Page 32 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1097
P. 32
Londra Gazete, 17 March 2022 9
ONS: Covid infections rising
again across UK
COVID infections are incre-
asing across the UK with about
one in 25 people infected, accor-
ding to the latest estimates from
the Office for National Statistics
A sub-variant of Omicron, cal-
led BA.2, is now thought to be
the most common strain in most
of the UK.
The ONS says it's too early to
say what's behind the rise in ca-
Common houseplants can reduce air ses. But some scientists belie-
ve the BA.2 variant's increased
pollution by as much as 20%, study reveals transmissibility, recent easing of
restrictions and waning immu-
HOUSEPLANTS are often seen chamber containing levels of NO2 nity from the vaccines could all
as decorative features, but if your similar to an office situated next to be factors.
home is full of potted plants, you a busy road, before being monitored Asked if there were worries modest rise in infections, overall land, up from 5.8% testing posi-
may also be reducing the levels of over a period of an hour. about sub-variants Health Secre- case numbers are still very low tive to 7.8% (one in 13 people),
certain pollutants. The results revealed that all three and hospitalisation numbers are Scotland has seen a rise from
New research led by the Universi- plants were able to remove around tary Sajid Javid said the govern- way below their peak," he said. 5.3% testing positive to 5.7%
ty of Birmingham has revealed that half the NO2 in the chamber over ment had "no concerns at all". The ONS infection survey, whi- (one in 18) while in England, and
common houseplants can reduce the course of an hour. He said Omicron had been the ch tests thousands of people ran- increase from 3.6% testing posi-
levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) – a This was regardless of their envi- last variant to be considered of domly in households across the tive last week to 3.8% (one in 25)
common pollutant – by as much as ronment – including dark and light concern but that the country had UK, estimates that 2.6 million Wales, saw a slight rise up from
20 per cent. conditions, as well as wet or dry. "successfully navigated" it, but he people would have tested positi- 3.1% testing positive to 3.2%
While the biological process be- said the government continued ve in the week ending 5 March - (one in 30 people)
hind the NO2 removal remains un- Dr Christian Pfrang, who led the to monitor the situation "very ca- up from 2.4 million the previous Older age groups are now expe-
clear, the researchers hope the find- study, said: 'The plants we chose were refully". week - roughly one in 27. riencing rising levels of infection
ings will encourage people to fill their all very different from each other, "There's a world-class surveil- with 2.9% of over-70s testing po-
homes or offices with more plants. yet they all showed strikingly similar lance system in place, and whilst There were also rises across the sitive in England - the highest le-
In the study, which was carried out abilities to remove NO2 from the at- in some regions we have seen a four UK nations: in Northern Ire- vel since mid-January.
in collaboration with the Royal Hor- mosphere.
ticultural Society (RHS), the team 'This is very different from the way
tested three common houseplants indoor plants take up CO2 in our `
– Peace lily (Spathiphyllum wallisii), earlier work, which is strongly de- Brits with type 1 diabetes to be offered a
Corn plant (Dracaena fragrans) and pendent on environmental factors
fern arum (Zamioculcas zamiifolia). such as night time or daytime, or soil high-tech implant with real time monitors
Each plant was placed into a test water content.'
ALL 400,000 Britons with type a decade, spending watchdogs much insulin to inject before and
‘Olive leaf extract can reduce knee pain’ 1 diabetes will soon be offered a judged it too expensive to offer after meals. An accurate reading
high-tech implant that monitors to every patient. But NHS chiefs is essential. With too much insu-
A pill made from the leaves of olive cancer, ulcerative colitis and even their blood sugar level in real time, have announced they now plan to lin, the blood sugar drops and pa-
trees may act as a natural painkiller depression. The study, published The Mail on Sunday can reveal. fund the monitors for all. tients can suffer hypoglycaemia,
for some people, a study suggests. in the Therapeutic Advances in Mus- The small gadget had been rest- If a patient goes untreated, they which is sometimes fatal. A conti-
Patients with severe knee joint culoskeletal Disease journal, looked ricted by the NHS because of cost, quickly develop life-threatening nuous glucose monitor beams the
pain who took the supplement twice at 124 people aged 55 and over. It and made available only to those conditions such as heart and kid- information back to a smartpho-
a day for six months reported fewer was led by Marie-Noëlle Horcajada, most in need. But Dr Partha Kar, ney disease. To protect against ne. Alerts can be programmed to
aches compared to a placebo group. a Swiss bone scientist at food and NHS England's national speciality these complications, type 1 dia- warn of dangerous highs or lows.
The clinical trial did not find any drink giant Nestle — which funded adviser for diabetes, says patients betes patients monitor their blo- The device is implanted just below
improvement in people who were in the research. Participants were split will now have access to the ex- od sugar levels so they know how the skin above the elbow.
moderate or low pain, however. evenly between men and women and pensive technology within weeks,
The Swiss researchers who led the just over half were overweight. marking the end of finger-prick
study say olive leaf extract could pro- Exactly 62 people were given blood tests.
vide an alternative to traditional pain 125mg of olive leaf extract in tablet The results show how much
meds which can cause side effects form twice a day. The other half of insulin – which helps the body
after prolonged use. The thin, flat participants received a placebo. absorb sugars in food – they will
leaves of olive trees contain high lev- Over six months, the participants need to inject to keep their blood
els of compounds called polyphenols completed a survey to assess their sugar stable and avoid potentially
which are known to have an anti-in- pain levels, known as the overall fatal spikes or falls.
flammatory effect. Inflammation is Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Out- The implant, called a continu-
one of the biggest factor in patients come Score (KOOS) score. The ex- ous blood glucose monitor, is no
with chronic joint pain. Studies have tract was found to have a significant larger than a £2 coin and sits on
shown olive oil can protect the heart effect on people who had the highest the arm, beaming updates to the
by reducing the build-up of fatty de- pain levels to begin with. user's phone.
posits inside the coronary arteries. In this group, KOOS scores were While the technology has been
Olives have also been credited with around 65 in the supplement group, available in the UK for more than
helping to lower the risk of breast compared to 50 in the placebo group.