Page 38 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1108
P. 38
Londra Gazete, 02 June 2022 3
The 11th Alevi Festival with “Peace and Justice” theme begins
IN London, the Alevi community attended the reception on Sunday.
celebrated the start of the 11th Alevi The reception started with a short
Festival with a reception held at the speech by Sibel Özçelik, a member of
British Alevi Cultural Centre Cemevi the British Alevi Cultural Centre Ce-
in north London. mevi board of directors.
The 11th British Alevi Festival will Over this week a number of events
be held between 29 May and 5 June will be taking place, the festival
with the motto ‘Peace and Justice’. In schedule will be as followed:
the statement made by the festival May 29: Opening Reception / Brit-
committee, it was said, “Our festival ish Alevi Cultural Centre Cemevi
is a strong voice that announces the 30-31 May /1 June: Panels / British
Alevi identity, which is still ignored Alevi Cultural Centre Cemevi
in our country, and the demands of 2 June: Cem Erkanı / British Alevi
Alevis to the world.” Cultural Centre Cemevi
Representatives of many demo- 3-4-5 June: Festival Day (Open Air)
cratic mass organizations in London / British Alevi Federation Headquar-
and friends of the Alevi community ters-Enfield
Giants of Anatolia to give their Hoş Seda Classical
first London performance Music Choir held the 'Kurdilihicazkar Faslı' concert
GIANTS of Anatolia present the ments of folk with a contemporary HOŞ Seda Classical Music Choir
unique sounds of Anatolian psyche- approach. wiped the rust of the ears with its
delic rock live for the first time on A nod to the late 60s music, Gi- concert called 'Kürdilihicazkar Faslı'
the Jazz Cafe stage with their con- ants of Anatolia will bring a new on Saturday, May 28.
cert “Journey to the Roots of Anato- breath to many beloved songs of Held in north London St.James
lian Psych”. Drawing their inspira- Anatolian psychedelic rock. “Jour- church in Islington Hoş Seda Clas-
tion from the rich musical cultures ney to the Roots of Anatolian sical Music Choir held their annual
and traditions of Anatolian folk Psych” celebrates a unique fusion of concert once again this year it was
and rock, the band hails from Lon- pop, rock and folk that transcends hosted by Melek Yalçın, and conduct-
don, bringing together musicians the boundaries of the past and pres- ed by Dilde Adalı.
together. Their funky and upbeat ent with be performed at the Jazz 7 musicians and 18 choirsts took
music incorporates traditional ele- Cafe in Camden Town. part in the concert of the choir with-
in the Hoş Seda Culture and Art Cen-
tre, performing to some 200 guests Ozanoğlu and Sektoral Event found- to promote our Classical Turkish
Turkish gang leader arrested in who attended the evening. Among er Arzu Güler. Music and culture abroad, to ensure
Speaking to the guests before the the spread of such activities. It is a
Moldova after international manhunt the guests was Atatürk Society UK concert, Dilek Altunkaş, who is the very honourable task for us to trans-
(ASUK) Chair Jale Özer, award-win-
ning teacher Dilek Livaneli, Second chairman of the choir, said, "The aim fer our culture to future generations
Eren was caught in October Spring Association President Fatoş of the establishment of our choir is through our classical Turkish music."
2015 carrying a loaded pistol and
a machine gun in north London
while allegedly on his way to car-
While being transferred to Two Turkish actors on BBC screens
ry out a shooting.
Wood Green Crown Court from
jail two months later, an attempt TWO Turkish actors met with When we called him for the second His father is from Samsun. How-
A senior leader of north London was made to break Eren out of the the audience again in the successful time, we played him with Ümit Ül- ever, Ersavaş said he was raised by
gang the Tottenham Turks has prison van. comedy series 'Pupil Referral Unit' gen, who played his father, and their his Indian stepfather since he was 7
been arrested in Moldova after Police managed to foil the plot (PRU), which was broadcast on the chemistry was great from the very years old. Stating that he wanted to
absconding from prison in Tur- but shot 28-year-old Jermaine BBC in the UK on Thursday, May 26. beginning.” be an actor since he was 5 years old,
key, the Met has said. Baker in the process. Last year 20-year-old Ceyhun Jaye Ersavaş Leah Henry also joked that Er- Ersavaş said that he also took acting
Izzet Eren was jailed for 21 during an inquiry into the fatal plays a student named Halil, and savaş was "a very talented, very training and that he also took part
years in 2015 for firearms offenc- shooting of Mr Baker, a Met Po- Ümit Ülgen plays his father Berdan. hardworking, incredibly humble ac- in a short film besides PRU.
lice briefing note made public set
es and while serving his sentence out what the officers believed The main four characters of the se- tor, and I can't confirm or deny that Ersavaş also emphasized that he is
he was transferred to a prison in about Eren’s background to be. ries, Halil, Hanna, Jaeden and Belle, the box of wonderful baklava he proud to have brought the Turkish
brought had an impact on his get-
people and culture to British televi-
Turkey in August 2019. Officers described Eren as “a sen- played by Ceyhun Jaye Ersavaş, are ting the role". sion. The hit comedy series aired on
The Met said Eren absconded ior member of a Turkish crime 4 15-year-olds with very different The mother of 20-year-old Ceyhun BBC Three on Thursday 26 May at
from that prison a month later. group” and said at the time of Mr characters and their only common Ersavaş is from a village near the city 10 pm and all episodes are available
Commander Fiona Mallen said Baker’s death he had “returned to point is that they have to study at of Famagusta in Northern Cyprus. as a box set on BBC iPlayer.
extradition proceedings were the UK in breach of a deportation PRU together.
under way after Eren’s arrest in order having been sentenced for Leah Henry, who also made the
Chișinău on Thursday (May 26). drugs trafficking offences”. casting for PRU last year, said that
She said: “The Metropolitan Po- The gang, known as the Tot- they received great attention from
lice Serious Crime Manhunt team tenham Turks, had a long-run- the Turkish community in the UK
works around the clock to track ning feud with the rival Hackney during the casting process and said
down the criminals ‘most wanted’ Turks, police said. that "Turkish cultural heritage is a
by the Met. They added the feud had seen big part of London and it is some-
“In this case, a hugely complex “numerous shootings and mur- thing that is not talked about in TV
investigation was launched to es- ders dating back to 2009 in both series that appeal to young people".
tablish Eren’s whereabouts, with London and Turkey,” the report Explaining that Ceyhun Ersavaş
a wide range of investigative and added. caught his eye in the first round of
sensitive intelligence opportuni- “Izzet Eren is wanted in Turkey casting, Henry said, "He even wore
ties exploited.” for murder,” the document said. his old school uniform. It was great. Ceyhun Jaye Ersavaş Ümit Ülgen