Page 37 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1108
P. 37
4 Londra Gazete, 02 June 2022
Nearly 80 Up to 45,000 London households
London bus routes face cuts eligible for £20,000 energy supportv
who was to blame for the cuts.
Deputy Mayor for Transport Seb UP to 45,000 London house-
Dance said: “No one wants to see holds will be given as much as
£20,000 each to improve the en-
reductions to our bus network, but ergy efficiency of their homes as
TFL is having to consider these the cost of living crisis continues
changes because of the savings de- to bite.
manded by the Government as part Mayor of London Sadiq Khan
of the emergency funding deals dur- on Tuesday announced that his
ing the pandemic.” Warmer Homes Programme will
The latest £200m government bail receive a £43 million injection to
out for TFL, announced in February support more low-income Lon-
to help it maintain services as it at- doners who live in cold or poorly
insulated homes.
tempts to recover from the financial Working with councils across
damage caused by the pandemic, is London, Mr Khan will be writ-
due to run out on June 24. In total ing to as many as 45,000 eligible
the Government has provided £5bn households urging them to ap-
of funding to TFL since the start of ply for grants of between £5,000
the Covid-19 crisis. and £20,000 that can be used for
But a Government source criti- measures such as installing heat crisis. proud to be helping deliver long
cised the Mayor, accusing him of pumps, insulating lofts, walls and He said: “That’s why today I’m term solutions to avoid future
“artificially creating” the bus cuts as floors, and improving or repair- committing a further £43m of crises and protect Londoners in
ing existing heating systems.
stark contrast the Governments
NEARLY 80 bus routes in central a “political weapon in his battle for Mr Khan said it is “unaccept- funding through my Warmer short-term sticking plaster ap-
and inner London face being axed a long-term capital funding deal”. able that many Londoners can’t Homes programme, which will proach.”
or cut back, it was announced on They said the Government will afford to keep their homes warm” help low-income households Anyone living in London in a
Wednesday, as part of a major shake continue to support bus services and that he was concerned about make their homes warmer, green- low income household with an
up aimed at making “significant sav- through revenue funding which is those on low incomes during the er and cheaper to run and build a Energy Performance Certificate
ings”. separate to the capital funding pack- “unprecedented” cost of living better London for everyone. I’m rating
Transport for London’s decision age set to expire later this month.
to launch a six week consultation on TfL is proposing to axe the follow-
78 of its 620 routes in the centre of ing bus routes: 4, 11, and 12 (24h
the city - including some of the cap- route), 14 (24h route), 16, 24 (24h
ital’s best known services - sparked route), 31, 45, 72, 74, 78, 242, 259, Police send warning following
a fierce row between City Hall and 521, C3, D7, N11, N16, N31, N72
TikTok rumours of planned
Boris Johnson’s government over and N74.
Hospital hub doubles number of attack in Camberwell
surgeries for hips and knees
PATIENTS undergoing replace- eration, while the average recovery POLICE have issued a warning their concerns about a reported knives.
ment knee or hip surgery are making time in hospital has been cut from following reports on TikTok that planned confrontation in Burgess Others posted: “So apparently
an attack is due to take place in Park on Thursday, June 2.
the Hunger Games are gonna be
it home on the same day after the four days to two for hips and five to Camberwell this week. One user said scenes at the held at Burgess Park on the 2nd
transformation of care at a major three days for knees. Several users many of them park will look like a “horror mov- of June. Who rolling?”
London hospital. UCLH opened a new building last school age have taken to the ie” while others made reference “Guys don’t go Burgess Park on
University College London Hospi- year that gives its orthopaedic sur- social media platform to voice to the apparent use of guns and June the second as there is go-
tal has managed to clear its backlog geons five dedicated theatres and up ing to be a war with two gangs
of patients awaiting complex knee to 32 beds, twice as many as previ- with guns, knives and acid... I am
and hip replacements after doubling ously available. At the start of the scared myself as I live close.”
the number of such operations in a pandemic in March 2020, UCLH, Superintendent Dan Ivey, head
year since becoming an orthopaedic like other NHS hospitals, suspended of neighbourhood policing for
“hub” for north-central London. many elective operations to focus on Lambeth and Southwark, said:
About 10 per cent of patients get treating Covid patients. “Police are aware of information
home on the same day as their op- Last month there were a record circulating on various social me-
dia channels regarding possible
6.4 million people in England await- violence in the Burgess Park area
ing non-emergency treatment, in- of SE5 on Thursday, 2 June.
cluding a million in London. Tens of “This has been fed into our lo-
thousands have waited more than a cal policing plan which covers the
year. entire bank holiday weekend and
But UCLH has performed 1,442 a visible policing presence will be
hip and knee operations in the 12 seen in Burgess Park, and oth-
months to the end of March, com- er key areas across Lambeth and
pared with 748 the previous year. Southwark over the course of the
The average wait for surgery is now weekend.
“Our priority is to ensure our
about three to five months. communities can celebrate the
Surgical robots are used to make Jubilee weekend in safe and se-
the operations more precise, causing cure environment.
less tissue damage and resulting in “Anyone intent on committing
less pain, which improves recovery criminal activity will be identified
times. and dealt with appropriately.”