Page 35 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1108
P. 35

6                                                                                           Londra Gazete, 02 June  2022

          28th Tory MP to publicly                                     Labour leader and deputy sent police

                   call for PM to go                                   questionnaires over lockdown drinks

                                         He said he has called for the
                                       prime minister to put himself for-  LABOUR  leader Sir Keir Starm-
                                       ward for a vote of confidence to   er and his deputy Angela Rayner
                                       "draw a line" under the issue, but -   have received police question-
                                       as Mr Johnson appears unwilling   naires as part of an inquiry into
                                       to - has "taken the appropriate ac-  alleged Covid rule-breaking.
                                       tion" to force a vote.           They both attended a gathering
                                         "The continuing criticism, rev-  in Durham on 30 April last year, at
                                       elations and questions are debil-  which people drank beer and ate
                                       itating for the government at a   curry.
                                       time when there are so many oth-  Durham Constabulary initially
                                       er important and critical issues to   decided against an investigation,
                                       be addressed," he added. A total   but opted last month to go ahead
          MPS Conservative MP has sub-  of 41 Tory MPs have voiced their   with one.
         mitted a letter of no confidence  displeasure at the PM's handling   Sir Keir and Ms Rayner deny
         in Boris Johnson, making him  of partygate, according to a Sky   breaking any Covid rules.  pool by-election on 6 May, social   Labour has said it has evidence
         the 28th Tory to publicly call for  News tally, but Mr Stevenson is   The Labour leader was seen on   distancing rules were in place,  showing it was a work event, and
         the prime minister to go over the  the 28th to actually call for him   camera as he drank a bottle of beer   including a ban on indoor mixing  that Sir Keir was eating "between
         partygate scandal. John Steven-  to resign. A total of 54 letters -   while in the constituency office of   between households.  work demands".
         son, MP for Carlisle, said he has  15% of Tory MPs - must be sub-  City of Durham MP Mary Foy.  There was an exemption for   Durham Constabulary initially
         been "deeply disappointed" in the  mitted for a leadership vote to   Both  Sir  Keir  and  his  deputy   work purposes, but the rules did  decided that no offence had oc-
         rule-breaking parties at Number  take place, and only Sir Graham   have said they will resign if they  not mention socialising at work -  curred, but amid calls for the po-
         10 and Mr Johnson's response to  knows exactly how many have   are fined for breaching Covid  and there was also an exemption  lice to re-examine the incident,
         parliament.                   been handed in.                rules.                         if "the gathering is reasonably nec-  the force announced an investi-
                                                                        At the time of the Durham gath-  essary for the purposes of cam-  gation saying it had since received
                                                                      ering, in the run-up to the Hartle-  paigning in an election".  "significant new information".
             Home Office confirms

         first Rwanda deportation                                               Universities warn of EU-UK

          THE  government said it will de-  ly committed to delivering what the
         port migrants to Rwanda in two  British public expect."       research scheme 'close to precipice'
         weeks on 14 June.               The Home Office said an initial
          The Home Office said it had begun  group of migrants had started to re-  UNIVERSITIES  have  called  funding programme for research  land.
         issuing formal removal notices to   ceive formal letters telling them they   for an urgent resolution to a row  and innovation, with a current   He reportedly said that the
         migrants as the "final administrative   are being sent to Rwanda to "rebuild   about UK access to a major EU re-  budget of €95.5bn (£81.2bn).  "lack of trust" was having "a nega-
         step" in its partnership with the east   their lives in safety".  search programme.           The UK's associate membership   tive impact in other areas".
         African nation.                 It said the policy is designed to   Universities UK, which repre-  was agreed in principle under the   Tensions between the EU and
          The home secretary said that there   break  people-smuggling  networks   sents 140 institutions, fears min-  2020  Trade  and  Co-operation   UK have escalated since Foreign
         would still be attempts to delay the   and stem the flow of migrants across   isters could be about to abandon  Agreement, but ministers have   Secretary Liz Truss said a new law
         process.                      the Channel.                   the Horizon scheme.            been drawing up alternatives af-
          Priti Patel said: "Our world-lead-                            In  a letter to the European  ter complaining access was being   would be introduced to potential-
         ing partnership with Rwanda is a   The Home Office did not say how   Commission, seen by the BBC, it  blocked by Brussels.  ly scrap parts of the protocol uni-
         key part of our strategy to overhaul   many asylum seekers would be on   describes the situation as "close   The EU's ambassador to Lon-  laterally.
         the broken asylum system and break   the first deportation flight to Rwan-  to the precipice."  don, João Vale de Almeida, has   The EU accepts the post-Brex-
         the evil people-smugglers' business   da.                      The EU has indicated UK par-  described Horizon access as "col-  it treaty, which Boris Johnson's
         model.                          Earlier this month it said it started   ticipation is tied to the row about  lateral damage" in the impasse   government signed up to, is caus-
          "Today's announcement is another   issuing "notices of intent" to some   post-Brexit arrangements for  over the Northern Ireland Pro-  ing disruption for Northern Ire-
         critical step towards delivering that   individuals informing them they   Northern Ireland.  tocol,  which  governs  post-Brexit  land but wants changes within
         partnership and, while we know at-  were "in scope for relocation".  Horizon Europe is the EU's key  trading rules for Northern Ire-  the existing agreement.
         tempts will now be made to frustrate   It said officials are working to en-
         the process and delay removals, I  sure individuals are given the "appro-
                                                                        Ofcom: Tech firms must do more to
         will not be deterred and remain ful-  priate support" ahead of departure.
                                                                                        protect women online

                                                                        UNIVERSITIES THE head of me-  firms should prioritise user safety  as a result, and half said nothing
                                                                      dia regulator Ofcom says tech firms  over revenue.            had happened at all. "Look at your
                                                                      must do more to protect women    Ofcom is set to become the reg-  algorithms.  Too  many  companies
                                                                      online, after its report revealed they  ulator of social-media platforms as  prioritise growth and revenue over
                                                                      were more likely to be victims.  part of the government's Online  user safety and don't actually think
                                                                        Its report on UK media habits  Harms  Bill,  which  puts  the  onus  about the impact on the front-line
                                                                      says  women  are  more  likely  than  on tech companies to act swiftly to  user," said Dame Melanie, the reg-
                                                                      men to face online abuse or see  protect users and remove hateful  ulator's chief executive. Dame Mel-
                                                                      harmful content, and more likely to  content - or face steep fines. In its  anie also urged the tech giants to
                                                                      be distressed by it. Only 42% of the  survey of more than 6,600 adults  "look in the mirror" and make sure
                                                                      women in its survey said they felt  in the UK, only 21% of people who  female  members  of  staff  were  in-
                                                                      comfortable  about  speaking  freely  had reported content to the social  volved in the development of ser-
                                                                      online. Dame Melanie Dawes said  networks said it had been removed  vices and platforms.
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