Page 35 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1097
P. 35

6                                                                                          Londra Gazete, 17 March 2022

                                                                       Homes for Ukraine refugee

                                                                              scheme launches in UK

                                                                        THE government has launched
                                                                      its Homes for Ukraine site for
                                                                      those wanting to host a refugee,
                                                                      with 100,000  signing up within
                                                                      the first day.
                                                                        Housing   and  Communities
                                                                      Secretary  Michael  Gove  said the
                                                                      UK had a history of "supporting
          Johnson in UAE in bid to                                    the most vulnerable during their
                                                                      darkest hours".
                                                                        He said there would be no lim-
          end West's 'addiction' to                                   it to how many Ukrainians could
                                                                      enter the UK under the visa spon-
                 Putin's oil and gas                                  sorship scheme.                up to offer their help so far," he   But Ukrainian refugees with no
                                                                        Each household housing a refu-
                                                                      gee will be offered £350 a month,  tweeted.                   family or other links to the UK
          BORIS Johnson held talks with  ticular has built up on Putin's hy-  tax-free. They will not be expect-  People who wish to offer a rent-  can and will be hosted as part of
         the leaders of Saudi Arabia and the  drocarbons, on Putin's oil and gas,   ed to provide food and living ex-  free space in their home or a sep-  the scheme, Mr Gove said.
         United Arab Emirates as he bids to  we can see what a mistake that was   penses but can choose to offer  arate residence, for at least six   He said the sponsorship scheme
         end the West's "addiction" to Rus-  because he's been able to blackmail   this.             months, can register their inter-  was initially only between people
         sian oil and gas.             the West and hold western econ-  Prime Minister Boris Johnson  est online.                   who are already known to each
          With Vladimir Putin's increas-  omies to ransom - we need inde-  said it was "fantastic" that more   They will be able to individual-  other so it gets "up and running
         ingly barbaric assault on Ukraine  pendence."                than 100,000 people and organi-  ly sponsor a Ukrainian national's  as soon as possible".
         set to enter a third week, the prime   This  would  allow Western na-  sations had expressed interest in  visa from Friday. Those initial ap-  Almost three million people
         minister is visiting the Gulf in a  tions to wean themselves off Rus-  supporting Ukrainians.  plications will rely on the appli-  have fled Ukraine since Vladimir
         stepping-up of his efforts to starve  sian supplies and deal a further fi-  "Thank you to everyone across  cant knowing a named individual  Putin ordered the Russian inva-
         Moscow of its income from fossil  nancial blow to Moscow. However,   the country who has stepped  from Ukraine they want to help.  sion nearly three weeks ago.
         fuels.                        Mr Johnson is facing criticism over
          Mr  Johnson will meet  with  his trip from both MPs and human
         Crown Prince Mohammed bin  rights campaigners - as it comes   `
         Zayed in Abu Dhabi on Wednesday,  just days after Saudi Arabia con-  UK bans luxury goods exports to Russia
         before travelling to Riyadh to speak  ducted a mass execution of 81 men.
         with Crown Prince Mohammed bin   The Saudi crown prince has also   THE  UK government has  rise  on current rates, which  are   Chancellor Rishi Sunak said:
         Salman. Speaking to broadcasters  been largely shunned by the West   placed an export ban on luxury  different for each product, and  "Our new tariffs will further iso-
         at the Emirates Palace hotel in Abu  since the 2018 murder of journalist   goods to Russia and hiked up im-  will hit £900m worth of key  late the Russian economy from
         Dhabi, he said: "When we look at  Jamal Khashoggi,  which he is ac-  port tariffs from the country on  products such as Russian vodka,  global trade, ensuring it does
         the dependency the West in par-  cused of having ordered.      iconic products such as vodka.  metals, fertilisers and other com-  not benefit from the rules-based
                                                                          British vehicles, high-end fash-  modities.              international system it does not
                                                                        ion and art are some of the lux-  All export finance support to  respect." Details of exactly which
                                                                        ury goods that will no longer be  Russia and Belarus is also being  products are affected by the ex-
                                                                        exported to  Russia as the West  withdrawn, meaning the UK will  port ban will be set out soon, but
                                                                        continues  to  attempt  to  isolate  no longer issue any new guaran-  the  government  said  it  would
                                                                        the country after Vladimir Putin  tees, loans, and insurance for ex-  likely include high-end fashion,
                                                                        ordered the invasion of Ukraine  ports to the countries.   works of art and luxury vehicles.
                                                                        nearly three weeks ago.        The export ban is part of coor-  Britain exported £193m of
                                                                          The new import duty hike will  dinated action by the UK and its  goods to Russia in January alone
                                                                        represent a 35 percentage point  allies in the G7.         and £3bn in 2021.

                                                                       Government says it remains committed

         Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe                                                  to banning hunting trophies

                 on way home to UK                                      THE government has said it re-                                With the right paperwork, they
                                                                      mains committed to banning the                                can then bring trophies, such as
          NAZANIN     Zaghari-Ratcliffe,  week.                       import of hunting trophies in its                             stuffed heads or horns, back to
         the British-Iranian woman de-   Her husband Richard Ratcliffe,  forthcoming Animals Abroad Bill.                           the UK.
         tained in Iran nearly six years  who lives with their daughter Ga-  Concerns were raised by some                             The Animals Abroad Bill is one
         ago, has been released and is on  briella in Hampstead, London,   Tory MPs that the ban - promised                         of a number of pieces of legisla-
         her way back to the UK.       had campaigned for her release,   in the party's 2019 general elec-                          tion planned by the government
          The 43-year-old was arrested  including by going on hunger   tion manifesto - would be dropped                            to protect animal welfare.
         in 2016 and accused of plotting  strike in October last year.  after media reports.                                          Announcing the plan for a ban
         to overthrow the Iranian govern-  Foreign Secretary Liz Truss told
         ment, which she denied.       BBC  Breakfast  that  securing  her   Other  measures  in  the  bill  to                     in December, Environment Secre-
          Her MP, Tulip Siddiq, tweeted  freedom, and the freedom of oth-  ban the import and sale of fur and                       tary George Eustice said it would
         that Mrs Zaghari-Ratcliffe was  er dual national detainees - like   foie gras are likely to be dropped.                    protect thousands of endangered
         at the airport in Tehran. She had  Anoosheh Ashoori and Morad   Every year, hunters  from the                              and threatened species, including
         been under house arrest and was  Tahbaz - was "an absolute prior-  UK travel abroad, often to south-  pounds to legally shoot animals,  lions, rhinos, elephants, and polar
         given her UK passport back this  ity".                       ern Africa, and pay thousands of  such as lions and elephants.  bears.
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