Page 38 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1097
P. 38
Londra Gazete, 17 March 2022 3
Turkish Cypriot police officer
Hasan Berkul will compete in MasterChef
out with great happiness that I
EXCULISIVE was selected for the MasterChef
Berkül talked about the pride of
being chosen among thousands of
people and continued as follows:
“It is truly an incredible feeling. It
is a great honor to participate in
the MasterChef program, which
is chosen from among thousands
of people and watched by millions
of people. In addition to this, my
biggest dream is to represent our
Hasan Berkül
Turkish Cypriot identity and in-
MASTERCHEF set out again to fles through a whole new set of area, and I spent my childhood terChef program, made the fol- troduce our cuisine to different
find Britain's best amateur chef, challenges that passionate ama- there. Especially while watching lowing statement in response to and wider audiences. I want to
but this time Hasan Berkül from teurs must complete to advance my grandmother, my interest in the question of how and why he offer something different than
North London's Enfield district in the competition. MasterChef's cooking surged, cooking from applied to the program: the usual dishes. When it comes
will also compete. MasterChef 18th series will air on BBC One Turkish cuisine became a part of "I've been a big MasterChef fan to Turkish cuisine, the first thing
first appeared on our screens in on 23 March. One of the com- my childhood. With the recipes since I was a kid and I always said, that comes to mind is doner ke-
1990. Presented by Loyd Gross- petitors will be Hasan Berkül of I learned from my grandmother, 'I want to be on this show some- bab and chips, but there is actu-
man, 3 contestants in each series Turkish Cypriot origin, who was I developed it more when I lived day. I had decided to apply in ally a wide range of them. I want
competed to be crowned Britain's born and raised in London. alone during my education period January 2021 and did at the end, to introduce and present it. Many
best amateur chef. From these Hasan Berkül, who works as a so this enabled me to evolve my after months I received a phone successful Turkish Cypriots are
humble beginnings, MasterChef police officer in the Southeast- cooking skills too. I laso have ex- call in July. They interviewed me
has continued to be the most ern region of London, told Lon- perience in catering for Turkish over the phone, it was quite a trying various ways to promote
successful fact-entertainment dra Gazete how his journey of weddings for a while.” long procedure. A few weeks af- our cuisine, but it will be the first
format in the world, consistently cooking began. “For many years, Berkül, who worked at the Lon- ter the phone call, they invited time that a Turkish Cypriot Mas-
breaking records and winning my grandparents owned a res- dra Gazete from his youth and me and asked me to take the food terChef will participate, which is
awards. This year, the jury shuf- taurant in the Stoke Newington will now participate in the Mas- I cooked with me. Later, I found an indescribable feeling for me.”
Limassol Association UK: “Together we are stronger”
Forensic autopsy report of
LIMASSOL Association UK, of Arife Retvan, Waltham For-
Hasan Kutlu's death announced one of the oldest and most active est Councillor Ilkay Isa, Council
associations in England, celebrat- of Turkish Cypriot Assoications
with a seriously injured to his leg.
Kutlu was believed to be returning ed International Women's Day Chair Ayşe Osman and business
home from North Middlesex Hospi- with great enthusiasm. Limas- woman Yıldız Armstrong gave
tal, where he was released following solians Association UK comittee speeches and underlined the im-
treatment for Covid-19 at the time members, came together with portance and power of women in
of the incident. their members in East London on the world. Waltham Forest coun-
The cause of death of 60-year-old Sunday, 13 March, and celebrated cillor Ilkay Isa, who made great
Hasan Kutlu, who died unexpected- 8 March International Women's efforts for the Turkish-speaking
ly, has been under investigation for Day. community and achieved many
some time. In the post shared by Arife Retvan, Chair of the Li- successes, was selected as the
Day-Mer on March 10, the results massol Association UK, made the woman of the year, and a plaque
of Kutlu's forensic autopsy report opening speech and used the fol- was presented to Isa by the chair
were announced. The statement of the association, Retvan.
made by Day-Mer is as follows: “The lowing statements: “Limassol As-
LOCALLY named as Hasan Ku- forensic report on the death of our socition UK wanted to emphasize
tlu, a member of the Turkish and dear friend and member Hasan Ku- the importance of such a mean-
Kurdish Community Solidarity tlu, who passed away on September ingful week by organising a din-
Centre(Day-Mer) had passed away 3, 2021, and the related decision ner event on the role of women
on 3rd September 2021. 60-year- hearing have recently been com- in society within the framework
old Hasan Kutlu, who has been at pleted. In the autopsy report of the of the UK International Wom-
the forefront of the working class specialist doctors, it was decided en's Week event. May the smiles,
struggle since his youth and did not that Hasan Kutlu died due to mul- hearts, happiness, beauty and
back down from this struggle until ti-organ failure due to covid-19 and success be permanent from the
his last breath, passed away in Lon- pneumonia. faces of our women. We would
don. According to the information The police investigation, stated like to thank Kanal T London
given by the metro3politan police that no other reason or suspicious
in September 2021, it was stated situation was found in Hasan Kut- Representative Duygu Tağmaç,
that “A 60-year-old man was found lu's death, the police decided not to who voiced our voice and present-
injured on 3rd of September 2021 prosecute the incident. Hence, we ed us on such a meaningful day,
at 3am on a side street in Lang- would like to thank everyone who we would also like to thank all the
hedge Lane, N18.” It was reported did not leave us alone and shared women who participated in our
that he was in a critical condition our pain during this process.” event and everyone who always
supported us. '' After the speech