Page 40 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1102
P. 40
Thursday 21 April 2022 Issue 1102 50p
020 8889 5025 ASUK: Happy April 23rd twitter@LondraGazete 020 8889 5025
National Sovereignty
and Children's Day!
THE Atatürk Society UK (ASUK) has shared their
National Sovereignty and Children's Day message. The
day celebrated in Turkey as well a diasporas across the
globe has entered its 102th year. In a statement ASUK
said: “Our Great Leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk "April
23 is the beginning of the national history of Turkey
and a new turning point. It expresses the wonder of the
people of Turkey, who stood up against a whole world
of hostility, in forming the Turkish Grand National As-
sembly." “ M.Kemal Atatürk gave April 23 to our chil-
dren, who are the future of our society and the security
of our country, and wanted them to protect the rules of
national sovereignty. April 23, which is gifted to chil-
dren and is the only universal holiday, is the biggest ex-
pression of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's strong belief that
the future will rise on the shoulders of our children and
youth. He expressed how sincerely and... Page 3m
North Cyprus relaxes
Covid travel restrictions
THE Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus’s (TRNC)
The Higher Committee for Infectious Diseases has an-
nounced further lifting and easing of Covid-19 restric-
tions. According to the latest decisions, the ‘Güvende
Kal’ safepass requirement for passengers arriving in the
country has been lifted. As of Tuesday passengers trav-
elling to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus may
enter with their vaccination cards/certificates, a negative
PCR test carried out in the last 72 hours or a negative
rapid test carried out in the last 24 hours if they are un-
LONDON NAMED THE 4TH BEST vaccinated. The Adapass safepass... Page 2m
CITY FOR STUDENTS IN THE UK Londoners show their support
Baby Hazar with SMA
CITIES across the UK were ranked ac- stated that “Choosing the greatest city tuition prices are slightly higher than A family is campaigning to raise the treatment cost
cording to; affordability, education qual- in the UK for your career aspirations, on in other UK cities, the Students Awards of 1.8 million dollars of baby Hazar, who has SMA in
ity, availability and frequency of public the other hand, can be a time-consuming Agency for Scotland totally subsidises Turkey. Support for Little Hazar has also come from
transportation, range of dining options and critical decision. Affordability, school undergraduate students from within the London, volunteers living in London has started a cam-
paign in the capital to help towards the treatment costs.
at different price points, social life and quality, public transportation, dining out, EU...” While London “...offers a huge ar- SMA, which is a genetic disease that affects nerves and
universities with the highest employ- and social life are all important consider- ray of courses for foundational, gradu- muscles, causing muscles to become increasingly weak,
ment rate. London was named The 4th ations...” Stating that Edinburgh is “...a ate, and postgraduate study, leading to currently there is no cure to the disease. However in
Best City for Students in the UK for popular choice due to its rich history, a plethora of international scholarships very limited number of hospitals across the world,
2022 after Edinburgh in 1st, Manches- which can be seen through the spectac- and excellent work opportunities. The treatments is available which help to improved the lives
ter in 2nd and Glasgow in 3rd place. The ular architecture, friendly people, and a capital city is a city that never sleeps. It is of the patient but at a large cost. The drug... Page 3m
survey carried out but wealth of socio-cultural events. Though one of Europe's most... Page 4m