Page 37 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1097
P. 37

4                                                                                          Londra Gazete, 17 March 2022

                                                                        ÇAP organized a panel on 'Our

           Buket Kop appointed as TRNC

             representative in Abu Dhabi                               Women in the Çanakkale Wars'

                                         THE  Turkish Republic of       ÇANAKKALE Commemoration  East, his articles and interviews
                                        Northern Cyprus’s (TRNC)      Platform (ÇAP) organized a panel  published in the field of history
                                        London Consul Buket Kop has   on 'Our Women in the Çanakkale  over six hundred in various scien-
                                        been appointed the new TRNC   Wars'. The online panel, which  tific journals, popular periodicals
                                        Representative for Abu Dhabi.     took place on Wednesday, March  and  newspapers, and  numerous
                                        Kop, who has been working in   16, was moderated by ÇAP Pres-  scientific studies published in the
                                        the TRNC London Representa-   ident Servet Hassan, and Çanak-  field of history.
                                        tion Office for many years, will   kale Onsekiz Mart University fac-  Dr. Mithat Atabay was a jury
                                        be starting her new role as the   ulty member Dr Mithat Atabay  member in Çanakkale Epic Center
                                        TRNC Abu Dhabi Representa-    attended as a speaker.         and Ağadere Hospital Martyrdom
                                        tive on August 1, 2022 and will   Dr Atabay a member of the  Projects. He has 37 published
                                        be stationed in the Middle East
                                        until July 31, 2023.  The offi-  university History department  books on History and Çanakkale
                                        cial statement regarding the   joined the online event giving his  Wars. He has been the Head of  land.
                                        new assignment was published   vast  knowledge  on  Cultural  His-  Arıburnu (Anzac) Battlefields   Dr Atabay's book titled "Wom-
                                        in the TRNC Official Gazette.   tory, Foreign Policy, Çanakkale  Research Project since 2010, sup-  en of Çanakkale Victory" was
                                                                      Wars, Çanakkale City History  ported by the Governments of  published by Paradigma Akademi
                                                                      and the Balkans and the Middle  Turkey, Australia and New Zea-  Publications in 2021.

         Third person charged with murder

           of Nikolay Vandev in Tottenham                               Majority of Londoners say looming

          A third person has been charged                              council tax bill hikes are unjustified
         with murder following the fatal
         stabbing of Nikolay Petrov Vandev                              NEARLY two thirds of London-  of bills is added, this will push  affordable housing, 38 per cent
         in north London.                                             ers say looming hikes in council  up benchmark Band D bills for a  tackling anti-social behaviour, 31
          Baris Eren, 19 was charged on                               tax are not justified, a new poll re-  typical household by at least £70  per cent lower taxes. 25 per cent
         Monday 14 March with murder,                                 veals on Wednesday.            a year in more than half of bor-  improving air quality, 23 per cent
         grievous bodily harm with intent                               The YouGov survey for the  oughs.                           more council housing and 22 per
         and possession of a knife. He ap-                            Queen Mary University of Lon-    A few boroughs will see average  cent better public transport.
         peared in custody at Barkingside                             don’s Mile End Institute found 64  bills in excess of £2,000.   The survey also found that 42
         Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday.                               per cent of adults in the capital do   The cost-of-living squeeze and  per  cent  of  Londoners  believe
          Police rushed to Penshurst Road                             not believe the council tax rises in  the Covid pandemic appear to be  their local council is doing a “good
         in Tottenham on Monday March                                 April are justified, with just 20 per  taking  their toll on the  capital,  job”, compared to 35 per cent say-
         8 following reports of a stabbing.                           cent saying they are.          with  64 per  cent  of Londoners  ing a “bad job”. As the local elec-
         Officers found three men at the                                The majority of the city’s 33 bor-  saying they felt life in the city had  tions are approaching, 34 per cent
         scene, two who had stab wounds.                              oughs are planning to raise their  worsened over the last four years,  of Londoners say they plan to vote
          Nikolay Vandev, aged 19, was  old boy were found guilty at Wood   share of bills by the maximum  with only seven per cent saying  Labour, 17 per cent Conservative,
         pronounced dead at the scene.  Green Crown Court on Friday, Feb-  2.99 per cent permitted by the  it had improved. When asked  and eight per cent for the Liber-
          An 18-year-old man was treat-  ruary 25 of the murder of 19-year-  Government.             how best to make London a more  al Democrats, with 17 per cent
         ed  for stab  wounds  and taken to  old Vandev.                When the 8.8 per cent hike in  “liveable” city:  Fifty-one per cent  “don’t know”, and six per cent for
         hospital. His injuries were not   The pair was also found guilty for   London Mayor Sadiq Khan’s share  highlighted the need for more  the Greens.
         life-threatening. And an 18-year-  grievous bodily harm to a second
         old man was treated for minor in-  19-year-old and had previously
         juries.                       pleaded guilty to possession of a   London hits 16.2C as the capital is
          Ali Tasyurdu 18 and a 16-year-  knife on June 7, 2021.
                                                                                 hotter than the Meditteran

          Gatwick Express service to                                    LONDON  has  been  hotter  than

                    London resumes                                    Spain’s Costa Brava on Tuesday, with
                                                                      the mercury hitting over 16C in the
          NON-STOP trains from Lon-    es, rail bosses warned.        capital.
         don to Gatwick Airport running   Operator Govia Thameslink     The temperature hit 16.2C in Nort-
         seven days a week are scheduled  Railway (GTR) said two services   holt, the Met Office confirmed, after
         to resume next month after more  an hour would run between Lon-  predictions there will be a heatwave
         than two years.               don and Gatwick, compared with   arriving in the UK in April. London’s
          Gatwick Express was suspend-  four before the pandemic.     average temperature at this time of
         ed in March 2020 as passengers   The ongoing upgrade to the air-  year is 12 degrees so the forecaster
         numbers dipped due to the Cov-  port station meant more trains   said we were “above average”.  below average temperatures for this  degrees  as well as as Turkey which
         id-19 pandemic.               could not currently be accommo-  “It’s been a fairly unusually warm  type  of year. According  to  World  saw the highest of 14 degrees ins
          The service resumed on week-  dated, GTR said.              day for the time of year,” said mete-  Weather Online, London’s tempera-  Adana and Antayla on Tuesday. Both
         days in December, but was axed   Gatwick Express general man-  orologist Tom Morgan.        ture has beaten Spain’s popular Cos-  Cyprus and Turkey have been hit
         two weeks later due to engineer-  ager Stephen MacCallaugh said:   “We’ve seen a nice bright day so far  ta Brava region which is experienc-  with cold weather in the last week,
         ing works and Omicron.        "Now is the time to get our service   with some high level cloud.”  ing highs of 14 degrees on Tuesday.  with snow fall gridlocking Istanbul
          A seven-day timetable would  running again to support the air-  Mr Morgan said the temperature   Based on the Met Office tempe-  to a standstill over the weekend and
         resume on 3 April, although engi-  port and the economic recovery in   was higher than in south eastern  tures in London was warmers the the  see hundreds of flights in and out of
         neering works would affect servic-  the South East."         parts of Europe which are seeing  saptial of Cyprus whic was just 13  the country cancelled.
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