Page 32 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1111
P. 32

Londra Gazete, 23 June 2022                                                                                         9

             Obese children more likely to                             80% of Monkeypox outbreak

         develop dementia, study suggests

                                       cognitive performance in midlife.             cases are in London
                                         “Importantly the study also indi-
                                       cates protective strategies against   THERE are almost 800 cases of
                                       future cognitive decline may need to   monkeypox across the UK, with an
                                       start as far back as early childhood,   overwhelming majority in London
                                       so the brain can develop sufficient   among men aged in their 30s.
                                       reserve against developing condi-  Of 624 cases across England with
                                       tions such as dementia in older life.”  a reported home address, 80  per
                                         Dementia cases worldwide will tri-  cent - or 498 cases - are known to
                                       ple to over 150 million by 2050. With   be residents in the capital, accor-
                                       no cure in sight, there is an increas-  ding to a UK Health Security Agen-
                                       ing focus on lifestyle factors that   cy (UKHSA) update on Tuesday.
                                       reduce the risk. They include getting   There have  been 766  confirmed
                                       enough exercise, eating plenty of oily   cases in England.
                                       fish, fruit and vegetables, while cut-  Thirty seven cases have been
                                       ting down on fatty and sugary foods.  found in South East England, 26 in
          CHILDREN who are obese are     The study in the Journal of Science                         land and six in Wales.         England from May 6 this year.
         more prone to dementia decades lat-  and Medicine in Sport is the first   the North West and 20 in the East   Where gender information is   Just seven cases of monkeypox
         er, according to new research.  of its kind. It is the first significant   of England, but 142 are still under   available, 99 percent of cases were   were reported in the UK between
          It increases the risk of cognitive   study to look for links between ob-                   male. There are just five confirmed   2018 and 2021.
         decline in middle age, which can   jectively measured fitness and obe-  A dozen cases have been detected   female cases.  Monkeypox surveil-  There was  no documented com-
         lead to full-blown dementia. The   sity in childhood with cognition in   in both West Midlands and Yorks-  lance data in England is compiled   munity transmission in previous
         finding is based on a study of more   middle age.            hire and Humber while there were   daily based on virus test results   outbreaks.
                                                                                                                                      The outbreak has mainly been in
                                                                      very small numbers in East Mid-
         than 1,200 people tracked for over   The idea is that early activity lev-  lands, North East and South West   from the Rare and Imported Pat-  gay,  bisexual,  and men  who have
         30 years, starting when they were  els, fitness and metabolic health   England.             hogens Laboratory.             sex with men without documented
         at  school.  Lead  author  Professor  may protect against dementia in our   There are 18 confirmed cases in   The virus has spread rapidly since  history of travel to endemic count-
         Michele Callisaya, of Monash Uni-  older years. In the UK one-quarter   Scotland, three in Northern Ire-  initial infections were confirmed in  ries, UKHSA said.
         versity, Melbourne, said: “Develop-  of children are obese and a further
         ing strategies that improve low fit-  one in seven overweight. More than
         ness and decrease obesity levels in  920,000 Britons have dementia – a
         childhood are important because it  figure that will rise to two million in   `
                                                                            Scientists find ‘little evidence to
         could contribute to improvements in  the next three decades
                                                                          show cannabis oils help end pain’
          NHS as waiting list for children hits 350,000

          THE number of children on     was ‘dismayed’ by the figures as it   TRENDY cannabis-based  availability  of marijuana  alth and Science Univer-
         NHS waiting lists has passed   called for youngsters to be priori-  products that have become  in  many  [US]  states,  con-  sity,  said:  ‘With  so  much
         350,000 for the first time – after   tised for care.             a £700 million-a-year bu-   sumers might assume the-     buzz around cannabis-rela-
         rising by 100,000 in just a year,   The surge in demand, following   siness in the UK do not ap-  re  would  be  more  evidence  ted  products,  and  the  easy
         figures show.                  a slow-down in routine care du-   pear to alleviate pain, accor-  about the benefits and side  availability  of marijuana
          Experts warn that long waits are   ring  the  pandemic,  means  the   ding to a major US study.  effects. Unfortunately, the-  in  many  [US]  states,  con-
         particularly harmful for youngs-  average child is now waiting three   Over the past decade there  re is very little scientifically  sumers might assume the-
         ters as it can impair their mental   months to start treatment.  has been a boom in sales of  valid research into most of  re  would  be  more  evidence
         and physical development at a   The College warned the con-      oils, sprays and ointments  these products.’             about the benefits and side
         critical time of life. But only 65.4   sequences of delaying treatment   containing  cannabidiol  Writing in the journal An-  effects. Unfortunately, the-
         per cent of under-18s are being   can be ‘stark’ for young patients   (CBD) – one of the main ac-  nals Of Internal Medicine,  re is very little scientifically
         treated within the 18-week target   and their families.          tive ingredients in cannabis  author  Professor  Marian  valid research into most of
         and 12,000 have been waiting for   The  Government  said  it  was   but which does not produce  McDonagh, of Oregon He-   these products.’
         more than a year.              working to tackle the Covid back-  the ‘high’ associated with
          The Royal College of Paediatrics   log with record investment in the   the Class B drug.
         and Child Health (RCPCH) said it   NHS.                           Many adverts for CBD pro-
                                                                          ducts imply health benefits,
                                                                          including pain relief, althou-
                                                                          gh as almost all are classed
         Covid sub-variants are sparking concern                          as food supplements, ma-
                                                                          kers are banned from ma-
          CONCERN is growing over two   it is feared, enable them to retrain
         new sub-variants of Covid-19 that   their attack on human lung cells.  king explicit claims. But re-
                                                                          searchers, in a study backed
         have driven up infection rates in   That means they have more in   by the US government, have
         the UK, inspiring fears that other   common with the earlier, more
         countries could soon likewise see   dangerous Alpha and Delta vari-  now found little evidence
         a resurgence in cases.         ants than the highly transmissible   they help in this respect.
          Known as BA.4 and BA.5, the   but milder Omicron, which targe-   Writing in the journal An-
         strains were discovered in South   ted upper respiratory tract tissue.  nals Of Internal Medicine,
         Africa in January and February   The World Health Organisation   author  Professor  Marian
         respectively and are effectively   has also been investigating the   McDonagh, of Oregon He-
         the grandchildren of the Omicron   two sub-variants since April to as-  alth and Science Univer-
         variant of the coronavirus, whi-  sess whether they are more infec-  sity,  said:  ‘With  so  much
         ch spread across the globe in late   tious or dangerous than their pre-  buzz around cannabis-rela-
         2021, and feature three mutati-  decessors and have since added   ted  products,  and  the  easy
         ons to their spike proteins, which,   them to its monitoring list.
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