Page 34 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1111
P. 34

Londra Gazete, 23 June 2022                                                                                         7

                                                                       5,000 people hit by Heathrow

                                                                                      flight cancellations

                                                                        AROUND  30 flights carrying up
                                                                      to 5,000 passengers have been can-
                                                                      celled at Heathrow Airport due to
                                                                      technical issues affecting baggage.
                                                                        The  airport  asked  airlines  to  cut
                                                                      10% of flights from schedules across
            Interest-free loan scheme                                 terminals two and three on Monday.
                                                                        It comes after problems at baggage
          aims to reach 20,000 people                                 reclaim areas, with images of luggage
                                                                      being piled up high emerging last
          A  scheme offering interest-free  port the financial wellbeing of people   week.
         loans to the financially vulnerable  in vulnerable circumstances" with   Elsewhere, EasyJet announced
         is being expanded to reach up to  a mission to "increase access to fair,   plans to cut 7% of its 160,000 flights
         20,000 people.                affordable and appropriate financial   scheduled between July and Septem-
          After a successful trial in Man-  products and services".   ber.
         chester the No Interest Loan Scheme   The pilot is being funded with   The move came after Gatwick,
         (NILS) will be rolled out across the  £3.8m committed from HM Treas-  EasyJet's main airport, said it will
         UK from September.            ury, £1.2m from JPMorgan Chase   reduce the number of flights taking
          It's backed by the Treasury but will  and up to £1m of lending capital   off from its airport during the peak
         be run by credit unions and other  from each devolved administration,   summer  season  because  of  staff    disruption passengers have faced  has left the aviation industry strug-
         lenders.                      matched in England by Fair4All Fi-  shortages.                over the course of this weekend," the  gling to cope with resurgent demand.
          The aim is to offer emergency loans  nance.                   Tens of thousands of passengers  company said.                Airlines have been blamed in re-
         to people who would normally be   The nationwide pilot phase is de-  have been hit by airport disruption   Hundreds of flights across the UK  cent weeks for taking more book-
         turned down, because they can't af-  signed to offer small scale help to   and  flight  cancellations  in  recent  were cancelled during the week of  ings than they can manage following
         ford the interest payments.   20,000 people, who otherwise would   weeks.                   the Platinum Jubilee and half-term  steep staff cuts during the height of
          The No Interest Loan Scheme is be-  have struggled to borrow. If that   Heathrow said cutting the number  holidays, and concerns have been  Covid when travel ground to a halt.
         ing run, in part, by Fair4AllFinance,  phase is a success, a full-scale roll-out   of flights would "minimise" the im-  raised of further travel woes during   But industry leaders have argued
         which was founded by the Treasury  could reach 500,000 people, accord-  pact of the technical issues affecting  the summer.  the government could have done
         and Department for Culture Media  ing to a feasibility study conducted   baggage systems.     The disruption has been caused by  more to support the sector during
         and  Sport  three  years  ago  to  "sup-  before the pandemic.  "We apologise unreservedly for the  several factors, but staff shortages  the pandemic.
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