
– where the UK has no extradition a sophisticated and remunerative time.”
treaty. business supplying customers the Hornung initially cooperated with
Hornung is thought to to have sold means to access TV without paying court proceedings following his ar-
around 2,700 TV boxes between Jan- the broadcasters or others with in- rest in December 2017, but later
uary 2014 and January 2017 and his tellectual property rights to that con- failed to attend his trial and convic-
operation caused an estimated loss tent.” tion.
of around £2 million to the media During sentencing, the judge said: The judge said Hornung had ‘de-
companies. “These offences were sophisticated liberately absconded’. She said: “It is
Acting on behalf of the Federation and required a degree of technical not unreasonable to for this court to
Against Copyright Theft (F.A.C.T.), proficiency and planning and were conclude that was a planned escape.”
NHS warns of scam Covid-test texts
THE NHS is warning about have tested positive are no longer In its alert, the NHS says it
widespread scam text messages advised to test. will "never ask for bank details,
telling recipients they have been The aim of the messages ap- so please be aware of suspicious
in close contact with a Covid case. pears to be harvesting financial messages".
"We've seen reports of fake NHS and personal information. Most people are no longer ad-
text messages about ordering If clicked on, the link in the vised to test for Covid and are in-
Omicron Covid-19 test kits," it messages takes the recipient to a eligible for free tests - but some
tweeted. fake NHS page asking for person- some pharmacies and shops sell
Close contacts of people who al and financial information. them.
Queen praises pioneers as
Waterloo statue unveiled New rules proposed for buy now pay later
RULES on so-called buy now pay which recommended the industry • Lenders will need to be approved
THE Queen has praised the al of Caribbean immigrants to the later (BNPL) loans will be tightened should be regulated. by the Financial Conduct Authority
Windrush "pioneers" for their shores of Britain on 22 June each up, the government says - includ- A recent survey by Citizens Ad- (FCA).
"profound contribution" to Brit- year - the day HMT Empire Win- ing new guidelines on advertising vice suggested many consumers • Borrowers will be be able to take
ish life as a statue to them was drush arrived at Tilbury Docks in and checks to ensure customers were using credit cards and other complaints about BNPL schemes to
unveiled. 1948. can afford to pay. forms of debt to make payments. the Financial Ombudsman Service.
The monument, at Waterloo The Queen's grandson the Duke Apple has said it plans to launch a The charity heard from 2,288 In a statement accompanying the
Station, pays tribute to the thou- of Cambridge helped to unveil buy now pay later option for users people who had used buy now pay proposals, Economic Secretary to
the Treasury, John Glen said: "We
of Apple Pay, initially in the US.
later during the past 12 months.
sands of people who arrived in the statue, alongside his wife the But critics say BNPL schemes en- It found that 52% made repay- are protecting consumers and fos-
the UK from Caribbean countries Duchess of Cambridge, and also courage people to spend beyond ments from their current account, tering the safe growth of this inno-
between 1948 and 1971. paid tribute to the contributions their means. but 23% used a credit card, 9% used vative market in the UK."
It depicts a man, woman and of the Windrush generation, and The loans - used by 15 million a bank overdraft and 7% borrowed But the proposals will not come
child standing on top of suitcases their descendants to British life. people in the UK in 2021 - are typ- from friends and family. into force for at least a year, with
and was revealed to mark Win- The duke referred to the Win- ically spread over a number of pay- In March it found that that young legislation scheduled for mid-2023,
drush Day. drush scandal, which broke in ments. people, people in debt and people after which the FCA will consult on
The government gave £1m to April 2018, and said it still "right- Although the instalments are in- claiming Universal Credit, were at new rules.
fund the statue, designed by Basil ly reverberates through the Car- terest free - BNPL companies make least twice as likely to have used
Watson. ibbean community here in the money from the retailer, usually BNPL to cover essentials such as
In a message to mark the oc- UK". taking a cut from sales - there may food and toiletries, than other
casion, signed Elizabeth R, the The scandal, which saw mem- be additional charges if customers groups.
Under plans set out by the gov-
miss payments.
Queen said she hoped the stat- bers of the Windrush generation The main operators offering the ernment:
ue would "inspire present and and their children wrongly de- service in the UK are Klarna, Clear- • Lenders will be required to carry
future generations" as she sent tained and even deported, led to pay, Laybuy and PayPal. out checks to ensure that loans are
her "warmest good wishes on this the UK government apologising In September 2020, the Financial affordable for consumers,
historic occasion". for the deportation threats many Conduct Authority (FCA) commis- • Advertisements must be fair,
Windrush Day marks the arriv- faced. sioned a review of BNPL schemes, clear and not misleading.