Page 37 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1102
P. 37

4                                                                                           Londra Gazete, 21 April 2022

                                                                       London named the 4th Best City

                                                                                     for Students in the UK

                                                                        CITIES  across  the UK  were
                                                                      ranked according to; affordability,
                                                                      education quality, availability and
                                                                      frequency of public transportation,
                                                                      range of dining options at different
                                                                      price points, social life and univer-
                                                                      sities with the highest employment
                                                                        London was named The 4th Best
                                                                      City  for  Students  in  the  UK  for
             Cooking oil spillage causes                              2022 after Edinburgh in 1st, Man-
                                                                      chester in 2nd and Glasgow in 3rd
           chaos on M25 for second day                                place.
                                                                        The survey carried out but en-
                                                             stated that “Choos-
             A cooking oil spillage on the   The Met warned motorists to
           northern part of the M25 mo-  avoid the area.              ing the greatest city in the UK for
                                                                      your career aspirations, on the oth-
           torway has caused huge queues   National Highways said the   er hand, can be a time-consuming
           for nearly 24 hours.         crash involved a HGV and a    and critical decision. Affordability,   for Scotland totally subsidises un-  the gourmet, cultural, and nightlife
             The Metropolitan Police said  van and advised that the M25                              dergraduate students from within  scene. The public transit system is
           officers were called to reports  remains closed between Junc-  school quality, public transporta-  the  EU...”  While  London  “...offers  terrific as well. The only disadvan-
                                                                      tion, dining out, and social life are
           of a lorry crash on the motor-  tions 23 and 25.           all important considerations...”  a huge array of courses for founda-  tage is that it is one of the most ex-
           way in Enfield, north London,   It added: “Traffic officers and   Stating that Edinburgh is “...a   tional, graduate, and postgraduate  pensive cities in the world...” Stat-
           at 11:15 BST on Tuesday.     contractors  remain  on  scene   popular choice due to its rich histo-  study, leading to a plethora of in-  ing rent and the price of living to be
             National Highways warned  and are working to clear a large                                                             the biggest downfall to living in the
           part of the road was still closed  spillage of cooking oil from the   ry, which can be seen through the  ternational scholarships and excel-  capital  Also on the top 15 list were
                                                                      spectacular architecture,  friendly  lent work opportunities. The capi-
           at 08:00 Wednesday.          carriageway.                  people, and a wealth of socio-cul-  tal city is a city that never sleeps. It  Coventry, Nottingham, Birming-
             No-one was injured in the in-  “The road is likely to remain
           cident, but miles of stationary  closed throughout the morn-  tural events. Though tuition prices  is one of Europe's most prominent  ham, Aberdeen, Brighton, New-
                                                                      are slightly higher than in other UK  business, cultural, and tourist at-
                                                                                                                                    castle upon Tyne, Leeds, Sheffield,
           traffic have been captured on  ing due to the complex nature   cities, the Students Awards Agency  tractions. You will be fascinated by  Liverpool, Cardiff and Belfast.
           camera by commuters.         of the clean-up.”
                                                                          ‘More people are worried about

                                                                      money than catching coronavirus’

                                                                        ALMOST  four in 10 people  (56% versus 63%).                from UCL’s Institute of Epide-
                                                                      (38%) are worried about their fi-  Working age adults were twice  miology and Health Care, said:
                                                                      nances up from 32% in January  as likely as older people to report  “These findings could suggest
                                                                      and the highest level since the  concerns.                    that our return to more ‘normal’
                                                                      start of the pandemic, according   There has also been a drop in  living has not had all the mental
                                                                      to researchers at University Col-  happiness and life satisfaction  health benefits that people nec-
                                                                      lege London (UCL).             levels month-on-month since the  essarily expected. “But it is also
                                                                        This compares to 33% who are   summer of 2021.              notable that the last few months
                                                                      concerned about getting Cov-     Some 49% said they feel in con-  have seen a cost of living crisis
                                                                      id-19, down from 40% in January,   trol of their mental health, down  emerge. “Concerns about money
         Day-Mer Youth camp took                                      the Covid-19 Social Study found.  from 54% six months ago.    have  been  increasing,  with  peo-
                                                                                                       And the proportion of people  ple now more concerned about
                                                                        Researchers  said  the  chang-
                    place once again                                  es  likely reflect  concerns  about   with symptoms of anxiety and  finances than about Covid-19.
                                                                                                     depression is at its highest level  “This suggests that new psycho-
                                                                      the cost-of-living crisis, while
                                                                      the lifting of legal restrictions in   for 11 months, the survey found.  logical stressors are becoming
           THE  Turkish-Kurdish Solidarity  to enojoy the youth camp once                              Lead author Dr Daisy Fancourt,  dominant for individuals.”
         Centre DAYMER, organized their  again.                       England has affected how people
                                                                      view coronavirus.
         annual youth camp after two years.   Great interest was shown for the
           Day-Mer which has been active  weeklong camp, which started on   The findings are based on a
         in London for many years, each  April 11. Young people attending   survey of 28,495 people between
         year held their youth camp over  the camp in large numbers had fun   March 21 and 27 across the UK.
         the school Easter holiday period.  with various activities.    Researchers  said  the  chang-
         Teens would take part in the trip   Activities in many fields such as   es  likely reflect  concerns  about
         where they would learn new skills  art, music, theatre, camping, cook-  the cost-of-living crisis, while
         and grow their interest in camp-  ing and day trips were carried out.   the lifting of legal restrictions in
         ing and social and physical actives,  At the same time, in this camp, the   England has affected how people
         However in the last two years due  problematic issues in the life of the   view coronavirus.
         to  the coronavirus  pandemic  has  youth were discussed and aware-  The findings are based on a
         meant  that  they  youth  camp  was  ness was raised. The young people,   survey of 28,495 people between
         not able to take place.       meeting each other and sharing   March 21 and 27 across the UK.
          This year for the first time since  the same environment, spent some   It also found that fewer people
         the pandemic a group of young  time away from city life and daily   felt in control of their finances in
         teenagers and organisers were able  routines.                March than in October last year
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