Page 35 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1111
P. 35

6                                                                                           Londra Gazete, 23 June 2022

                David Lammy under                                       Grant Shapps hits out at unions

         investigation for financial                                             as rail strike cause chaos

                     interest breach                                    THOUSANDS  of staff at Net-

                                       Stone who has been looking at   work Rail, Great Northern,
                                       possible breaches in the areas of   Thameslink and rail companies
                                       earnings, gifts and foreign travel.  across the country are due to
                                         The MP  for  Tottenham's  finan-  walk out on Thursday and Satur-
                                       cial register included a speech in   day - following a day of action on
                                       the US on the invasion of Ukraine.  Tuesday - with services affected
                                         It also noted he received £3,280   from Monday evening and dis-
                                       from the Canary Wharf Group for   ruption continuing on non-strike
                                       a speech and question-and-answer   days this week.
                                       session on 1 December, but it was   Just 20 per cent of trains are
                                       not registered until 27 May.   understood to be running during
                                                                      strikes and passengers are being
                                         A spokesperson for Mr  Lammy
                                       said: "David Lammy takes his dec-  advised to avoid all but essential
          LABOUR'S shadow foreign sec-  laration responsibilities seriously   The RMT is striking over what
         retary David Lammy is under in-  and as soon as this was brought to   it calls ‘an aggressive agenda’ of
         vestigation for allegedly breaking  his attention he wrote to Registrar   cuts to jobs, conditions, pay and
         rules for declaring financial inter-  of Members' Financial Interests to   pensions, with Mick Lynch, sec-  a camouflage for the fact they've  es and, rather than protecting
         ests.                         apologise for the administrative   retary general of the RMT un-  walked out of the talks that they  your jobs, they are actually en-
          The Parliamentary Standards  errors in his office which led to   ion, claiming the government did   should be in with their employ-  dangering them and the railway's
         probe is looking at possible breach-  late declarations in December last   not allow employers to negotiate   ers,” he said. He also claimed  future.”
         es to the MPs' code of conduct.  year.                       freely in their attempts to secure   that workers were striking un-  In an effort to ease the impact
          MP’s must register changes to   "He has assured the registrar   a 7 per cent pay increase.  der ‘false pretences’, adding: “It's  of the strikes, Mr Shapps con-
         their financial interests within 28  that he has put revised systems   Transport  secretary  Grant  about outdated unions opposing  firmed he would change the law
         days, but Mr Lammy's financial  in place so that declarations are   Shapps claimed calls for him to  progress, progress that will se-  in the next two months to allow
         register contained interests re-  made in a timely manner."  come to the negotiating table as  cure the future of the railway.  workers with transferable skills
         corded after that period.       The shadow foreign secretary   a ‘stunt’.                     “Your  union  bosses have got  to fill roles left by striking work-
          Lammy apologised and said he  joins Labour leader Sir Keir Starm-  “The reality is they're using it as  you striking under false pretenc-  ers.
         had put "revised systems in place".  er in being investigated by the
          The investigation was opened  watchdog, who has also is said to
         on Wednesday by Parliamentary  have registered gifts after the 28
                                                                       Ministers relax airport slot rules
         Standards commissioner Kathryn  day period.

          Brexit will hit workers’ real                                         to help avoid cancellations

         wages by nearly £500-a-year                                                                                                confident they will be able to op-

                                                                                                                                    erate for the rest of the summer
          BREXIT will hit workers’ real wag-  The report said Britain has expe-                                                     season.
         es by nearly £500-a-year and damage  rienced a decline of eight per cent in                                                  "This will help passengers find
         Britain’s competitiveness, according  trade openness - trade as a share of                                                 alternative arrangements ahead
         to a new report on Wednesday.  economic output - since 2019, losing                                                        of time, rather than face the kind
          The Resolution Foundation report,  market share across three of its larg-                                                 of last-minute cancellations seen
         in  collaboration  with  the  London  est non-EU goods import markets in                                                   over the Easter and half-term
         School of Economics, said the im-  2021, the US, Canada and Japan.                                                         holidays," a spokesperson said.
         mediate impact of the referendum   The full effect of the Trade and                                                          It  represents  something  of  a
         result has been clear, with a “depreci-  Cooperation Agreement will take                                                   U-turn for the government after
         ation-driven inflation spike” increas-  years to be felt but the move towards                                              it had demanded airlines put on
         ing the cost of living for households,  a more closed economy, say the au-                                                 full flight schedules, previous-
         and seeing business investment fall-  thors, will make the UK less compet-                                                 ly saying that airlines had to fly
         ing.                          itive, which will reduce productivity                                                        70% of their flight slots at air-
          The UK has not seen a large rela-  and real wages, it was predicted.                                                      ports or lose them.
         tive decline in its exports to the EU   The report added that the North   THE  Department for Trans-  ages.                  Airlines buy slots to operate
         that many predicted, although im-  East, an area which voted signifi-  port (DfT) has temporarily re-  It said airlines will be given a  their schedules but can lose them
         ports from the EU have fallen more  cantly for Leave, is expected to be hit   laxed rules around airport slots  short window, described as an  to rivals if they fail to maintain
         swiftly than those from the rest of  hardest by Brexit as its firms are par-  to help airlines avoid last-minute  "amnesty", to hand back take-off  their obligations to the airport
         the world, the study suggested.  ticularly reliant on exports to the EU.  cancellations due to staff short-  and landing slots they are not  and passengers by failing to fly.

         Ofgem blamed as supplier failures lead to higher energy bills

          ENERGY watchdog Ofgem has been  was vulnerable to large shocks. The  takes of those charged with protecting
         accused of allowing an industry to de-  regulator said it was already address-  them. It's unacceptable." The result of
         velop on "shaky foundations" in which  ing the issues raised. Meg Hillier, who  last year's shock was that 2.4 million
         a series of supply companies collapsed.  chairs the Public Accounts Committee,  customers were automatically moved
         All billpayers will pay £94 more a year  said: "Ofgem's approach created an  to a rival company when their own
         each to cover the £2.7bn cost of the  energy market  built on  shaky foun-  supplier collapsed. Typically, according
         failure of 28 suppliers which folded  dations. As a result, many companies  to Citizens Advice, they had to pay an
         after wholesale prices soared. The Na-  simply collapsed under the shock of  extra £30 a month for the duration of
         tional Audit Office (NAO) said Ofgem  energy price increases. "Once again, it's  their original contract, as they were
         had allowed a market to develop that  the public who has to pay for the mis-  shifted to a more expensive tariff.
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