Page 35 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1102
P. 35

6                                                                                           Londra Gazete, 21 April 2022

                                                                             Boris Johnson branded

                                                                       'dishonest' by Keir Starmer

                                                                        AS Mr Johnson addressed MPs
                                                                      in the Commons for the first time
                                                                      since being issued the fine by the
                                                                      Metropolitan Police for attend-
                                                                      ing his own birthday party in the
                                                                      cabinet room in Downing Street
                                                                      in June 2020, the Labour leader
                                                                      said "the public does not believe
                                                                      a word the prime minister says",
                                                                      and that partygate "is not a glitch
                                                                      in the system".
             Former PM criticises plan to                               It  came  as  former  Tory  chief

          send asylum seekers to Rwanda                               whip Mark Harper told Mr John-
                                                                      son he is "no longer worthy of the
                                                                      great office that he holds" and
          THERESA  May  has criticised   Under the plans, approved ref-  confirmed he has submitted a let-
         plans to send asylum seekers to  ugees will have to stay in Rwan-  ter of no confidence in Mr John-  calling Mr Johnson "dishonest" -  the denigration of everything
         Rwanda on the grounds of "le-  da, rather than return to the UK,   son after he was fined for break-  accused Mr Johnson of dragging  that this country stands for".
         gality, practicality and efficacy",  and those who are rejected by the   ing coronavirus laws.  "everyone else down with him".  Liberal Democrat leader Ed
         telling MPs she fears the propos-  Rwandan government will be de-  The PM replied: "I bitterly re-  He also branded the PM's apol-  Davey says it is “profoundly dam-
         als could split up families and in-  ported.                 gret the event in Downing Street  ogy as "half-hearted".      aging to our great country” to
         crease the trafficking of women   "Can  I  say  with  respect  to my   as I have said, but I do believe   Reiterating his call for the  have a prime minister the public
         and children.                 right honourable friend that from   that it is the job of this Govern-  prime minister to resign, the La-  no longer trusts.
          The former Conservative prime  what I have heard and seen so far   ment to get on with the priorities  bour leader urged Conservative   A no-confidence vote in the
         minister raised questions about  of this policy, I do not support the   of the British people and that is  MPs to speak out against the ac-  prime minister is triggered if
         the new asylum policy - that will  removal to Rwanda policy on the   what we're going to do."  tions of their leader and "bring  1922 chair Sir Graham Brady re-
         see refugees who reach the UK  grounds of legality, practicality   Sir Keir, who was reprimanded  decency, honesty and integrity  ceives 54 letters from Tory MPs
         through illegal routes deported to  and efficacy," former home secre-  by Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle for  back into our politics and stop  calling for Mr Johnson to quit.
         Rwanda - as Home Secretary Priti  tary Mrs May told the Commons.
         Patel defended the plans.       Ms Patel said "access to the UK's
          The first migrants are expected  asylum system should be based
         to be sent to Rwanda on a char-  on need, not the ability to pay   “UK should put clocks forward extra
         tered  flight  in May, however, it  people smugglers" and reiterated
         could be delayed with the govern-  that the plans are consistent with   hour to save on energy bills”
         ment anticipating legal challeng-  the UK's international and legal
         es against the partnership.   obligations.
                                                                        TORY  ministers are being  population and I think the gov-  152 hours’ worth of electricity
                                                                      urged to put British clocks for-  ernment should look very seri-  annually, it is claimed.
         Court issued an order to                                     ward an extra hour to help al-  ously at it,” he said.        Studies Institute estimated that
                                                                                                                                      A 1993 study by the Policy
                                                                                                       “Double summer time would
                                                                      leviate the pressures caused by
                                                                                                     be relatively cheap, it wouldn’t
                                                                      the cost of living crisis.
                 extradite Assange                                    John Lee said moving to Central  ything of significance as far as   the change would save more
                                                                        The  Liberal Democrat  peer  really cost the government an-
                                                                                                                                    than £260m in electricity bills,
                                                                      European Time would help re-   I’m aware.”                    but according to the govern-
                                         An extradition order was issued   duce household bills as it would   Lord Lee said he would call   ment, the effects were “likely
                                       by chief magistrate Paul Gold-  maximise  daylight  in  the  eve-  on the government to consid-  to be small in magnitude” and
                                       spring during a seven-minute   nings. Inflation has reached the  er its position on double sum-  potentially “uncertain in direc-
                                       hearing at Westminster Magis-  highest level in 30 years and en-  mer time when the House of   tion”. Clocks were last changed
                                       trates' Court on Wednesday.    ergy bills continue to rise.   Lords returns from recess later  to save energy during the Sec-
                                         Mr Goldspring said: "In lay-    “It’s a serious, long-term issue  this month. Extending daylight  ond World War but went back to
                                       man's terms, I am duty bound to   for a sizeable proportion of the  hours  would  save  households  normal after the war.
                                       send your case to the secretary of
                                       state for a decision."
                                         The extradition of Assange may   UK set for slowest growth in G7 in 2023
                                       yet be further delayed by an ap-
                                         The 50-year-old was not pres-  THE  war in Ukraine will "se-  leading Western nations, and  rope's main economies, at just
                                       ent in  court physically and in-  verely set back" the global eco-  will be the slowest in 2023, it  1.2%, a near halving from the
          JULIAN  Assange's  extradition   stead watched the administrative   nomic recovery with the UK hit  says.                 2.3% expected previously.
                                                                                                       The body says that UK growth
         to the US has moved a step closer  proceedings by video link from   harder than most, the Interna-  will slow as price pressures lead   The  2023 UK  figure is  the
                                                                      tional Monetary Fund has said.
         after a court order.          Belmarsh Prison.                 The conflict is driving up pric-  households to cut spending,   slowest apart from heavily-sanc-
          Westminster      Magistrates'  Assange is wanted in the US   es for food and fuel which the  while rising interest rates are   tioned Russia in the wider G20
         Court has formally issued an or-  over an alleged conspiracy to ob-  international  body expects  to  expected to "cool investment".  grouping,  which includes  na-
         der to extradite the WikiLeaks  tain and disclose national defence   slow growth globally.    The UK's economy is now pre-  tions such as China and India.
         founder after years of legal toing  information after WikiLeaks pub-  It has cut its global forecast  dicted to grow by 3.7% this year,   The IMF said that the UK was
         and froing.                   lished hundreds of thousands of   and also downgraded its outlook  down from the previous forecast   the fastest growing G7 economy
          Home Secretary Priti Patel will  leaked documents relating to the   for the UK.            of 4.7% made in January.       in 2021, and is forecast to be the
         need  to approve the order,  al-  Afghanistan and Iraq wars.   This means the UK will no      However, next year, the UK  second fastest in 2022.
         though  defence  lawyers  may  yet   He  has  always  denied  any   longer be the fastest growing  is expected to have the slowest   The low UK growth rates fore-
         appeal to the High Court.     wrongdoing.                    economy in the G7 group of  growth in the G7 and across Eu-   cast i
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