Page 32 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1108
P. 32
Londra Gazete, 02 June 2022 9
‘Best exercise time may
differ for men and women’
EXERCISE is good for you whe-
never you do it, but the time of day
to achieve the best result may be
different for women and men, ac-
cording to a US study.
It found women burned more
body fat during morning exercise,
whereas evenings counted more
for men.
Much of what is known on this
Hepatitis identified in more than topic is based on studies on men,
the researchers say.
220 children across UK logical clocks and sleep-wake cycles
Differences in hormones, in bio-
between the sexes, could all play a
THE further 25 cases of hep- and learn more about these infec-
atitis have been confirmed in tions. role.
children aged 10 and under, ac- "The likelihood of children de- The study of 30 men and 26 wo-
cording to the UK Health Security veloping hepatitis remains ex- men - all active and healthy, and blood pressure and body fat over ge, New York state.
Agency. tremely low. between 25 and 55 years old - las- the course of the study, as well as But he suggests there is "somet-
It brings the total number of "Maintaining normal hygiene ted 12 weeks and monitored the their flexibility, strength and aero- hing else going on" which may
cases in the UK to 222, as of 25 measures, including making sure effects of a varied fitness prog- bic power at the start and end. mean the ideal time of day to exer-
May. Of those cases, 158 are in children regularly wash their ramme, which included stretching, All those who took part in the cise is different for women and
England, 31 in Scotland, 17 in hands properly, helps to reduce sprint, resistance and endurance study improved their overall health men. Based on the results, women
Wales and 16 in Northern Ireland. the spread of many common in- training. and performance over the 12-week interested in reducing fat around
Dr Renu Bindra, senior medical fections, including adenovirus. One group exercised for an hour trial, no matter when they exerci- their middle and reducing their blo-
adviser and incident director at In recent weeks, several coun- before 08:30 while the other group sed. "The best time for exercise is od pressure should aim to exercise
UKHSA, said: "Our investiga- tries have seen a surge in hep- followed the same activities in the the best time you can do it and fit in the morning, Dr Arcerio says.
tions continue to suggest an as- atitis cases, with the European evening, between 18:00 and 20:00. it into your schedule," says Dr Paul This is important because belly - or
sociation with adenovirus, and Centre for Disease Prevention All participants followed a speciall- Arcerio, lead study author and pro- abdominal - fat wraps around the
we are exploring this link, along and Control stating that around y-designed meal plan. fessor of health and human physi- body's internal organs, including
with other possible contributing 190 unexplained cases of severe The researchers tested everyone's ological sciences at Skidmore Colle- the liver, and can be dangerous.
factors including prior infections hepatitis have been reported in
such as COVID-19. children around the world, with
"We are working with other some 40 cases recorded in the Eu-
countries who are also seeing ropean Union and European Eco- `
Coffee drinkers at lower risk
new cases to share information nomic Area.
British man receives ‘world’s first’ of early death, study suggests
double hand transplant COFFEE drinkers have a
lower risk of an early death,
A man whose hands were left lupus, then thought it was car- according to a new study
unusable by scleroderma has been pal tunnel syndrome and he un- whether they add sugar or
given a new lease of life after what derwent an operation, but when not.
is believed to be the world’s first the pain returned in both arms he Previous studies have
double hand transplant for the was referred to a specialist who found that drinking coffee
condition. confirmed he had scleroderma. can reduce the risk of heart
Steven Gallagher, 48, was di- The condition affected areas inc- diseases and other serious
agnosed with scleroderma, an luding his nose, mouth and hands illnesses.
autoimmune disease that causes and, about seven years ago, his fin- However, they did not take
scarring of the skin and internal gers started curling in until they into account the amount of
organs, after he developed an unu- were in a fist position and he was sugar that was consumed
sual rash on his cheeks and nose suffering “horrendous” pain. with the coffee.
about 13 years ago, and pains in Mr Gallagher, from Dreghorn in Now, researchers in China
his right arm. North Ayrshire, had to undergo ps- have evaluated how much
Doctors initially said it could be ychological evaluation to ensure he sugar in coffee impacts the
was prepared for the prospect of a mortality rate in a study se who did not. Dr Christina Wee, deputy
transplant. published in the Annals of The study also took into editor of the journal, also
He then underwent the 12-hour Internal Medicine. account various factors of flagged that the findings in
operation in mid December 2021 They used data from a to- the participants including the study were not conclu-
after a suitable donor was found. tal of 171, 616 participants sex, ethnicity, body mass sive. But she conceded that
The hand transplant team at Le- from the UK BioBank. index, diet, and physical ac- drinking coffee, sweetened
eds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust, They found that peop- tivity. The greatest impact or not, does not appear to
which carried out the surgery, said le who drank a modera- was seen for those who drink be harmful for most- thou-
it is the first time anywhere in the te amount of coffee a day, between 2.5 and 4.5 cups a gh added that it is better to
world that hand transplantation with sugar or withour, had a day, with a reduction of an avoid too many sugar filled
has been used to replace hands ter- lower risk of death than tho- earth death of 29 per cent. coffee drinks.
minally affected by scleroderma.