Page 38 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1102
P. 38

Londra Gazete, 21 April 2022                                                                                        3

                                                                       Londoners show their support

                                                                                    Baby Hazar with SMA

                                                                        A family is campaigning to raise
                                                                      the treatment cost of 1.8 million
                                                                      dollars of baby Hazar, who has SMA
                                                                      in Turkey. Support for Little Hazar
                                                                      has also come from London, volun-
                                                                      teers living in London has started a
                                                                      campaign in the capital to help to-
                                                                      wards the treatment costs.
                                                                        SMA, which is a genetic disease
                                                                      that affects nerves and muscles,
                                                                      causing muscles to become increas-
            Community groups calling                                  ingly weak, currently there is no
                                                                      cure to the disease. However in very
         on local voices for ‘The North                               limited number of hospitals across
                                                                      the  world,  treatments  is  available  life again. His disease is progress-
           London Zero Waste Survey’                                  which help to improved the lives of  ing very seriously. The campaign
                                                                                                     launched to hold on to life is about
                                                                      the patient but at a large cost.
                                                                        The drug Zolgensma which is not  to approach the target, but it needs
          SO  far over 1000 residents have  Islington, and Waltham Forest. We   available in Turkey is one of the  your support as well. The amount
         taken part in the ‘The North London  want to make things better. We want   most expensive drugs in the world.  required for the treatment is: 1.876
         Zero Waste Survey’ which has been  to create positive change.”  The family are campaign to raise the  million dollars...”
         set up by voluntary and informal   They plan to use the survey results   funds so 11 month old Baby Hazar   Many events are being organized
         community group in North London.   to “give your Councillors a people's   will be able to have the life saving  across Europe and Turkey in order
          In a statement they said: “Our   mandate at the May 5 elections.
         work seeks to supercharge recycling,   Our group will publish the results in   treatment.   to complete this campaign as soon
                                                                        Speaking to the London Gazete,  as possible. Recently, an event was
         reuse and composting in North Lon-  a hard hitting report for the north   Hazar's London volunteer Çınar  held in London, were homemade
         don to reduce incineration. We want   London councils offices and the me-  Kara made the following statement:  food was sold and entertainment
         North London to manage its rubbish   dia.  The survey will be open until   “Hazar is an 11-month-old patient  for children included a clown and
         in the most climate friendly way. To                         with SMA type 1. He has been fight-  face painting took place. The event
         end the current plan to continue to   Monday April the 25th.                                                                 For more information on how you
         burn our rubbish in incinerators be-  “All responses are anonymous and   ing for his life in the hospital for a  collected around £2,000 which will
                                                                                                     be donated to the campaign and  can donation or help visit tr.hazara-
         yond the end of our lifetimes. North   confidential. This survey is for res-  long  time.  In  this  process,  his  lit-
                                                                      tle heart stopped 2 times, and as a  future event are being organised to or contact Çınar Kara
         London can do better with more jobs,   idents in Barnet, Camden, Enfield,
         more economic opportunities and an   Hackney, Haringey, Islington, and   result of his efforts, he held on to  raise more.   on 07516372029.
         improved environment. To end air   Waltham Forest.”
         pollution and treat our wastes as val-  Local residents within the borough
         uable resources.”             can take part in the survey which is   GP struck off over affair with vulnerable
          Adding “We live in Barnet, Cam-  available in English, Turkish and Pol-
                                                                                              22-old-year woman
         den, Enfield, Haringey, Hackney,  ish at

         ASUK: Happy April 23rd National                              a woman 31 years his junior and who
                                                                        A family doctor who had sex with
           Sovereignty and Children's Day!                            plied her with medication to contin-
                                                                      ue their affair has been struck off the
          THE Atatürk Society UK (ASUK)                               medical register.
         has shared their National Sover-                               Married GP Goksel Celikkol was
         eignty and Children's Day message.                           55 when he started having sex with
         The day celebrated in Turkey as well                         the 22-year-old woman who said she
         a diasporas across the globe has en-                         felt ‘trapped’ in their relationship
         tered its 102th year.                                        because she needed him to give her
          In a statement ASUK said: “Our                              sleeping tablets.
         Great Leader Mustafa Kemal                                     A tribunal has heard that Celikkol
         Atatürk "April 23 is the beginning of                        who was club doctor for Blackpool
         the national history of Turkey and                           FC, and who married in 1970, first
         a new turning point. It expresses                            touched the patient inappropriately
         the wonder of the people of Turkey,   shoulders of our children and youth.   during an ‘out of hours’ intimate ex-
         who stood up against a whole world   He expressed how sincerely and   amination in 1999.
         of hostility, in forming the Turkish  beautifully how much he cares for   The woman moved to Scotland in  A who is bipolar and a history of su-  UK from Istanbul in 1971 to work
         Grand National Assembly."     them with the following words: "Lit-  2020 to live with her mother and she  icide attempts did not report Celik-  for the NHS and set up his GP sur-
          “ M.Kemal Atatürk gave April 23  tle ladies, little gentlemen! You are   registered with a different GP but  kol but she complained in 2017 after  gery, in Staining, Lancashire, in 1984
         to our children, who are the future  all a rose, star and light of fortune   over the next seven years Celikkol  writing a ‘story’ about her experienc-  before taking over the Grange Park
         of our society and the security of  of the future.           continued to prescribe her the tab-  es whilst undergoing counselling.  in 1990 and running both practices
         our country, and wanted them to   You are the one who will flood the   lets including Prozac and the appe-  Recalling the early days of the her  simultaneously caring for 2,500 pa-
         protect the rules of national sover-  country with the real light. Work   tite suppressant Reductil.  relationship, she said:’I didn’t want  tients.
         eignty. April 23, which is gifted to  accordingly by thinking how impor-  The tribunal heard Celikkol would  to have sex but I felt trapped in a   Celikkol said Ms A had made up
         children and is the only universal  tant and valuable you are. We expect   prescribe her excess doses of Zopi-  situation I didn’t know how to get  the affair but admitted meeting her
         holiday,  is  the  biggest  expression  a lot from you." Adding “Long live   clone so she could take up to double  out of because he was also prescrib-  socially and watching her sing in a
         of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's strong  April 23, National Sovereignty and   the daily recommended amount.  ing me medication I really needed at  social club. He denied prescribing ex-
         belief that the future will rise on the  Children's Day!”      Initially, the woman known as Ms  that time...” Celikkol moved to the  cess quantities of prescription drugs.
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