Page 34 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1102
P. 34
Londra Gazete, 21 April 2022 7
Fridge-freezer prices
up by 30%, says retail boss
THE prices of fridges, freezers
and dishwashers are up by a third
since last year and set to climb
higher, the boss of a white goods
retailer says.
Nick Glynne from Buy It Direct,
which owns Appliances Direct,
blamed Covid lockdowns in Chi-
Households cancel streaming na, shortages of materials and
services to cut costs, report says sky-high shipping costs.
He said squeezed consumers
are now holding off on big ticket
THE rising cost of living in Brit- subscriptions for platforms such as
ain has led to households cancelling Netflix, Disney+ and Amazon Prime. purchases.
their streaming subscriptions, new It comes as the UK's cost of liv-
research suggests. But researchers said the propor- ing rises at its fastest rate since
A total of 1.51 million servic- tion of consumers planning to cancel 1992, with petrol and energy
es were canned in the first three subscriptions stating the primary costs soaring.
months of 2022, market research reason as "wanting to save money" Mr Glynne said Appliances Di- can fridge freezer that we bring crease in cost, which has a knock
firm Kantar said. had risen to its highest ever level rect, which he says has an 8% in over from China, pre-Covid on effect to the consumer."
It said more than half a million at 38%, up from 29% in final three share of UK appliance market, that cost around £12 to ship, £12 In January the boss of Curry's
cancellations were attributed to months of 2021. was facing much higher wholesale door-to-door from a factory in PC World told Sky News price ris-
"money saving", with households Kantar said households were costs which it was forced to pass northern China across to the UK es were "inevitable" for electrical
budgeting for higher prices and ener- "starting to seriously prioritise on to customers. and that would take six months
gy bills instead. where and how their disposable in- Shoppers are paying about 30% lead time," he said. and tech goods in 2022 due to
About 58% of Britain's homes now come is spent". more than a year ago for fridges, "Now we're looking at 12-14 rising component, transport and
have at least one paid streaming ser- Besides mounting cancellations, range cookers and dishwashers, months lead time and the price wage costs.
vice. the early months of 2022 saw the he told BBC Radio 4's Today pro- for freight alone has gone up to And AO World said in Novem-
The height of coronavirus pan- lowest ever rate of new subscribers, gramme. around £80 for that unit. So a ber that its prices had climbed by
demic and lockdowns saw surges in Kantar said. "If you look at a large Ameri- £299 fridge has now got a £70 in- 10-12% due to similar pressures.