Page 36 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1108
P. 36

Londra Gazete, 02 June 2022                                                                                         5

         Driving test backlog sees exams                               Brits get ready to celebrate the

                      sold for over £200                                        Queen’s platinum jubilee

          DRIVING  tests are being bulk  October.
         booked and resold for profit, as a   It has seen many learners turn   THE Queen is marking her 70th
         chronic backlog means learners are  towards a secondary market. Some   year on the throne on Sunday 5 June,
         otherwise waiting months for a test  are paying a nominal fee to compa-  making her the first British monarch
         date.                         nies which find them cancelled tests.   to reach such a milestone.
          Learner drivers say they have paid  Others are buying from sellers which   Over her decades-long reign,
         more than £200 for a practical test -  offer tests for vastly inflated prices.  Queen Elizabeth II has celebrated
         more than twice the standard fee.  The DVSA said it would continue   her Silver, Gold and Diamond Ju-
          One operator said it used automat-  to do all it could to provide as many   bilees in spectacular fashion, with
         ed software to book tests, however  tests as possible, including conduct-  plenty of events, pageants and tours
                                                                      to celebrate.
         according to BBC they have seen ‘ev-  ing out-of-hours testing and recruit-  This year, Platinum Jubilee celebra-
         idence encouraging driving instruc-  ing more examiners.     tions are expected to be spectacular,
         tors to sell tests for profit.’  In a statement, a spokesman add-  involving numerous events and par-
          The DVSA urged applicants to only  ed: "We urge applicants not to use   ties throughout the country to hon-
         book tests via its official website.  any third-party cancellation check-  our the Queen’s service.
          The demand for driving tests,  ing services and to always go through   More  than  16,000  street  parties
         caused by the pandemic, means in  the official DVSA website.  are set to take place across England.
         many places - including London, Bir-  "We've already put in place meas-  On Thursday(June 2) the celebra-
         mingham and Cardiff - tests aren't  ures to monitor and prevent bots   tion will kick off with the Queen’s
         available to  book  online for  up  to  from accessing our systems, while   Birthday Parade, the Parade will close  dral.  the ‘Big Lunch’ which will be tak-
                                                                                                                                    ing place with thousands of people
         six months. At other centres, the  also  strengthening our  firewall to   with the traditional RAF fly-past,   While on Saturday (June 4) mem-  across the UK are set celebrate with
                                                                      watched by the Queen and members
         earliest availability is September or  tackle the issue."    of the Royal Family from the Buck-  bers of the Royal Family will attend   their family, friends and community.
                                                                                                     the Derby at Epsom Downs. Then
                                                                      ingham Palace balcony.  Over 1,500   in the evening 22,000 people will be   Rounding of the event back at the
                                                                      beacons will also be lit throughout   attending the Platinum Party at the   mall the Platinum Jubilee Pageant
                                                                      the United Kingdom, Channel Is-                               with some 10,000 people taking part
                                                                      lands, Isle of Man and UK Overseas   Palace for performances by artists   in the pageant, which is set to bring
                                                                      Territories.                   such as Diana Ross, Sir Elton John,   to life iconic moments from The
                                                                        On Friday (June 3) morning a Ser-  Craig David, Andrea Bocelli and  Queen’s reign as well as showcasing
                                                                      vice of Thanksgiving for The Queen’s  many more.              our changing society over the past 70
                                                                      reign will be held at St Paul’s Cathe-  On the final day of the celebrations  years.

                                                                       Housing market set to slow as the year

                                                                                   progresses, says Nationwide

                                                                        HOUSE prices were 11.2% high-  (54%) are considering enhancing  (37%) citing this as a motivating
                                                                      er in May than a year earlier, al-  their home.               factor.
         Police received more than 14,000                             though the annual pace of growth   those looking to make improve-  surveyed wanted to improve en-
                                                                                                       “The  most  popular  option  for
                                                                                                                                     “Interestingly, 29% of those
                                                                      is slowing, according to an index.
                                                                        Across the UK, the average
               public complaints in a year                            property value in April had been   ments was to add or maximise  ergy efficiency or reduce the car-
                                                                                                     space, with more  than  a  third  bon footprint of their home...”
                                                                      12.1% higher annually.
          POLICE  received more than     A small number of allegations   Prices  also  increased  by  0.9%
         14,000 complaints from the pub-  (2 per cent) were discontinued   month on month in May, tak-
         lic about officers in the space of a  where an investigation into a re-  ing the average house price to
                                                                      £269,914, Nationwide Building
         year – but only 1 per cent led to  cordable conduct matter was sus-  Society said.
         proceedings.                  pended.                          Robert Gardner, Nationwide’s
          Official figures released by the   For conduct matters against   chief economist, said: “Demand
         Home Office show police forces   police staff, in 37 per cent of the   is being supported by strong la-
         in England and Wales received a   allegations there was no case to   bour market conditions, where
         total of 14,393 public complaints   answer and in 59 per cent of al-  the unemployment rate has fallen
         against officers in the year to 31   legations there was a case to an-  towards  50-year  lows,  and  with
         March 2021.                   swer.                          the number of job vacancies at a
          No action was taken against    Four per cent of allegations   record high.
         police officers in 92 per cent of   were discontinued and in a   “At  the same  time, the  stock
         these cases, while only 1 per cent   small number the result was not   of homes on the market has re-
         were referred to proceedings.                                mained low, keeping upward pres-
          The annual statistics also re-  known.                      sure on house prices.
         veal there were 3,584 conduct   A further 940 allegations were   “We  continue  to  expect  the
         allegations raised against police   made against police officers in-  housing market to slow as the
                                                                      year progresses.
         officers and 1,196 allegations   volving recordable conduct mat-  “Household finances are likely
         against police staff in the same   ters – which must be referred to   to  remain  under  pressure,  with
         period.                       the Independent Office for Police   inflation set to reach double dig-
          For conduct matters against   Conduct (IOPC).               its in the coming quarters if glob-
         police officers, about half of alle-  Of the allegations involved   al energy prices remain high.”
         gations (49 per cent) resulted in  in recordable conduct matters   He said: “Our recent housing
         no case to answer, and the other  against police officers, 33 per   market survey revealed that, as
         half (49 per cent) resulted in a  cent were referred to proceed-  well as more people looking to
         case to answer.               ings.                          move, over half of those surveyed
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