Page 33 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1097
P. 33

8                                                                                          Londra Gazete, 17 March 2022

             Pedestrian killed and                                     Five jailed following fatal stabbing in Enfield

                                                                        FIVE  men  have  been  jailed  for  ughter and aggravated burglary.
           car passenger critically                                   more than 34 years following a  Four other men pleaded guilty to
                                                                      Met  investigation into the  fatal  aggravated burglary and a sixth
         injured in A406 collision                                    stabbing of a man in Enfield.  man to assisting an offender.
                                                                        Skender Ismaili, 30, was killed
                                                                                                       On 11 March 2022, Coulibaly
                                                                      in the early hours of 17 July 2020  was jailed at Woolwich Crown
          DETECTIVES are appealing for   aged in his 40s was also taken   in Lytton Avenue, Enfield. The  Court for 11 years.
         witnesses following a fatal collisi-  to  hospital,  where  his  condition   homicide investigation  quickly   The four men who admitted
         on on the North Circular Road.  is not life-threatening. He was   established  that  the  fatal  stab-  aggravated burglary are Mason
          Police were called at 21:48hrs   arrested on suspicion of causing   bing happened while the five de-  Harris-Williams jailed for six
         on Friday, 11 March, to a car in   death by dangerous driving and   fendants  were burgling  a  canna-  years four months, Daniel Flet-
         collision  with  a  pedestrian  and   has been released under investi-  bis factory with which Mr Ismaili  cher jailed for five years, Ahmed
         subsequently a house on the east-  gation.                   was connected.                 Yamac jailed for five years five
         bound A406 in Neasden.          The car is a white BMW. It colli-  A post-mortem examination  months, and Jazeel Lewis jailed
          The pedestrian a man, aged in   ded with a house causing signifi-  held on 19 July 2020 confirmed  for seven years.
         his 30s  was pronounced dead at   cant structural damage.    that Mr Ismali was killed by a   Haseeb Nadeem of Raynes Park
         the scene.                      Detectives from the Serious   single stab wound to the chest.  received a two year suspended
          A passenger in the car a man,   Collision Investigation Unit are   Ali Coulibaly, 21 pleaded guilty  sentence for assisting an offen-
         aged in his 50s was taken to hos-  investigating. Any witnesses or   on 15 December 2021 to mansla-  der.
         pital. His condition remains li-  anyone with dashcam footage are
         fe-threatening.                asked to call them on 020 8246
          The driver of the car a man,   9820, ref 7729/11mar.
                                                                             Police appeal to identify man

         70-year-old man stuck with                                    after woman assaulted in Barking

           his own car in Upminster                                                                    DETECTIVES are appealing for  with in connection with the as-

                                                                                                     help to trace a man they need to  sault.
          A   pensioner was struck with   A Scotland Yard spokesman                                  speak with in connection with an   He is known to have frequented
         his own Range Rover after con-  said: “Officers investigating es-                           ongoing investigation.         the Leyton and Barking areas.
         fronting a car thief trying to flee   tablished  that  the  victim  had                       Police were called at 21:55hrs   Detective Constable Neil Go-
         the scene.                     been  returning  to  his  parked                             on 18 November 2021 to reports  dwin, from the East Area Com-
          The 70-year-old victim was ta-  Range Rover when he saw that it                            of an assault on a woman, aged in  mand Unit which covers Barking,
         ken to hospital after he tried to   was being stolen.                                       her 30s, in Barking Park close to  said: “It is vital that we locate
         stop the car thief, who was in the   “The suspect drove at the vic-                         Longbridge Road.               Ioan Bilasco. Have you seen him,
         process of stealing his parked   tim, colliding with him, as he fled                          Officers attended and were in-  or do you know of his wherea-
         4x4 in Avon Road, Upminster at   the scene in the stolen vehicle.”                          formed that the woman had been  bouts?
         12.50pm on Thursday. His condi-  No arrests have been made so far.                          assaulted by a man who then      “Please call us with any infor-
         tion is still not known.        Anyone who witnessed this in-                               sexually  assaulted her. The wo-  mation or contact Crimestoppers
          Detectives believe the suspect   cident or has footage should call                         man continues to be supported  anonymously.”
         was  riding a  moped  before the   police on 101 or Tweet @MetCC                            by specialist officers.          Anyone with information is as-
         theft.                         quoting 3236/10MAR.                                            Detectives have named 30-ye-  ked to call police via 101 quoting
                                                                                                     ar-old  Ioan  Bilasco  as  someone  reference CAD 7740/18Nov21 or
                                                                                                     they need to locate and speak  Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
         Met officer headbutted

                barman in City of                                      Detectives release images of men wanted
                                                                               in connection with serious assault

                       London bar                                       OFFICERS  are appealing for  dics and found a 40-year-old man  nose, swelling and bruising.

                                                                      the public’s help to trace two  who had serious injuries to his   Detectives  have  identified
          A  A Metropolitan Police offi-  Mr White when the manager   men wanted in connection with  head, neck, arm and hand.      30-year-old John Paul McDonagh
         cer headbutted a City bar mana-  challenged the group for mo-  a serious assault in Chiswick last   He was taken to hospital where  and 19-year-old Shamus Mongan
         ger after he and his colleagues  ving around and having more   month.                       he underwent extensive reconst-  as people they wish to speak to
         were accused of breaking Covid  than six sitting together at one   Police were called to a pub in  ructive surgery. His injuries will  about the incident.
         rules on a boozy night out.    table.                        Chiswick High Road at 11.20pm  require ongoing treatment and    McDonagh is from Greenford
          Pc Luke Wilson, 28, squared    The Pc claimed self-defence,   on  Saturday, 19 February  fol-  rehabilitation.            while Mongan is from Hendon.
         up to Johnny White at the Be  but District Judge Briony Clar-  lowing reports that a man had   Another man was also subjec-  Both men are known to frequent
         At One cocktail bar when staff   ke dismissed his evidence as   been stabbed.               ted to an assault by multiple pe-  other areas and could be anywhe-
         complained about off-duty po-  “not honest or credible” and    Officers attended with parame-  ople, leaving him with a broken  re in London.
         lice officers flouting the rule of  suggested Wilson’s police col-
         six on a team-bonding evening.  leagues had been breaking the
          Westminster     magistrates’  rules.                        15-year-old boy charged with terrorism offences
         court heard officers flashed the-  Finding Wilson guilty, the ju-
         ir warrant cards when arriving  dge said it is “clear” from the   A  15-year-old boy has been  under Section 2 of the Terrorism  on Monday, 7 March after offi-
         at the bar, while others told  CCTV footage that the officers   charged with terrorism offences,  Act 2006.                cers attended an address in St Al-
         staff to “lighten up” when they  were not sticking to the instruc-  following an arrest made by the   He is due to appear at West-  bans, Hertfordshire. A warrant of
         were told to abide by the Covid  tion to sit in tables of six or less.  Met's Counter Terrorism Com-  minster Magistrates’ Court on  further detention was later obta-
         regulations.                    She concluded Wilson “was    mand.                          Monday, 14 March. The boy was  ined at Westminster Magistrates'
          Wilson, a police officer with  the aggressor — he got into his   The boy was charged on Sun-  arrested and detained under Sec-  Court, allowing them to detain
         the Met since 2015, headbutted  face and headbutted him”.    day, 13 March with two offences  tion 41 of the Terrorism Act 2000  the boy until Monday, 14 March.
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